The officers and men of Jingzhao and Shoucheng have begun to build shacks outside the city to accommodate the victims. It is also responsible for the safety of the capital and preventing unrest or something. If the snow continues, the officers and soldiers of the Western Suburb Camp will also be mobilized, and he will start to work hard by then.

Gu Ye immediately said, "We have prepared the carriage, and we will go back."

Ling Juchen went to see the prepared carriage, and let people wrap anti-skid chains on the wheels of the carriage, and also put anti-slip on the horseshoes.

He first invited his father-in-law and mother-in-law to get on the carriage. The snow was too heavy. From Zhuangzi to the gate, a thick layer of snow fell on him. This weather is not suitable for riding, and even Gu Ye's brothers got on the carriage. Ling Juchen placed the Yue family well and stooped into his wife's carriage.

As soon as he entered the carriage, he faced Princess Hejia's eyes. Ling Juchen looked at her expressionlessly and said, "What about your carriage in the Princess Mansion?"

"On Zhuangzi. Cousin, in such a big snow, won't you let me rush down?" Princess He Jia smiled at him flatly.

Ling Juchen was only soft-hearted towards her little daughter-in-law. He frowned: "The carriage behind is empty!"

Princess Hejia said reluctantly: "It's so lonely to ride in a car alone, there's no one who even speaks..."

"Is your maid not a human being? If you don't want to be alone, there are still vacancies in the car of your sister-in-law's two sisters-in-law." Ling Juchen undoubtedly pleaded humanely.

Princess Hejia also lingered. Ling Juchen raised his eyebrows: "Are you going down by yourself, or am I carrying you down?"

Gu Ye busy playing round: "Don't do this! He Jia is a woman after all, what about your gentlemanly manner?"

"All for you! Only you deserve my tenderness!" Ling Juchen sprinkled the dog food.

Princess Hejia shook all over and rubbed her arms. There was no hesitation to go down the carriage this time-I can't stand it, it's too numb!

Distracted by the obtrusive light bulb, Ling Juchen held the little daughter-in-law in her arms, wrapped her in her big cloak, and hummed: "You are a little conscience. Have you been crazy for these two days? I'm all Hear, the young masters of several nearby Zhuangzi have been wiped out by you."

"What! King Ning of the Wenwu and Shuangquan, don't use idioms arbitrarily? Those uninvited guests are really enamored of your ski slopes!" Gu Ye's idiom level is half a catty with her husband.

"That's still my fault! Shouldn't I get such a slide out?" Ling Juchen raised an eyebrow.

Gu Yexian shook his little head and said: "I know my husband, you made it for me. I like it! My father and your mother also like it, and your uncles like it. This ski resort will remain in the future. , When our children are older, we will definitely like it!"

"It doesn't matter whether others like it or not. As long as you like it!" Ling Jiechen put his wife's hand in his clothes and warmed.

Gu Ye smiled gigglingly: "I have the most children in the future, will I be the most important?"

"Of course!" Ling Juchen's tone was firm and decisive.

"Then... with the little lover of your previous life in the future, you will shift the focus to her-just look at my father to know!"

Previously, the heart of the father-in-law was all on his wife. Since her daughter was found back, at least half of her thoughts were on her. Brother Chen is all in her eyes now, but not necessarily in the future!

Ling Jiechen looked helpless: "Compete with your own daughter for pampering? Will you be the only one in the whole world? Besides, where is the daughter? If there is no shadow, start worrying now. Are you tired? I see, You are idle, and you will be thinking about it. I will work harder when I go back, so that you have no time and energy to think about these messes."

Gu Ye gave him a sip: "Speak well, without hooligans!"

"This is also called a rogue? Let you really see what is a real rogue..." Ling Jiechen rolled over and pressed his little wife under her.

Gu Ye pushed him hard: "Haha? There are people on the outside. Are you still a big face?"

"No! What is your face in front of your wife? I want to die you, let me kiss..." Ling Jiechen not only got started, but also opened his mouth-the gentleman moved his mouth and started!

Gu Ye used both hands and feet, kicked him away, and evaded in the compartment. The carriage is so big, she hides and hides, and finally falls into Ling Juchen's claws: "Let go! I don't speak well, do I?"

"Good!" Ling Juchen panted slightly and planted strawberries on his wife's neck. "However, men are irrational at this time. So, your words, wait for my restless heart to settle down, and then follow it. !"

"You! You..." Gu Ye's red lips were blocked...

The young man who was responsible for driving them was speechless: Master, Princess, you have to exercise restraint, and the carriage is almost upset by you. Ugh! It's great to get married! A person who is so ruthless and self-possessed by the general also has a day when the hungry tiger pounces on the sheep. Gee...

The carriage turned over! However, it was not the one in which Gu Ye and his wife sat, but the one in front. After seeing him, he pulled the horse's reins for the first time. The carriage stopped suddenly, and the wheels left a long trace on the snow.

