The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 875: Heavy snow disaster

"Then, did you consult with her in the car? You don't seem to sprinkle it! It's time for you to press in the car for a while to remember!" Gu Ye rolled his eyes and turned back to the carriage mercilessly. The snow seems to be big again, so it takes a lot of work, and she is almost a snowman!

Princess Hejia followed her with all her hands, climbed into the carriage, and said: "Cousin, I'm also a princess anyway. How much do you leave me a face. Can't you come home and scold me?"

"Isn't there any face? You made the carriage overturn and you were crushed. Then you have face?" Gu Ye looked at her white and turned out a bottle of medicine oil from the medicine box. "Extend your hand, I will give you Rub the bruise away!"

"Thank you Cousin! Cousin's best!" Princess Hejia smiled coquettishly and patted her ass.

The next second, she suddenly changed her face, howling miserably. Even Jun Shi and Lin Ruohan on the carriage in front were startled. Xing Zifeng said a little embarrassedly: "When the carriage overturned, my buttocks sat on her head, and my feet seemed to step on her hands. Won't it crush people?"

Jun’s head shook his head and smiled: “It’s not a big deal to have your sister here. I guess, your sister is the whole person... After all, they are princesses, don’t let people play bad. "

Lin Ruohan comforted the fat son, who was terrified by the screams, and said with a smile: "Mother, no. My sister has always done a decent job!"

There was more and more snow on the ground, and the speed of the carriage was affected. It was able to enter the gate of the capital just before the gate closed.

Gu Ye first sent his parents and his brothers back to Fuyuan, and then he escorted Princess Hejia back to the Princess Mansion. Fortunately, the three houses were not far away, and when the bells and drums of the curfew rang, the couple Gu Ye finally stepped into the Ning Wang Mansion.

Gu Ye heard that the mother-in-law was back and went directly to her mother-in-law's yard. When Princess Rong and Chang saw the same snowman, they said distressedly: "How do the people next to you serve? Why don't you give an umbrella?"

"The wind is too strong for the umbrella to hold!" Gu Ye took the big clot off the door and handed it to the maid beside the door. She was wearing tight-fitting mink fur, and the skirt below was down cotton pants, and there were wool pants in it, but she didn't feel how cold. She was slender, and wearing so much did not appear bloated.

The earth dragon was burning in the house, and Princess Ronghe added another brazier. Gu Ye couldn't help but add: "Take a few smaller sweet potatoes and chestnuts!"

She smiled and smiled at the princess: "The brazier is the best match for roasted sweet potatoes and roasted chestnuts!"

"Isn't this dinner?" The princess stared at her son, and said, "How do you take care of your wife? You are strong, you don't have anything to eat, your wife can't be hungry. eat?"

Go! In front of this pair of mother-in-law, everything is his fault! Ling Juchen had a handsome face, not knowing what to do.

However, his mood soon became better, because... his daughter-in-law spoke to him: "Mother, this time I don’t blame Brother Chen. He went all the way to pick me up in Zhuangzi, and he didn’t even have time to drink hot water. We escorted us back again. I’m not hungry anymore, I prepared snacks on the carriage!"

"How can I just eat snacks? What do I want to eat, my mother let the kitchen do it!" Princess Chang grabbed her wife's cold hand and turned to take the hand stove that had just been changed from Grandma Chang and handed it to her.

"It's about this time, eating too greasy is not good for the stomach and sleep, so come to the bowl of noodles?" Gu Ye sat by the brazier, roasting the chestnuts next to it. Wen Yan raised her head and smiled sweetly at Princess Chang, and the fire reflected her little blush, very energetic!

The princess looked at her heart and praised her: "This child, looks good!"

"Thank you mother!" Ling Juchen followed and thanked.

The princess gave him a white look and said, "I haven't praised you, what are you grateful for?"

Gu Ye second understands her husband's thoughts, hehe smiled and said: "He thank you for praising his vision!"

The elder princess laughed loudly: "My son does have a vision, and marry me such a caring daughter-in-law."

Ling Juchen said coolly again: "Mother is wrong! This daughter-in-law was not married for you, I chose it for myself!"

"Fine! I know Ye'er is your wife! No one is robbing you!" Princess Ronghe shook her head and sat down on the small stool next to Gu Ye, helping her wife turn sweet potatoes. With the lubricant Gu Ye, her relationship with her son gradually became harmonious.

Her son is cold, and she doesn't know how to express it. I thought the relationship between mother and son was like this. Since the daughter-in-law married, she found her son more and more interesting, and now she is willing to laugh with her. Although, in front of her, still not as close to nature as her daughter-in-law. But she was very satisfied-Ningwang Mansion, finally had the taste of home!

Princess Chang delivered a baked sweet potato to her daughter-in-law. Seeing her eat fragrantly, she couldn't help but urged: "Sweet potato sweetheart, eat less. The noodles will be cooked soon, keep a little belly to eat noodles!"

