The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 878: My husband, handsome?

"If you eat well, I apologize, shall I?" Ling Jiechen couldn't take her, and it was both distressed and angry. She was distressed and endured the discomfort of low blood sugar and insisted on seeing the victims. She doesn't care about her body, what if she feels hungry?

Gu Ye opened her small mouth like a baby bird waiting to be fed: "You feed me!"

Ling Jiechen washed his hands, tore a small piece from the pastry, stuffed it into that wailing little mouth, and looked down at the fire—when the meal was hot earlier, the wife could eat it in her mouth earlier.

A peasant woman under the age of sixty is seeing a doctor. Her face is wrinkled and her clothes are worn, but her eyes are very calm. She asked her to take care of the night, reached out, and said gossip in her mouth: "Girl, is this little general your brother?"

"No, it's my husband. How is it, looks good?" Gu Ye raised his eyebrows proudly.

The woman opened her eyes and looked at her: "You are so young... are you married?"

"It's not small, it's sixteen! My people of your age in your village are all mothers, aren't they?" Gu Ye is still quite elder, and can talk with anyone.

The woman looked at her indifferently: "Sixteen? Can't see it! I thought it was only 13 or 14 years old! Sixteen-year-old medical skills are so good, how do you say your head grows?"

"Genius, out of diligence. I'm just trying harder than others!" Gu Ye smiled. "Grandma, you are suffering from a cold and some fever. I will give you an antipyretic injection, and then take the medicine for two days. Eat on time and it will be fine soon!"

The old woman nodded vigorously and said, "Thank you little doctor. This is the medicine money!" She turned over a purse from the waistband and counted dozens of copper plates from the inside. Gu Shi Pharmaceutical's granules have good efficacy and the price is not very high. She heard from the villagers that the amount for two days should be about this price.

Gu Ye hurriedly pushed the copper plate back and said, "Grandma, this medicine is for you, don't need money!"

"How can you not use money? If you don't accept money for medical treatment, you will not be charged. How can you get money for medicine? Hold it!" The old woman pushed the copper plate back again. The Hanhou man beside her should be her son, and also persuaded Gu Ye.

Gu Ye lamented the simplicity of the victims and said in his mouth: "Grandma, your family was hit by disasters. Some of them will be used for money in the future. This is a free clinic. We don't charge any fees for the victims."

"Good girl! With a good heart and good abilities, it would be a blessing at first glance. No wonder marrying such a good general as a little general. What you two do for the victims, the future blessings will be your family and children. "After the old woman got her injection, she took Gu Ye's hand and kept saying thank you.

"Wife, let's eat!" Ling Juechen brought the rice, covered with dishes that Gu Ye loved to eat, "Drink soup first, warm your stomach!"

The soup is Gu Ye's beef soup, stewed with beef bones all night, and there are a lot of bones in it. The thick fragrance spread out in the medicine shed. The little girl lying on the kang and hanging water secretly swallowed her saliva, turned over and lay down facing the wall. I was afraid that my unkindness would be seen by the little benefactor.

This scent is also a torment to the victims outside the queue. The first-ranked grandfather kept sucking his nose-he couldn't eat good food, and even smelling it took advantage. The victims in the back stretched their necks and looked inside. There are also many children who clamor for meat.

Gu Ye embarrassedly said: "In the future, don't let the government send such a sumptuous meal! The victims' stomachs can't fill their stomachs. I am eating big fish like this, is it right?"

The old man listened and said: "Little doctor, don't say that! You don't charge us a penny. It's hard work if you sit in such a cold day. Look at your thin arms and legs. , Don’t eat well, how can you have the strength?"

"Have you heard it? Hurry up and eat--I'm staring here. I won't let you continue to see people if I don't finish eating!" Ling Juchen stared at him.

Gu Ye took a few sips of soup, pulled the deboned meat steak over the rice, stirred it with chopsticks a few times, and while trying to grill the rice in his mouth, he did not forget to protest in a low voice: "Overbearing! I shouldn’t have been in front of my grandma just now. praise you!"

Ling Juchen added vegetables to her bowl from time to time. She had braised pork that she liked to eat. She also split the duck legs of the roast duck into small pieces for her convenience. Of course, green vegetables are also indispensable.

Gu Ye was very disgusted, deliberately ignored the vegetables, and finished the rice with the fastest speed! She pursed her greasy mouth and asked her husband to clean her. Then she remembered and asked, "Brother Chen, have you eaten?"

Ling Juechen is so busy now that he hasn't taken care of eating. He stirs the remaining rice in the food box, together with soup and vegetables, and eats them. Although he ate fast, he was not rude, and he was very pleasing.

Gu Ye thumped his waist, shook his neck, and started a new round of fighting. Ling Juchen watched from the side, the patients came in one by one, and the little girl was too busy to drink slobber. He went out to take a look, not only his wife's hospital shed, but also a long line in front of several other hospital sheds.

