Gu Ming heard it, grinned, and then his eyes were red, saying: "Unfortunately, my brother was too useless to protect you!"

"What do you think! You were just an eleven-year-old kid. Without you, I would have been gone. Where is Gu Yeer, who is now a "peerless little magician"?" Gu Ye patted on his arm under.

Gu Ming said with regret: "You are not surnamed are Ye'er of the Chu family!"

"In front of my brother, I am your eternal sister Gu Ye'er! Why? You don't want to recognize me as my sister?" Gu Ye puckered, his face savage and fierce.

Gu Ming hurriedly said: "No, no! You have always been my sister, I will work hard to become stronger, if the brother-in-law bullies you, I will stand up to protect you!"

"Okay! We said yes, you have always been my dependant! Pull the hook!" Gu Ye stretched out his little finger.

"Master, the medicine is here-hey, the little girl seems to be awake!" Meijing brought in a bowl of medicine. The medicine shed next to Gu Ye is specially prepared for the victims to treat the cold. Anyone who has treated the symptomatic victims here can take a bowl of medicine juice in the medicine shed next door.

Gu Ye brought in insufficient manpower, and the person responsible for taking medicine was selected from the victims. To help the victims, not only the sick family members are given priority treatment, but also two catties of food per person!

Gu Ye looked at Kang Shang. The ragged little girl opened her eyes slowly. She is too thin, and her eyes are particularly large on a small face.

Gu Ming grunted: "Sister, she was a bit like you as a child."

"Those who are out of phase are all the same!" Like a skeleton! Gu Ye added a sentence in his heart. When she walked through the mirror for the first time, she was taken aback by herself!

"Beauty, you put down the medicine first, go back to the nearby porridge porridge to make bowls of porridge. She has been hungry for a long time, her stomach is weak, and she has to eat something before she can drink the medicine." Girl, do you still have family?"

"She! She is from the village next door to us. My sister married that village and heard about her. The village said that she is a disaster star. Her father died when he was born. Also dead.

Her uncle and uncle did not dare to take her in, relying on grandpa and grandma from time to time to feed and live until now. I heard from her villagers that the house left by her father and mother was crushed by heavy snow. She came with the villagers who were affected in the village.

When she came from her village, she had to walk two days and one night. I don't know how this girl supported me! "It was the peasant woman who was holding her child to see the doctor. She looked at the little girl with complicated eyes, then looked at Gu Ye again, and she stopped talking.

"It's nonsense to talk about disasters and disasters! The little girl has lost her father and mother, and her life is pitiful enough. Why should the world be worse?" Gu Ye shook his head and said to the little girl, "Your condition is a bit serious. You won’t be troubled when you come to me. You feel at ease and no need to think too much!”

The little girl looked at her in silence, tears slowly gathering in her dark eyes.

Gu Ye turned to see the little baby in the woman’s arms, but she said to the little girl: “It’s very laborious to wipe away the tears and tears. Save more energy to recover from the illness?”

Gu Ye gave the child's cold particles to the woman's child for two days. Liang Chen, who was in charge of packing, sighed: "Master, there are not many cold particles and anti-inflammatory drugs. The snow is so deep on the road, I don't know if the medicines of the pharmaceutical factory can be delivered in time."

"Let Gangzi go to each drug store and deploy some. Come to say, after the snow disaster, Gu's pharmaceutical factory double compensated them!" Gu Ye Shen thought for a moment, and ordered.

"You go, pack me the medicine, leave it to me!" Luma took the position of Liangchen, busy with concentration. Gu Ye didn't usually like to be served, and she was surrounded by two big girls with beautiful views. Hua Haoyueyuan followed her to study medicine and medicine, and occasionally acted as a girl.

These people are usually enough, and when the time comes, the manpower is not enough! This was the case at the time of the epidemic, and it is also now! Gu Ye wondered, would you like to train more assistants to come out?

"Little Divine Doctor... Is the Little Divine Doctor in it?" This breathless voice is definitely not something that the victims can send out. Gu Ye looked up and saw that it was her partner, the richest man in Beijing, Shen Wanjin!

Gu Ye prescribed a good medicine to a patient in his hand, a 70-year-old victim, and asked him to pick up the medicine there. Seeing Shen Wanjin, she said: "Yo! The richest man, where is it uncomfortable? I only see the victims here, and I will not accept the rich! No acquaintances will do!"

Shen Wanjin said with a haha, "Little Doctor, do you think I am as strong as a cow, as if I came to seek medical treatment? As soon as I heard that Little Doctor was giving medicine and giving medicine here, I wondered if you have enough medicine Not enough. No, here is the medicine for you!"

"Oh! The richest man, you're a gift in the snow!" Gu Ye gave him a thumbs up and said to the next victim, "I turn back to the emperor and let him stand outside the Zhenguo Temple Merit monument. A volunteer like you, the richest man, is definitely on the list!"