Inertia made Gu Ye almost roll out of the carriage. Fortunately, Ling Juchen held her tightly and put one hand on the carriage body.

"What's going on?" Ling Juchen's voice was filled with anger.

Gang Zi busy said: "The carriage in front turned over the ditch!"

The carriage in front? The seats in the front carriages were either Gu Ye's father and mother or brother-in-law. Gu Ye was anxious when he heard it. She pushed Ling Juchen away and quickly got out of the carriage. When jumping out of the carriage, the sole slipped and sat on the snow. Fortunately, the snow is thicker, and she wears more clothes, even without pain.

When Gu Ye ran to the carriage, he saw the old man and his mother supporting each other, sliding down the first carriage, and the sister-in-law followed them. The third brother held Xiaofanfan, and the fourth, sixth and Gu Ming also got out of the carriage.

"Six Brothers, what about the four sisters-in-law?" Gu Ye's face changed slightly and asked.

"I'm in the car!" Xing Zifeng's voice was full of breath, and the injury was not serious in time. Gu Ye's heart slightly relaxed.

"And me! Cousin, come and save me..." Princess Hejia's voice also came from the carriage.

Gu Ye asked anxiously, "Sister-in-law, He Jia, how are you guys? Did you get hurt?"

Xing Zifeng said with a smile in his voice: "I'm fine."

"You're pressing me, of course it's okay!" Princess Hejia said angrily, "Cousin, I'm squeezed on my head and I can't move my arms--I'm not going to be crippled?"

"Don't worry! Brothers and Brother Chen have already rescued you! Rest assured, the presence of me won't make you a one-armed hero." Gu Ye commanded the empty wagons and returned to Hejia Princess said.

Princess Hejia hummed: "Not comforted!"

The carriage overturned in a ditch. There is not much water in the ditch, and now it is frozen. However, there was a lot of snow in the area, which affected the rescue of several men.

They first detached the horse from the carriage, the horse's leg was broken, and struggled for a long time without standing up. The chauffeur was pressed under the carriage, with a broken shoulder and a slight internal bleeding. Gu Ye took a bottle from the spare medicine in the space-this medicine works well for internal injuries.

He drove the car into the ditch, scrapped a horse, and surprised the distinguished guest. The coachman thought he would be heavily blamed. He did not expect that the princess would not only give him pulse, but also gave him his valuable pills.

This is Gu's pill! Gu's pills are dozens of cheapest. The princess actually gave him a whole bottle! The coachman had tears in his eyes and was so excited that he couldn't hold the medicine bottle in his hand.

After Gu Ye treated the coachman, her fourth brother had already pulled Xing Zifeng out of the carriage. Then came Princess Hejia.

Princess Hejia looked embarrassed, her hair scattered like a mad woman, and half of her soles hung on her face. Gu Ye looked up at the feet of the four sisters-in-law, yes, it was the kind of sole.

Princess Hejia climbed up from the bottom of the ditch, holding her left arm that couldn't move, crying a face, and said to Gu Ye: "Cousin, my arm can't move... won't it break?"

"Let me see!"

Gu Ye's hand hadn't touched her arm yet, and Princess Hejia began to howl desperately: "Oh yo, lightly, lightly!"

Gu Ye shook her two hands in front of her eyes: "Do you want to be so exaggerated? I haven't done it yet! Our family Xiao Fanfan went to the doctor and didn't call you badly!"

"Shy! Brahma Brave, don't cry!" Xiao Fanfan scraped his face with his fingers and smiled at Hejia.

Princess Hejia said embarrassedly: "I don't call it pain anymore. You... you start-lightly!"

Gu Ye touched her arm and found that it was just dislocated, and then said to Princess Hejia who grinned at the teeth: "The arm is not broken, it is just dislocated..."

Her words fell, pinching Hejia's arm violently, only listening to "click", UU read books www. uukanshu. com shoulder joint has been reset. Under the stunnedness of Princess Hejia, she began to cry.

"What's it? Already! Is it so exaggerated?" Gu Yebai gave her a glance.

Princess Hejia stopped moaning, opened her eyes, and tried to move her shoulders: "Huh? Can it be moved! Cousin's medicine is really this." She gave her thumbs!

"Okay, it's just a simple joint reset. Don't lift this arm for a month, and don't be tired!" Gu Ye thought for a while, and then exhorted, "You can't hold children!"

"The child was originally held by his father!" Princess Hejia shook her arm casually.

Gu Ye looked at Sisao again, only a slight bruise on the back of her hand. She asked strangely: "How could you turn your carriage?"

"Uh..." Xing Zifeng glanced at Princess Hejia and then looked away in unison, showing an embarrassed expression.

After Gu Ye's repeated inquiries, Princess Hejia only said loosely: "I... I didn't hear about your four sisters-in-law. I admire her heroine, so I thought about asking her two tricks."

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