The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 871: Public travel is also good

Gangzi arranged for the outside guard to come in and saw the two little girls playing lively, thinking that they were discussing something, and they also applauded when they were wonderful!

Dapeng, who was sent out by the master to go on a mission, just came back to hear the sweet voice of his sweetheart, and an arrow struck in. Seeing that his sweetheart was fighting with someone, and he was so eager to protect his wife, he rubbed his body without thinking.

As soon as Uma saw, the other party had a helper, and the good girl withdrew from the immediate loss without losing her eyes. Pointing to the full moon, she said in blunt mandarin: "You're fooling, get help!"

Yueyuan stared at Dapeng fiercely, looked back at Uma, and said: "Who is looking for a helper? It is he who takes care of things! Come again, no one will help, I can still beat you!"

Uma was of course dissatisfied, and later she wanted to fight her again and again, and Princess Lin Lang stopped her. The full moon is not only her life-saving benefactor, but also a powerful person next to the little magician. She is afraid that Uma is not serious, hurting people, and messing up her affairs!

The full moon grimaced at Uma with pride and killed the little girl. Gu Ye said in amusement: "It's done! The person who is about to marry someone is going to be so childish?"

The full moon-like little face blushed, staring at Dapeng, and betrayed: "Who is going to marry him? The maidservants of the big families are only left to be married when they are twenty years old!"

"Are you still young? You are two years older than me. I'm married now. When do you want to drag it? Besides, you didn't sign a deed of sale, not my maid!" Gu Yechong Lin Lang The princess nodded, and walked outside while kowling with the moon.

"The girl married early because she met the prince!" Yueyuan argued strongly.

Dapeng snarled and followed behind his sweetheart, cheeky: "Have you met me?"

The full moon pushed away his big face: "Go away! It's all good for you to break me! I wanted to teach the dead girl a meal...blame you!"

"Yes, yes! It's all my fault! Otherwise, you beat me up for a breath?" Dapeng laughed and followed the sweetheart step by step.

"You all go on the side, don't spread dog food in front of the old lady!" Gu Ye walked a few steps and introspected: Is she and brother Chen so nauseous in the eyes of others?

No, you are more nauseous than them!

Ling Juchen returned home from get off work and saw that there were so many guards in his home, and his face suddenly turned black-the emperor intentionally!

He came to the door of the study and found someone inside. He gently pushed the door in and found that the young wife was half dozing on the soft couch in the screen. The travel notes in her hand slowly slid down and fell to the ground.

Gu Ye woke up suddenly. She rubbed her eyes and found that her husband had returned and was bending over to help her pick up books. She jumped on his back all at once, licking him like a koala: "Her husband, welcome home. Hard work!"

Ling Juchen had such a big man hanging on him, which did not affect his movements at all. He walked over to the bookshelf and tucked the travel notes back to its original position. He said softly in his mouth: "No hard work! You didn't go to mother-in-law today?"

Gu Ye slid down with his movements, and it was about to fall to the ground. Ling Juchen raised her up with one hand. Gu Ye's legs were on his thin and strong waist, and he said unhappyly: "I wanted to go, but I was badly interested in the princess of the Mori Kingdom!"

"Unhappy, don't take care of her! Don't say it's a princess, it's the emperor of the Mori Kingdom, what should we do. With your husband!" If you change someone else, it must be said that it was a rant. But Ning Wang has this capital.

Although Moriguchi talks with Yanguo and Liguo, and is called the three major powers, it is far behind the other two countries in terms of strength. If it were not for the geographical advantage, it might have been wiped out by the other two countries.

The current emperor of the Mori Kingdom is mediocre and incompetent. He only dare to defend himself, and he only dared to engage in small moves when the Yan and Li countries were at war, trying to get some benefits from the Yan State. Ling Juchen knew that the emperor had long been impatient with the old boy. Due to physical reasons and other factors, he had never made up his mind. Now that the Mori State is begging them, the emperor will definitely tear a piece of meat from the other party!

"Husband," Gu Ye was lying on Ling Juchen's back, playing with his ears (beautiful men are beautiful men, even the ears are so perfect!), Jiaojiao was very authentic, "You said that the emperor can agree to go to Senguo Does their prince cure?"

The breath she exhaled was sprayed behind Ling Juchen's ear and itching from her ear to her heart. He picked up his daughter-in-law from the table and drank half of the tea, drank it in one breath, and asked, "Do you want to go?"

"Don't you still owe me a honeymoon trip? Think about it... It's not bad to go to Senguo." Gu Ye's feet shook. This is not honest, and began to decline again, "... fell off, about to fall!"

Ling Juechen asked the little girl's ass, walked to the desk, and put the document he got back on it. Gu Ye stretched out his hand diligently, enough to reach the desk. She was curious about what her husband's daily work area was. Generals... still need to deal with official documents?

