The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 879: Fuxing and Scourge

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Although her voice is small, Gu Ye's ears are easy to use. After hearing this, she turned to the little girl and smiled placidly, saying, "There are some things, but the letter is unbelievable but not. Our doctors don't believe this. Besides, I'm not afraid even if you're a disaster star. I have been recognized since childhood. Xiao Fuxing. No matter where you go, it will bring blessings to people. Don’t worry, I’m older than you, and your disaster will be dispelled by my blessing!”

Liang Chen nodded and said, "Yeah, yeah! Our girl has been practicing medicine for many years and cured countless people's diseases. She passed the medicine to the army and reduced the soldiers' casualties. She made children's medicine to avoid The death of infants and young children. Also, I don’t know if you heard about the plague in Beijing two years ago? Without our girl, I don’t know how many people are going to die!"

After seeing the doctor, the old man who was not willing to leave, smiled and said, "I have witnessed the plague. I was sending a car to Beijing at the time. In the evening, the city was closed and I could not get out of it. Expensive, within two days, the money I brought and the money for selling firewood were used up. I heard that the epidemic treatment office was doing miscellaneous things, and I went to my teeth.

In fact, the inside of the treatment center does not want to be so terrible outside. Every day I can get a potion to improve my strength, and I also send masks and soap for hand washing-that soap smells good. I also save a piece and bring it back to my granddaughter!

I heard that this fragrant soap was also produced in Gu's factory, and only the girls of the rich family are willing to use it! "

"Grandpa, you are off topic. Continue to talk about the treatment of the plague by the little magician!" The little girl listened with relish. If the blessing of the little magician could wipe out her disaster, even dilute it. She will not be so difficult in the future!

"I'm here! Ask me this person, isn't it clearer?" Gu Ye looked outside and there were three or four people queuing in the cold wind to let them all in. There is a fire wall in the medical shed, which is much warmer than the outside!

The old man smiled, and his folds could trap mosquitoes. He turned back to Gu Yedao: "Little Divine Doctor, you are busy with you, this little thing, leave it to me?"

My hands are busy, my mouth is idle! No need to help! Victims are sick with colds, fevers, and malnutrition. Not to mention dual-use, she can do three-use and four-use. Gu Ye yawned: "Next!"

The old man chatted very high and continued: "I heard that this isolation and treatment plan was all proposed by the little doctor. She rushed to make special medicines day and night to save countless critically ill patients. The prince, the character of the uncle of the emperor, was ordered to be rescued by the little doctor.

This disease is so severe that you can't breathe. When you get sick, it looks like a fish leaving the water. Your mouth is open and painful! The plague before, immortal old people! Some big cities have become a dead city!

There is the blessing of our little doctor, except for the weak body at the beginning of the illness, almost no death. All rescued! In less than two months, all the patients admitted to the hospital were discharged from the hospital.

By the way, it was the Ning Wang, the nephew of the emperor, who ordered the prisoner to be treated free of charge for the poor. Fiance who is also a little magician! "

Gee, the power of folk gossip is really not to be underestimated, even this has come out. But... it seems that she hadn't gotten in touch with the big ice cube at that time. How did he become a fiance?

"Eh? The little general who just had a meal with the little doctor, isn't it Master Ning Wang?" The little girl opened a pair of big cat-like eyes.

The old man paused and nodded, "Yeah! Sure enough, it was a natural match, and the husband sang the woman with me! During the plague, Ning Wang was responsible for the deployment of manpower and medicinal materials. The patient's treatment. Now it is the same during the snowstorm! Ning Wang and Xiao Shen doctor are really the saviors of our capital and the surrounding people!"

"Senior man, you're not right about this! The last plague, the emperor and the prince were not allowed to work, and they couldn't be exhausted. The decisions they made were made by my family's father-in-law. On the surface, my father-in-law was the master, in fact he Refers to the execution of orders.

This snow disaster, the emperor has mercy on the people, with all his heart in the world, has appointed my father-in-law to place you. The emperor also sent the crown prince to preside over the porridge! Your great savior is the Emperor and the Crown Prince! "Gu Ye didn't want Ning Wangfu's limelight to be too prosperous, and she still understood the reason why Mu Xiu would be destroyed by Lin Feng.

The old man bowed in the direction of the imperial city: "Yeah, yeah! ~ So, we have a good emperor, a good prince! Little **** doctor You work hard in these two things, we people I owe you a'thank you'!"

"What do you owe? As long as you can heal quickly, and survive this disaster safely, it is the best reward for us doctors. Father, it's not too early, take the medicine and go back to rest! Full Rest is very helpful to the condition!" Gu Ye endured drowsiness and fatigue, and diagnosed and treated the last two patients.