As he said, two bowls of fragrant beef noodles were brought in. Gu Ye swallowed exaggeratedly and said in surprise: "Are there beef?"

"A cowshed in a rural household in Beijing suburbs collapsed and the cattle were crushed to death, so they went to the capital to exchange some money to make up for some losses. It happened to be seen by the purchasing manager, and they all bought it back. Minger split a hind leg to Fuyuan Send it over there." The long princess looked at her greedy cat-like expression and said with a vengeance.

In ancient times, cattle were filed in Yamen, and arbitrary slaughter was sentenced. Only the old cattle, or those who died unexpectedly, are reported to the Yamen for approval before the slaughter is permitted. It's really not easy to usually eat beef! Especially this kind of tender beef for two or three years.

"Thank you mother!" Gu Ye's bowl of noodles was covered with a thick layer of beef. The broth below is thick and is said to have boiled from noon until now. Both beef and noodles are delicious. Gu Ye ate sweating on his forehead, and even had an addiction!

Even Ling Juchen, who had a bad appetite, ate happily. Gu Ye had a small stomach and ate the beef on it, then ate a few more bites of noodles.

The rest of the noodles and soup was poured into the bowl of my husband's bowl, and the name said: "Brother Chen didn't eat at noon and at night, he must be hungry, eat more!"

Beauty wanted to say: The kitchen has a special extra bowl. Can see Ling Juchen willingly, swallowed the words again. The masters are willing to fight one by one, and what does she follow blindly?

"Yueyuan, Liangchen, and Gangzi haven't eaten yet. Let the kitchen use beef soup to give them a few bowls of noodles. This way is not too cold. Eat bowl of noodles and go to bed earlier. You don't have to come and serve. "Gu Ye ordered.

Mei Mei smiled and said: "The princess is kind-hearted, and the slave-servant thanked the princess for their favor."

Beef, that is left to the masters. But the noodles cooked in the delicious and rich beef soup, plus two poached eggs, this meal is enough for other people in the house to envy.

Gu Ye held his chin to watch his handsome husband eating noodles. People look good and do whatever they want, even the way they eat noodles.

She sucked in the scent in the air and couldn't help whispering something in her mouth. Ling Juchen listened closely, and it turned out to be: "‘Braised Beef Brisket with Tomatoes’’’’’’’’

Fortunately, he had swallowed the last bite of soup, otherwise he would have to laugh and say: "There is no shortage of your food in the house, why are you still so greedy?"

"What's wrong with greed? It's a blessing to eat!" Princess Chang took care of her daughter-in-law and returned to her son.

"Yeah, that's right!" Gu Ye flicked his eyes at him, "Isn't it about the New Year? I am enriching our dining table!"

"I heard that many of the dishes in Qingfeng Building were conceived by Ye'er? I'm looking forward to the dishes in the mouth of my daughter-in-law. By the way, when the Chinese New Year feast is over, we can make a whole cow feast! Let Chaoyang They envy death!" The princess princess was genuinely excited.

Ling Juchen was very unequivocal: "There is not much catty for a cow, and there is not much left in a few houses. How can I have a whole cow feast?"

Princess Ronghe looked at her son's frown and said: "Give a relative a corbel, isn't that more than half left? Who else is it for?"

"A few aunts and uncles..."

The princess interrupted her son’s words: "Your sister-in-law and uncle are emperors, and they still lack beef? As for your aunts and their... The chameleon in Chaoyang got a deer farm. Why didn't she see her deliver venison to us? !!! At most, they are invited to have a whole cow feast!"

Several long princesses are the hosts who like to hold this feast. No way, the life of the ancient woman is too boring and monotonous, and she can only get some fun from the banquet. When Princess Ronghe was in the boudoir I also like to engage in these. After marrying Ling Jiechen and his father, how many times have they been held. Later, the new widow, she hid in the temple and never participated in similar activities...

"I support my mother! It's not much to go out for a cow. It's better to get some fresh beef dishes. I want to think of a few new tricks to ensure that you have a long face for the princess mother!" Gu Ye, a small pick, was reluctant to divide all the beef. give to someone. This is an authentic foodie!

Ling Juechen reluctantly watched the mother-in-law and the daughter-in-law talking happily, the dishes of the whole cattle feast. Every time his mother is there, he will be forgotten by his little daughter-in-law-he is too difficult!

When Gu Ye woke up the next day, it was almost noon. Last night, her husband turned vinegar into strength, and tried to toss her, and her body was about to fall apart! Have you seen your husband who is jealous of his mother? Ugh! Ling Juchen is a childish ghost! !

Sitting in front of the dressing table, the mirror reflected her and the face of Liangchen who helped her dress up. Gu Ye asked: "When did the snow stop last night?"

I took the full moon that came in earlier from the outside and responded: "It has been snowing all night, but it was only slightly smaller this morning. Tingmei's wife said that many old houses in villages in Beijing suburbs were crushed by snow Yes. There are a few squares on the south side of the city, and some of them have been crushed."

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