Unfortunately, her little paws are not long enough, there is a big man between her and the desk! However, Ling Juchen, who loves his wife without a limit, is afraid that his wife is tired, and takes the official document up to her.

"Koala" opened the document, glanced at it, and threw it on the table, saying: "It's boring! You are the commander-in-chief of the army, the emperor actually gave you the matter of supervising the medical school and public hospital. It was really anti-aircraft artillery. Mosquitoes — Overkill!” Gu Ye groaned, expressing dissatisfaction.

Ling Juchen smiled indulgently and said, "Then what do you say to my husband, is it not an overkill?"

"The **** priest doctor sent Mori Kingdom!" Gu Ye slipped from him and stood in front of him, carrying his small chin, proud and authentic, "This prince doctor is valuable and can be called a national treasure. The task of **** is difficult, you are not a **** of war. It's none other than that, is it? In this way, you don't even need to invite for the honeymoon holiday, you can count on one fell swoop!"

Ling Juchen scraped the bridge of her nose and said, "You just want to go to Senguo?"

"It's not necessary to go. However, I read from travel notes that Senguo is similar to the previous life in Dali, Yunnan, and the natural landscape is quite good. Unfortunately, there was no chance to go in the previous life, and later it was occupied by high-level mutant animals... Gu Ye shrugged and did not show much loss.

Ling Juchen didn't want to leave her with regret, especially this was the wish of his wife's previous life: "Yes, leave it to me!"

Gu Ye took a bite on his face and said with a grin: "Thank you husband! It's best to start when the spring flowers are blooming next year, and the road is innocent!"

"Just rely on you!" Ling Juchen kissed her with her face. On Li Guo's side, he had an agreement with Gong Li. In addition, the two countries have been fighting and fighting for two years, and both need to rest and recuperate, and there will be no big confrontation for the time being. The emperor should agree with the fake and the public!

The next day, Gu Ye was very leisurely. Princess Lin Lang's injury has stabilized, and it is still the doctor who surnamed Yue. Gu Ye has seen his medication, it's good! Treat patients with patience.

However, Gu Ye never met him. Yueyuan had contacted the doctor Yue several times. Although he was much older than Yueyuan, he never entrusted him, and often consulted her humbly. Yueyuan also said that Dr. Yue once asked her about the medical school, whether there were any age restrictions, and the conditions for admission. The purpose is obvious.

Gu Ye was not disgusted. The medical school originally wanted to recruit a group of doctors with a solid foundation. The first two batches of students are not limited in age and identity. However, after graduation, they must teach in medical schools or work in national hospitals for more than five years. After five years, the contract will be terminated by the students themselves.

This doctor Yue was just a young man with solid medical skills. If he specializes in one subject, it can be as little as one year and as many as two or three years. No more than forty years to fulfill the five-year contract. The older the doctor is, the more popular it is, and he has spent the past few years in exchange for a new breakthrough in medicine. Fools are not happy!

Princess Lin Lang's big trouble has crossed the clear road, and there are guards (surveillance) from the guard camp. New Year's Day is the sole responsibility of Ling Chao, the son of the big shopkeeper, and the grandmother Lu is in charge of the inner courtyard. Gu Ye, the princess, should not be too relaxed!

These days, Gu Ye, with his mother-in-law and two sisters-in-law, traveled throughout the capital. Visiting East City today, and going to West City tomorrow, Suzaku Street doesn't know how many walks. Every time I go out, I get a lot.

At the beginning, the father and son of Zhen Guo also accompanied him. Later, the father and son were frightened by their shopping frenzy. After protecting them to a certain market, they found a tea house to sit down and drink tea and play chess. After the women come back, they will go to the next market...

After strolling around the capital, UU reading Gu Ye took a family with his sons and daughters to the hot spring village of Xiangshan for a vacation. Both Gu Ye and Gu Ming loved it. The snow-covered Xiangshan behind Zhuangzi reminded them of the winter of Qingshan Village.

The mountains are covered by snow, and the young and middle-aged people in the village of Qingshan Village rely on skis to buy food from the mountain, so as not to let the people in the village break the food. It is said that in that winter many villages in the wild mountains were frozen and starved to death, many people, mostly old people and children...

However, this Xiangshan Mountain can't be compared to Mangshan Mountain, and the deepest village is only half a day away from the mountain. Unlike Qingshan Village, it takes two days and one night to reach the unknown town.

This winter, the snow is relatively heavy. The **** next to the Wenquanzhuangzi was just right, and Ling Juchen had already ordered people to make a slide. Gu Ye, like when he was in a boudoir, followed behind his brothers, stepped on snowboards, and jumped down the slide.

Even Jun's was persuaded by his daughter to experience a ski ride. The feeling of sliding down the hill quickly made her unforgettable all her life.

Xiangshan was originally a resort for the powerful. While Zhuangzi of Ningwang Mansion was adjusting the slide, many people were watching. When Gu Ye and his brothers played on the slide for two days, they found many uninvited guests in their small ski resort.

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