"The princess is angry!" That maid's mandarin was a little blunt. She knelt in front of Gu Ye and said, "Slave maid is princess Lin Lang's maid! Our princess asked the princess to come over and discuss matters important!"

The old housekeeper received the puzzled look of the little princess, and quickly said: "This is the close-up girl in the house, which was sent by the Yinkui beside the lord!"

Gu Ye frowned, looking at the girl up and down: What on earth did Brother Chen mean? Being so concerned about the princess in the house not only ascertained her identity, canceled the killing order of Yan Wangge, but also helped her find the maid who led the chase away. If she didn’t know him enough, she thought he thought about this wolf princess!

However, her maid does not trust her husband like she does. The full moon stood up angrily and sneered: "Princess? But the girl from the princess who was rescued by our princess, you said it was a princess? Please our princess? What are you, our princess, whoever you want to see? See you?"

The dark-skinned maid changed her face and stared at the full moon with a sharp gaze: "Our princess carries the state book of Mori Kingdom and the tokens representing the royal family of Mori Kingdom. This girl is careful to avoid misfortune. Out!"

If the average maidservant might be frightened by her momentum. After seeing herself as the girl, did Yueyuan see nothing? Not to mention the princess, the emperor has seen two of them, and the crown prince has seen three of them. Are you afraid of a ball?

"Huh! The trouble comes from the mouth? I was scared when your aunt and grandmother? You have to figure out, this is the territory of the Yan Kingdom, not your forest. You are a dragon, and you have to hold me!" Showing arrogance. Gu Ye looked quite fresh from the side. If Dapeng saw it, it would be rare!

"You! Our princess has something to do with the princess, what are you thinking of?" This maid protector is sincere. If it is not asking for help, it is estimated that she can fight with the full moon on the spot.

"What kind of thing are you? Who gave you the right to speak to our princess? Your master has something to find our princess and let her come! Ask for help, and have an attitude of asking for help!" Yueyuan crossed her arms around her chest, attitude Be arrogant and arrogant.

Just kidding, she is now representing their master, the concubine of Ning Wangfu, of course she can't lose!

"Furthermore, I'll take care of your master's injury! Without this girl, I can only catch up with your master's body when you come over!" Yueyuan looked up at her face, facing her with her nostrils.

"You--" The maid put her hand on the scimitar around her waist, her teeth creaking. Gu Ye was afraid she would bite her teeth!

"Uma! Apologies!" A woman with a healthy wheat complexion and a stern appearance, stood there supporting the door of the house, and scolded the maid, "Let you go and invite the princess, are you rude to the princess?"

"Wrong! It's not rude to Princess Ben, it's rude to Princess Ben's maid!" Gu Ye finally said lazily, "We're right about the full moon! No matter what your identity is, Princess Ben, in this courtyard, you only have An identity-that's the patient! Since the girl's injury is not harmful, please please. This Princess will not be far away!"

Gu Ye finished, turned and left very personally. Whatever her princess, being chased to Yan Guo, it must be troublesome. She is not afraid of trouble, but she is not asking for trouble!

"Little doctor, please stay away!" Princess Lin Lang also knows that in the Yan Kingdom, especially in this Ning Wang Mansion, her identity is not dominant. The purpose of her trip is to ask the little doctor to help the younger brother to treat the disease, must not be messed up!

Gu Ye revealed an impatient expression of "speak quickly, speak quickly."

Princess Lin Lang suffocated a bit, but thought about it, her life was still saved by the little god. In the face of life-saving benefactors, there is nothing else to bear. Not to mention that she still asks for people!

"It is said that the little **** doctor is kind and his brother is seriously ill and will die soon. Please ask the little **** doctor to save his life, and our royal family of Mori Kingdom will remember your kindness!" Princess Lin Lang opened her heart and went to their country Etiquette, sincere and authentic.

Gu Ye looked back at her and said, "Is the royal family of Mori Kingdom, I am afraid that the princess cannot represent the royal family of the entire Mori Kingdom? Otherwise, you will not appear so embarrassed in front of the frame of Ning Wangfu!"

Princess Lin Lang clenched her fists and gritted her teeth: "This thing must have been done by the **** carrying the father emperor! From the younger emperor, he hurt me more than the younger brother. It was impossible to condone that bitch. People are so kind to me! When Princess Ben returns to Mori, you must make the **** look good!"

"Then you have to be able to go back! Everyone is going to leave you in this foreign country forever! Although Yan Wangge withdrew the killing order, it does not mean that they have no backhand! You are now seriously injured and there are no powerful people around you Guard. If I were your rival, I would not miss this great opportunity!"

Gu Ye looked at the sky, and it was a little late to go to Fuyuan at this time. The husband is not at home, she is idle and idle, just follow Princess Hala to relieve the boredom!

Princess Lin Lang's personal maid Uma couldn't help but say: "Kasa has gone back to rescue the soldiers! If the emperor knew that our princess was being hunted down by someone, he would send a master to protect it!"

