The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 870: Ning Wang rebelled?

Several ministers and Taiyi glanced at each other—the little magician was kind and charitable. But you are the emperor, there is no need to hold the little magician so obviously? You are the great prince!

Ling Juechen paused, and continued with a blank expression: "The girl's identity has been ascertained by Weichen, and it is the princess of Senguo!"

"Oh? Your daughter-in-law sent someone to face the holy, just to say this?" Emperor Sheng De looked at the nephew dullly. When he was in front of his wife, she laughed into a flower, and faced his uncle, but was just like a little old man. Really two faces!

What can I say without saying this? Don't expect his little daughter-in-law to take the initiative to participate in the construction of the medical school. She is now a bride and is still in her wedding period! He is the emperor's courtier, no choice, but his wife is not!

Ling Juchen slightly raised his eyes and continued to say in a voice without fluctuations: "Princess Moriguo sneaked into the territory of Yan Guo and entered quietly into Shengjing. I don't know what the purpose is, so I naturally want to play the emperor."

"Speaking of it, your daughter-in-law has come back to the door, has it been seven or eight days now? Why didn't you come to tell me now?" Emperor Sheng De didn't doubt this nephew, just wanted to tease him deliberately, want to see him change The look of his face-it must be wonderful!

Ling Juchen slightly nodded: "The girl was seriously wounded, kept high fever, and was unconscious for three days. The minister also noticed that her identity was different from her only words after she woke up, and asked someone to investigate." I don’t need time?

Emperor Sheng De frowned and said, "Today, if your daughter-in-law sent someone into the palace, when will you tell me?"

"Chen originally planned to discuss the matter of the medical school, and he will give it to the emperor!" Ling Juchen said in a hurry.

"Uninteresting!" Emperor Sheng De rolled his eyes in his heart as a textbook-like answer to his pro-nephew, and let him go for the time being, "Since the princess was seriously injured, stay in your home first. Rest in your home, and then No serious injuries can die!"

"The princess of Senguo was chased and killed. I was afraid that it would be unsafe to stay in Ningwang Mansion!" Ling Juchen raised an objection.

"With your master, what's unsafe?" The eyes in Emperor Shengde's heart almost rolled out. Ning Wangfu is a metal bucket from inside to outside. Even his uncle, who occasionally wants to secretly care about his nephew, the masters of Ou Nei may not be able to break through the guards of Ning Wangfu. Speaking of Jingzhong, the safety factor of King Ning's palace is absolutely close to the palace!

"Weichen has to go to the DPRK every day, to be on duty, and to go to the Beijing suburban camp to train..." Ling Juchen's meaning is obvious-the emperor, either pick up this hot potato, or let him fail Guarded at home!

Emperor Sheng De didn't want him to do so: "So, I sent a team of guards to protect the princess's yards! Rest assured, the princess of Moriguo is what happened to you. Will blame you! Okay, that's it!"

So, before Yueyuan returned to the palace from the palace, Ning Palace was surrounded by a team of imperial guards. The dignitaries around me didn’t know what happened to King Ning, and they were copied!

The son of Liao Guogong next door happened to come back from the outside and just saw this scene. Back home, he told his wife about it. Liao Xin'er, who has always been with her mother, heard tears and came out anxiously: "What should I do? Sister Xiao Shenyi only joined the Ning Wang Mansion for a few days, she certainly did not participate in the matter of Ning Wang! Father, you let grandpa go to the emperor Please, forgive the little elder sister?"

Mrs. Shizi thought for a while and said, "Xin'er is right. Little doctor is the life-saving benefactor in our house. At first, my father's father first showed symptoms of low fever and cough, and we all panicked in our house. Xin'er asked for little There is a doctor. She is responsible for drawing out the isolation zone in Fuzhong and telling us how to prevent it. The father’s and Xin’er’s illness is also cured by her..."

"I remember the graciousness of the little magician! What happened to Ning Wang Mansion has not yet been determined. Ning Wang has just been newly married and should not commit any stupid things. With Ning Wang’s merits, unless the rebellion is done, the emperor does not Will kill him!" Liao Guogong's son analyzed calmly.

Mrs. Shizi lowered her voice and worriedly said, "I'm afraid that he's the master of Gong Gao Zhen..."

"Early today, the emperor left a few ministers to discuss the establishment of a medical school. Even if the emperor had this intention, he would not choose to start this time." Liao Guogong's son frowned lightly.

At the beginning, when the emperor and the prince who was the fourth prince at the time were sick, he made King Ning supervise the country. Some people have ulterior motives to guide public opinion and vaguely point out that King Ning is more suitable for that position than the four princes. Although the so-called behind-the-scenes people were caught at that time, the father and son may not leave pimples in their hearts. In front of that position, how many fathers and sons became enemies and brothers turned their backs...