Most of the doctors in other medical sheds were replaced by disciples or family members. Only his little girl could not stop for a moment. He walked back in and said, "There are so many medical clinics and pharmacies in Beijing, and there are doctors sitting in each pharmacy, and less than one-tenth come to the free clinic. Too few!"

"The free clinics work hard and have to get things in. People don't want to come, and we can't force it." Gu Ye gave the old man the medicine and told him to eat it on time. Don't leave the shack and cover the sweat with the quilt. , It will be fine soon!

The old man thanked her and praised, "Not all doctors are as kind-hearted as you doctors and these doctors! Thanks to your shed and the timely relief of the court, otherwise you don't know how many people are going to die. It!

When I was young, I heard from my grandfather that in the last years of the past, there was a snow disaster that happened in the suburbs of Beijing over 50 years ago. In the poorer villages, most of the villagers were starved to death. My grandfather took my father to escape near the capital. The former emperor was afraid that the victims would enter the city and cause trouble. The city gates were closed, and no entry or exit was allowed.

There are piles of dead people outside the city gate...we are lucky to have an emperor who loves the people like a child, and meet so many kind doctors..."

The old man is only in his fifties. His village is relatively poor, mostly with thatched houses. After heavy snowfall, almost half of the houses in the village were crushed by the snow. Thatched house has the advantage of thatched house. The casualties are not very big. Except for two or three unlucky eggs that were broken by the beam of the house, the others were all slightly injured.

There is a bullock cart in the old man's house, and the folks with broken legs were pulled over by his bullock cart. He went back in the middle of the snow again, pulled open the collapsed house, picked up thick clothes and thick quilts and pulled it back, and gave it to the villagers. The old man was cold, but not too serious.

Gu Ye heard about him, in addition to donating medicine, he also gave him a 80% new thick cotton jacket-donated by the old housekeeper in the house.

On this day, Gu Ye did not know how many patients he had consulted and how many medicines he had sent. Old people and children are always the easiest to get sick and die. With Gu's medicine and the cotton quilts donated by wealthy people in the city, none of the thousands of victims died on this day.

Many loved ones felt that the critically ill patients who could not support them were also pulled back from the death line and lay in the medical shed to hang water. Almost all of these victims are from poor farming families. They usually do not even take medicine for minor illnesses, so they can hardly survive. The injections are very effective for them, and the results are quick.

In the evening, Gu Ming rescued the little girl who had recovered from the fever. After eating two full meals, she was able to help Kangchen to subpackage medicines.

Liangchen said quietly to Gu Ye: "Princess, this little girl is very easy to work with, and she is also very sharp-eyed. It is better to leave her to help!"

"OK! You ask her if she wants to stay. If you want, she will be cleaned tonight and put on cotton-padded trousers-stay in the drug shed and do not be too sloppy." Gu Yeding said.

Liangchen sighed in relief, and smiled: "The helper we hired not only gets enough food every day, but also ten literary money. Rest assured, if she is not stupid, she will definitely choose to stay." With this little helper, She was finally able to straighten her waist and let go!

Liangchen took the time to ask the little girl, and the little girl naturally wanted nothing, but she refused to pay for the ten art work: "Little doctor and brother Gu saved my life. I should do things for them. How can I get their money? Every day? I am satisfied with two meals!"

Several of Gu Ye’s older brothers helped repair the medical shed. They all used red bricks to circle the big kang, and they could lie side by side with more than 20 patients. Burning Kang naturally requires firewood, so they hired young and strong young people among the victims to cut firewood. a bundle of firewood can be replaced by a man's fist-sized mixed buns.

Although the place for cutting wood is a bit far away, it should be no problem to cut two bundles in one day. Coupled with the porridge of the imperial court and Beijing’s dignitaries, it should be no problem to eat a full meal. Filial ones, save the buns and share them with the parents and grandparents at home, which is much better than just drinking porridge.

The little girl had a weak stomach, and both of them drank the thick porridge. For her who does not know what is full all year round, it is already a happier thing than the New Year-only during the New Year, the grandparents will give her a bowl of two rice, which is filled with oily water. She dreams that she can eat enough every day!

Liangchen chatted with her while teaching her to pack medicine: "Have your grandma and uncle come over here?"

"Should I come? They came out of the village earlier than me. I'm sick and can't walk fast..." The little girl lowered her head, her voice was very low. Stumbled from the age of four or five to a single person until now, she did not know how many times the victim was scolded by the nose and was used to being left behind.

She suddenly raised her head and looked worriedly at the little doctor who carried the lamp to the victims. Some of them were terrified and said: "They all said that I am a disaster star, and if I die, my father and mother will bring the disaster to those who are close to me... I, Won't it cause trouble to Xiao Shenyi and Sister Liangchen?"

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