Gu Ye shrugged, not caring about the little maid's intervention, and continued: "But from Shengjing to the capital city of Senguo, it takes nearly a month to go. This month, what should have happened has already happened! "

Uma bit her lip and said, "But... Isn't Ning Wang the God of War of the Yan Kingdom? Should Ning Wang's guards be trained by Ning Wang? Could it still allow the wicked to succeed?"

"Little girl, look at you! Who is your master in Ning Wang Mansion? No matter how powerful Ning Wang Man's guards are, there is no obligation to protect your master and servant?" Gu Ye looked like he saw rare things. Little girl.

Uma's face was flushed, but she didn't dare to say another word in front of Gu Ye. I just talked to the Moon Dome because the two were both maids and the other's mouth was rude to their princess.

But the pretty little girl in front of her is the hostess of Ning Wang Mansion, or a clever doctor. His prince's illness is also expected to be cured. If she offends her, the princess will never spare her!

"Right! The girl said that she was the princess of Mori Kingdom, and she brought the national book and the tokens, so she couldn't live outside Ningwang Mansion! Our Ling family is a military commander, and he holds the weight. This princess is afraid that imperial history will impeach our prince. It's a big crime to copy the family and destroy the ancestors. It is just a big crime to copy the family and destroy the ancestor.

Gu Yeyue thought more and more of this reason. Without giving Princess Linlang the opportunity to speak, she turned and told Yue Yuandao: "Go, then my waist card enters the palace to see the emperor. We accidentally saved Princess Mori, Put a number in front of the emperor. Please tell the emperor what to do..."

"Come on! Little doctor!" Princess Lin Lang hasn't decided to seek medical treatment yet, hurriedly stopped the full moon, and looked at Gu Ye with her praying eyes.

Gu Ye interrupted her and said, "I know what you mean! I want me to go to Senguo to treat your younger brother. But now, I am not only a doctor, but also the hostess of Ningwang Mansion. Very satisfied, and even more satisfied with the elders in the mansion, naturally we must first plan for the mansion."

She paused and said again: "Look! You have the national book in hand, you can go through the official procedures, see the emperor, and ask the emperor to approve me for this trip! Two years ago, I was still in Dongling, the emperor and This is how the crown prince invited me from Dongling to treat their father and son!"

"Princess-let's first consider you as Princess Mori! You must also understand my difficulties, don't make me embarrassed. Besides, our Ning Wangfu guards can have the Emperor's Imperial Guards? Your identity? Once officially confirmed, the emperor will definitely send troops to protect you. After all, Princess Mori’s accident in Yan Guo may cause international disputes..."

Correct! Gu Ye just wanted to throw this hot potato to the emperor and let him have a headache!

After listening to her words, Princess Lin Lang regained her composure. Taking the official route is her last resort. Her current situation is different from that of the royal father and son of Yan Guo who went to Dongling for medical treatment.

Dong Ling is, after all, a vassal state of the Yan Kingdom, and the Emperor Dong Ling's request did not dare to refuse easily. Not only did the Mori State have little friendship with the Yan State, there was still friction at the border. If the Emperor Yan Kingdom is sought, Mori Kingdom must pay a certain price.

It would be much easier if I could ask a small doctor for a private visit. However, she also saw the situation in front of her. The women in the Central Plains are not as free as they are in the Mori Kingdom. Xiao Shenyi was right. After marrying into Ning Wang Mansion, first of all, Ning Wang Fei, and both Ning Wang Mang and Ning Wangyong both lost their prosperity.

Thinking of his brother's illness, UU reads www.uukananshu. Comm can not be forced to seek medical treatment. Princess Lin Lang began to use her brains, thinking about how to exchange the approval of Emperor Yan with the least cost.

Yueyuan held the waist tag of the little magician to see the emperor. Naturally, she was caught green all the way, and it was not long before she was caught outside Yushu Study.

In the Imperial Study Room, Emperor Shengde left Shang Shu of the Ning King, the Ministry of Industry and the Household Ministry, as well as several doctors from the Tai Hospital to discuss the establishment of the medical school.

Chief Executive Li Shun’s son, Xiao Dezi, came in quietly and whispered something to him. Grandpa Li Shun walked to the emperor's side and whispered: "The maid beside Princess Ning took the waist card and said that there was something important to tell."

"Who? Princess Ning? Let her go to see the queen..." Emperor Sheng De's mind was all about medical school.

When Ling Juchen heard her daughter-in-law begging to see the emperor, it was estimated that it was related to the special patient at home. She quickly said to her daughter-in-law: "Return to the emperor, Uchiko returned a few days ago, and went home to save the next girl who was seriously injured..."

As soon as he opened his mouth, the emperor realized that Princess Ning was not this little nephew who had just been married by his nephew! Sheng De Emperor smiled concealedly, and Yan Dao: "Sure enough, he is a little magician, healing the wounded, benevolent..."

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