The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 872: 1 group of uninvited guests

Well, most of them are familiar faces. Ji Xianrong, who is more familiar with Gu Ye, licked his face and came up: "Aunt Cousin, you look very fun. Can you teach me?"

"Do you have a skateboard?" Gu Ye just slipped a few times and became overwhelmed. He took the hot Jiangzao tea from Liangchen and took a big sip. Then he glanced at Ji Xianrong and asked a group of famous children behind him.

Ji Xianrong shook his head in frustration, glanced at the skateboard under Gu Ye's feet, and secretly stretched out his feet to mark-too small to wear.

Gu Ye handed the cup to Liangchen. A glance at the beauty sitting on the ski, screaming and sliding down, she smiled and said to Liangchen: "Are you really not going to experience one?"

Liangchen showed a terrified expression: "Don't be afraid of the slave-servant, Princess. The slave-servant is afraid of highness. Just standing on the top of the **** will make your feet soft. Seeing others' heart slips out. Where dare to try?"

Gu Ye looked at her with regret, but no longer persuaded. Some people are naturally afraid of heights and it is difficult to overcome them. She said to Liangchen: "You go and see how many ski equipments are still in Zhuangzi, all come out!"

"Thank you Aunt Cousin!" Ji Xianrong was very dog-legged.

"Aren't you almost getting married? How come you have time to stroll around?" The kid finally figured out his intentions, and formed a pair with his happy friend Wan Linfang. The two have already settled, and the marriage is scheduled for March in spring.

King Shijing stepped forward and hooked Ji Xianrong's neck, saying: "Yeah, you don't go to play with your fiancee, patronizing yourself. Are you afraid that the grape rack at home will fall?"

Ji Xianrong pouted his head towards the slide, and said in a grudge: "She is more crazy than me and has long forgotten my fiance!"

Gu Ye narrowed her eyes and looked at the past. Sure enough, there were a lot of people sitting on the ski slopes. These people are gorgeously dressed and slim, which is undoubtedly a boudoir show in Beijing.

These people really... treat this place as their own? Her master is there, and she plays without saying hello. The one who played the highest was naturally Princess Hejia. This guy doesn't hug the child at home, just playing with himself!

Liangchen took a few servants from Zhuangzi and took out a lot of ski tools. Gu Ye let Ji Xianrong divide themselves, just go and play.

After a few trips with Princess Hejia, after getting addicted, she joined Gu Ye and said, "Cousin's wife, this is your handwriting? How can such a fun game come out of a boring person like my cousin? Come?"

Gu Ye glared at her angrily and said, "In my face, saying that my man is boring, is it really appropriate?"

"Okay, okay, okay! I won't say anything, okay? This one, it's different when you get married. Look at the man who protects you, heh..." He Jia sighed in his hand and grabbed Gu Ye. Holding in the hand stove.

"Do you think they are all like you? They are all four children, and they still look like they are playing hard. Xiao Xiaojia stalls your mother, really..." Gu Ye shook his head and sighed. Poor Situ Tuma, such a careless wife.

That's right, during Gu Ye's two years back to Dongling, Princess Hejia gave birth to another boy, just six months ago. This cruel mother, throwing all the children to Stuart's horse, ran out to have a good time.

Princess Hejia groaned and said, "Also say! If you have this fun, don't tell me in advance. If it wasn't for my excuse to report the bill to you, I ran to Zhuangzi and didn't know there was such an interesting thing! Looking back, I would also ask someone to get one on Zhuangzi and bring their horses and children over to play."

"This chute is particular. This **** is the most important. Otherwise, it will be dangerous. Your Zhuangzi is unwilling to leave here, just come here if you want to play. If you really want to get one, let you show Brother tells you how to do it. Don’t think about it yourself!” Gu Ye couldn’t help but remind.

After thinking for a while, Princess Hejia shook her head and said, "Forget it! I don't know how long this snow can last. As the cousin said, our two Zhuangzis are next to each other, and we have a letter to let the concubine come with the children. ...Hey, it’s snowing again! There is a lot of snow this year, will there be a snow disaster? Yuck, look at me crow mouth!"

The snow had just started to fall, and it was not yet very heavy. However, Princess Hejia is right. It has snowed six times since the winter, and the snow is quite heavy every time. I heard that in a village on the outskirts of Beijing, some people did not remove snow in time, the house was crushed, and the owner’s leg was crushed...

In front of the natural disaster, the suffering is still the people. Hope God has long eyes, don't let the snow disaster happen. However, God didn't hear Gu Ye's prayer. The snow was getting bigger and bigger, and the snow particles quickly turned into cotton wool.

When the snow started, the big guys kept playing. Later, the snow became heavy, affecting the sight, and the people on the slide came down one after another. Gu Ye invited people into Zhuangzi and asked her brothers to entertain the male guests. She invited the female guests into the inner courtyard.

The temperature of the earth dragon is just right in the room. The girls, who were so blushed, were still very interested. Gu Ye came to Beijing two years ago, in addition to treating the emperor's father and son, he was dealing with the plague. Not much contact with the ladies in Beijing. However, there are still many acquaintances among the seven or eight girls present here!