"When the father comes back and discuss with him, make a decision!" Liao Guogong's son is helpless and powerless. If the emperor wanted to bring down Ning Wang, he would only give away his head when he jumped out. It's better to wait and see what has changed and wait for the opportunity to do something for the little doctor.

When a group of imperial guards suddenly appeared in Ning Wang Mansion, Gu Ye was also taken aback—to take away Princess Lin Lang, do not have to be so laborious? Why is she so familiar with this situation? The picture of copying the family in the TV series is similar to how it was at this time.

The head guards of the imperial guards smiled enthusiastically at her: "My subordinates have seen the princess! Hey, after two years, our general finally brought you back the princess!"

"Okay, don't talk about these useless! What are you doing? Catch people?" Judging from the attitude of this goods, it is not a bad thing, Gu Ye's heart suddenly put back in his stomach.

"Catch people? How can I? The emperor sent us to protect your princess!" Gangzi turned back and glared at his men: look at you, one by one, if the frightened princess is scared, the general will not take your skin. They all smiled to Lao Tzu!

"Okay, why don't you laugh?" Gu Ye's expression was disgusted, and said to Gangzi, "Can you speak lightly? Say half a sentence, half a sentence, who want to suffocate? I'm fine, what's the matter? Well protected?"

"No-isn't there a troublesome person in your house? How valuable is your identity, and what if you are scared by an inconspicuous blend in?" In Gangzi's heart, a princess of an enemy country, How important is it for the general to marry the princess?

Gu Ye finally understood. The imperial guards were sent by the emperor to protect and monitor Princess Lin Lang!

"OK! I know!" Gu Ye nodded, "Princess Lin Lang was healing in my original pharmaceutical yard. There were a lot of houses expanded there, and no medicine has been installed. Old housekeeper, you should put these officers and soldiers ."

"Uncle, don't bother!" Gangzi said busy. "We have two teams of people. We work in two shifts during the day and night, so as not to cause trouble to your house."

"It's a cold day, you can't always let you stand in the wind!" Gu Ye looked at the guards brought by Gangzi. There were about a hundred people, and he could not help frowning: This courtyard looks quite big. But if you squeeze more than a hundred people, after all, it is still smaller.

With her gaze, Gangzi glanced back at his men and brothers, hey he smiled and said: "It's okay! We are in good health, anti-freeze! You few, stay in this yard! You few, guard Gate! You, guard the outer courtyard! And you, patrol the courtyard wall... The rest of your brothers, guard the inner courtyard with me..."

"Inner courtyard? Didn't you come to protect Princess Lin Lang?" Yueyuan looked confused. Is it appropriate for a group of great men to appear in the inner courtyard?

"Protecting Princess Lin Lang is secondary. Those who are worried about chasing down the princess know that she is in Ning Wang's mansion, which is not good for the mansion!" The emperor also commanded this-a princess from another country. This one, but the national treasure among the national treasures, can't lose hair at all!

"Isn't it necessary for the inner courtyard?" There are family members inside. How inconvenient is it for a group of great men to appear inside? If you are really worried about the safety of the princess, do you want to find some more kung fu sisters?

Gangzi knew what she was worried about and promised: "Relax! I will restrain them and stay in a certain space, not let them run around!"

"In this case, wait for the prince to come back, and you discuss it with him!" Gu Ye thought for a while, and said, "Why should the people outside the palace be withdrawn? I don't know, I thought what Ning Wangfu did, Imprisoned!"

Gang Zi scratched his head and smiled, "I didn't really notice this. Yes, I asked those brothers to find a place to hide..." He said, and turned out of the courtyard.

"Hey--" Gu Ye meant that only a few people were needed to protect Princess Lin Lang. The safety of Ning Wang's Mansion would not be driven by the labor guards. Alas, UU reading www.uukanshu. Forget it, com, they just ordered to act, and when the husband came back, let him tell the emperor!

Princess Lin Lang came out of the room, just glanced at the guard in the courtyard lightly, and walked to Gu Ye, said softly: "Little Doctor, can we talk now?"

"I already knew the purpose of your trip. Since the emperor agreed that you should stay in Ning Wang Mansion, then the princess would feel at ease to recuperate." Gu Ye had no intention of contacting her more. This one's injury is almost all right, just rest.

Princess Lin Lang's eyes lighted up and asked, "Did the little doctor accept my request?"

"Now it's not a question that I can't agree to. There is a question between the two countries between you and me. This matter is up to the emperor!" Gu Ye nodded at her and turned to leave the pharmaceutical yard.

Princess Lin Lang endured the pain of the wound on her back and walked a few steps, reaching out to grab Ye's arm and was stopped by the full moon. Uma was afraid that her master would suffer a loss, and she slammed her hands toward the full moon. The full moon is not vegetarian, the two of you come and go to play well together.

One was speechless by the other party, and the other who couldn't see the other party eating them lived upright. They held each other's strength together, and gradually got angry.

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