The old man looked at it and nodded, "Hey, hey! I'll go back now. Little doctor is hard today, and you have to rest early! Yo! Your man will pick you up!"

Gu Yechong's head-in husband came in and smiled: "You are busy now? I'm almost over here. Ah-I can't open my eyes!"

Ling Juchen asked Liang Chen from the side: "Did the Princess have dinner? What did you eat?"

Liangchen busy said: "I ate and ate a bowl of beef noodles. I used two more snacks at night!"

"Brother Chen, have you eaten? You are the backbone of our family, and you have to take care of your body." Gu Ye sent away the last two patients, trying to get up from the chair, only to find that his legs were numb and his waist was tired. It doesn't feel like it's own. She pitifully reached out to her husband...

Ling Juchen lifted her out of the chair and bent over to help her pinch her legs and press her waist. In such a scene, Liang Chen has already been surprised. But the little girl made a big blush!

"Sister, can you go back?" Chu San, Chu Si, Chu Xiaoliu, and Gu Ming, who have made a lot of effort today, have built a lot of Kang with a group of victims. The red bricks were donated by a distant relative in Fuyuanhou. These shacks with large kang plates were given priority to children and the elderly.

Who can be without children and the elderly? The victims actively signed up with two steamed buns in one day. Under the guidance of the three brothers Gu Ming and the Chu family, 50 or 60 sheets of Kang were placed in a day, which could accommodate thousands of elderly people, children and critically ill patients.

The number of victims outside the city has increased to seven or eight thousand. If the snow continues to fall, the number of victims will increase. However, there are shacks built with the help of the army, there are porridge sheds by the wealthy and wealthy merchants in Beijing, and there are also free medical sheds led by small doctors. The faces of the victims are full of gratitude and hope-this disaster, they will be able to sustain it!

In the admiring and grateful eyes of the victims, Gu Ye got on the low-key but comfortable carriage of Ning Wangfu. I was busy all day, and even the empty space for meals was watching the patient's night, so tired that I couldn't even move my fingers.

She collapsed in the carriage of the carriage, and had no time to say to Ling Juchen: "I will go to the space to rest for a while, and call me when I'm in the house!"

Perhaps this red lotus space is due to the Ling family heirloom. Gu Ye only recently discovered that after she entered the space, she was able to contact Ling Juchen. However, in the past, she was not very skilled in operation, and it was not like the signal of the mobile phone.

After getting married, the two were mixed, and the "signal" became better! Haha, Gu Ye quipped: This space is definitely an artifact of long-distance love, you can call it remotely!

After Gu Ye said this, he disappeared into the carriage in the next second. Ling Juechen's hand: He also wants to take a rest in the space! When it is a luxury to be busy sleeping, how commendable is the time difference in space!

When he was in Fuzhong, Gu Yesheng drove down the carriage. Brothers who are tired like dogs can't help but sigh at the resilience of their sister-wasn't she the one who was just put in the carriage?

"Sister! Do you have any medicine to restore your energy? Don't hide it and eat it yourself, and bring one to Brother!" Chu Mushan walked on two legs-too tired! He experienced the busyness of the epidemic again.

Yan Guo must be guilty of rushing with him, and tired him like a dog twice! If it wasn’t for his sister to marry, he wouldn’t be dead for the third time!

Gu Ye pulled a few times in the space-really! She sent a bottle to each of her brothers and said, "This is only a temporary relief from fatigue. It is still necessary to eat more and rest more, otherwise, if the medicine is over, the fatigue will increase!"

"Relax, UU reading I will go back and fall asleep!" Chu Mushan raised his neck and poured the potion. He sucked his mouth, it seemed to be aftertaste the smell of the potion. Suddenly, he widened his eyes and showed an incredible expression—the fatigue on him was swept away. It's amazing!

"Sister, you are definitely a fairy reincarnation. This is your magic, right?" Chu Mushan stared at Gu Ye staring.

Gu Ye rolled his eyes at him, too lazy to ignore him. This potion sold very well in the previous life. After all, it is important to quickly restore physical strength in battle. Those hunters know.

She is a talented pharmacist! The medicine in hand is definitely a good thing. Now think about it, if there is no big ice block to protect her, she can't be swallowed by those forces with her talent?

But she had heard that a poorly qualified pharmacist was snatched back by some force and squeezed his value day and night. In his twenties, Huafa was born early, like an old man, lifeless. Thank her for the big ice cube, thank you for the excellent force value of the big ice cube, and thank the big ice cube for forming a hunting group enough to deter most people...

"Big ice cube! I suddenly felt that your muscles were tangled and pretty handsome!" Gu Ye suddenly said to Ling Juchen without thinking.

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