Anping County Lord saw Gu Ye's gaze swept away, and looked away a little awkwardly. She met with Gu Ye several times, not very pleasant. But now she is cheeky and playing, and she still has to stay on Zhuangzi's house to eat...thinking about it, she can't sit still and gets up to leave.

"The visitor is a guest. It's noon. How can you let the guest leave on an empty stomach? This is not the way to treat guests in our Ning Wang Mansion!"

Gu Ye profiled that although the Anping County Master was arrogant and his mouth was broken, he was not a bad person. Besides, the other party did not cause any substantial harm to her. She lived a few dozen years in her life, would she care about a little girl?

Wan Linfang, who was also planning to say goodbye, moved her **** and sat down again. In fact, she was the most embarrassed to face Gu Ye. She didn't expect that her cousin would do such a thing. Xiao wanted her husband, and tried to splash the dirty water of "demon" on Princess Ning. In the end, the self-reliance did not say anything, even the uncle was killed, and the family returned to their ancestral home in disgrace.

As for her murderous cousin, she was beaten and exiled to the north. It is said that on the road, the wound infection did not last, people... no!

Wan Linfang looked at Princess Ning sitting on the head with a complex expression, and had to admit that she was undoubtedly the most dazzling one among so many unique boudoirs.

"Sister Ye'er... remember me?" The master of Anping County held a plum blossom festival in Zhuangzi and invited a lot of Jingzhong girls. Fang Chengxiang's youngest daughter is also one of them. The little girl is more introverted. Both Fang Chengxiang and Mrs. Niu encouraged her to go out to various parties.

Gu Ye recognized her and walked warmly to the little girl's slightly cool hand, laughing and said: "Of course I remember that Jiao Niang is so big, it's a big girl..."

The female ladies bowed their heads and laughed: Princess Ning is no more than a few years older than Fang Jiao Niang, but the tone is similar to that of her parents. This contrast is really interesting!

Princess Hejia took a sip of hot tea, picked up a bit of almond crisp, was about to fill her mouth, and said with a smile: "Fortunately, I haven't eaten in my mouth, or I have to smile and spray. How old are you, Speaking old-fashioned. No wonder I can get together with my cousin!"

Fang Jiao Niang looked at Gu Ye with a look of admiration and said, "Sister Ye'er has cured my disease and is my regenerative parent. The position in my heart is flush with my mother!"

This time Gu Ye choked. She put down her cup, coughed a few times, and waved her hand repeatedly: "I can't afford it now! It's the doctor's duty to treat the sick and save the life. Jiao Niang doesn't have to be like this. If you mention any more'regeneration parents', I will see you and detour !"

Fang Jiao Niang smiled quietly, just wanted to speak, and was snatched away by the Anping County Master: "What is Fang Jiao Niang what is wrong? I heard that the hospital of Tai Hospital says he can't cure it!"

"Anping County Master, inquiring about other people's illness is equivalent to offending others. Is this bad?" Gu Ye looked at Anping County Master with a smile. This girl is a mallet, and her EQ is not low.

"Sickness that can't be said?" Anping County Master sneered.

Gu Ye saw Fang Jiao Niang's face changed and she smiled, saying, "It's not that Jiao Niang's illness can't be said, it's my professional ethics, and it doesn't allow me to divulge the patient's illness. , Lord Anping, what do you say?"

The Anping County Lord picked up tea teasingly and bowed his head to take a sip. Seemingly aware of Gu Ye's displeasure, she calmly stopped talking again.

At this time, Zhuangzi's men said that lunch was ready. Gu Ye put down the cup and said to the ladies and ladies in the hall: "The kitchen has prepared coarse tea and light rice. Please don't dislike it."

Princess Hejia said with carelessness: "Do not dislike! The mouth of the wife is the most picky. If you can eat it, we will naturally be able to!"

After "Crude Tea and Light Rice" is presented, UU reads the book www.uukanshu. The com girls were speechless immediately: These colors and fragrances will never lose the delicious delicacies of Qingfenglou's signature. If they are also thick tea and light rice, what do they usually eat? Pig food?

Gu Ye told the kitchen early this morning that he wanted to eat hot pot. Suddenly there were so many uninvited guests. Aunt Yan in the kitchen took the idea, used the existing ingredients, and made a few hard dishes.

So, behind these dishes, there was a small charcoal stove and a small pot in front of everyone. Lamb slices, chicken rolls, fish balls, hand-made meatballs, hair belly, yellow throat... and the green vegetables grown in the hot spring village, which are very tempting.

"Wow! Hotpot! Qingfenglou will launch special hotpots in winter, and there are more people to eat. It is hard to find a pot!" . Not to mention the comparison with Qingfeng Building, I hope it's not bad!

Princess Hejia had pulled her sleeves and began to iron her favorite fur belly. When she heard the words, she smiled and said, "The hot pot of the wife's family is definitely more authentic than Qingfenglou. ...Anping, what are you talking about? Don't believe we bet!"


It's another year of college entrance examination season, students, the flag is winning!

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