"Hey, can I still show my face in front of the emperor's old man? There is such a good thing-no, I am not greedy for good reputation to do good deeds. I applied for Wan Wanjin in the face of the little **** doctor. You do good deeds I, Shen Wanjin, will naturally give my full support! Hurry, move the cold medicine and anti-inflammatory medicine to the medicine shed. Be careful, don’t bump it! These are life-saving medicines!" Shen Wanjin rushed back People shouted under the medicine.

Gu Ye asked people to call in Dapeng and whispered a few words. Soon, Dapeng and the guards in the palace, like the birthday gifts, screamed with a loud voice: "The richest man in the capital, Shen Wanjin, donated two vehicles of medicine for the victims, worth fifty thousand two!"

"Yo! Look at you, I'm so embarrassed. Little doctor gave you medicine and treated the victims for free. Compared with you, I'm really nothing!" Shen Wanjin looked down at the victims and knelt down Say thanks to him, rubbing his hands with a grin.

"This is what you deserve. You can't let you do a good deed, but don't leave your name? The victims should also know that their disease is not only cured by our doctors who are free clinics, but also you good people, Credit to the big businessmen!" It is not Gu Ye's style to do good without leaving a name. The victims must be grateful for their efforts and hard work to be of value.

The crown prince heard the movement and swayed over again, expressing praise to Shen Wanjin: "The title of "Yi Shang", you deserve it!" When the goods were accepted, the crown prince was quite majestic!

Shen Wanjin bowed his head excitedly and thanked him. It was praised personally by His Royal Highness the Prince, and it was worth it to donate two more cars! Shen Wanjin deserved to be the richest man in Beijing, and his mouth moved: "His Royal Highness, little doctor, medicine, there is still in my warehouse. Just open it when you need it!"

The full moon came in hurriedly from the outside, and said to Gu Ye: "Master, the medicine needed by the critically ill patients is almost gone... a lot of high fever patients are waiting..."

Gu Ye stood up and walked into the medicine shed where he took a medicine, carrying a large box full of injections and medicines needed for infusion: "These should last today. The medicine warehouse at home There are still a few...I have sent Stealth to get it from the pharmaceutical factory, I hope it will be available!"

The full moon carried the box, and hurried to the various medical sheds as it had come, without even noticing the crown prince in the medical shed. Gu Ye apologized to her prince.

His Royal Highness Prince said: "In a very special period, it is naturally important for human life. Yueyuan made great achievements today and saved a lot of critically ill patients. Cousin, the victims are of course important, you must take care of your body!"

Gu Ye was busy for most of the day, and the grain of rice was not exhausted. She couldn't help but be hungry. The food served in the house was hot and cold, and then hot. She never stopped and ate hot food. Even the water was delivered to her mouth by Liang Chen, and she took two sips. She deserves the title of Desperate San Niang. She was the same when the epidemic occurred!

Liang Chen took advantage of the time and took a piece of cake from the food box and delivered it to her mouth. Gu Ye took a big bite and chewed hard. Liangchen quickly sent warm water to her lips and fed her to drink.

Now sitting in front of her is a young daughter-in-law holding her child, and said quickly: "Little doctor, we can wait for a while, you eat the food first!"

"Okay, after reading it to your children, I'll eat!" Gu Ye had already said this many times. However, the food box sent by Wang Fu was still quietly set aside. Grandma Lu saw that it was no way to go on like this, and went out from the medical shed.

Before long, Ling Juchen walked in from the outside with a cold face. The breath he exhaled was lower than the temperature of the heavy snow, and the victims had stepped back in fear.

Ling Juechen entered the hospital shed and saw his little daughter-in-law, her face blank, her voice faintly coaxing a crying young child. UU reading He frowned tightly, his beautiful lips curled into a line. The boy, who had been crying so hard, shut his mouth and was buried in the arms of his mother. His mother was not much older than Gu Ye, and she was terrified with a pale face.

Gu Ye gave her a soothing look, without fear of her husband’s anger, jokingly said: "Master General, I didn't expect you to have the function of stopping the child's cry. Otherwise, you should stay in my medical shed as a door god, how ?"

"Shut up! Save some energy!" Ling Juechen couldn't help his temper. He picked up the food box, raised the brazier in the corner of the medical shed, and warmed the little daughter-in-law's meal.

Gu Ye gave the little boy a good medicine, and hummed and said: "You are fierce to me! I'm almost tired into a dog, and you still get angry with me. You apologize to me!"

Ling Juchen groaned in the curious eyes of the next patient: "You are tired like this, blame me? I told you to shut up, I want you to save effort, is there anything wrong? Why do you apologize? "

Gu Ye's voice cried: "No! You must apologize to me! If you don't apologize, I will... I will cry to you!"

I understand what you said, but I just want to do it for a while!

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