The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 880: About Muscle Man

Her four older brothers couldn’t keep up with her jumping thoughts, and looked at her puzzledly: What does sister mean? Not happy with your brother-in-law's figure? You said this girl, how can you say this outside? The two of you closed the door and said quietly!

Gu Ming also stunned back: "Ning Wang's figure is quite good. It looks thin, but it has muscles, don't you need to practice?"

The three brothers of the Chu family looked at him strangely. In Gu Ming's puzzled expression, Chu Mushan hooked his neck and led him to the direction of the guest room—the young couple talked about their stature. What did you follow? The world of two people, single dogs don't understand!

"Three brothers, four brothers and six brothers, eat a midnight snack before going to sleep!" Gu Ye shouted at their backs.

Ling Juchen's mouth is grinning, and the icebergs are all floating clouds!

"Why did you tell me this suddenly? Don't you like my previous life?" Ling Juchen held her little hand and walked slowly toward the inner courtyard. The light snowflakes slowly fell on the hair and shoulders of the two, as if to listen to the two's whispers.

"Suddenly don't hate it now! I like what you are now and how you looked like in your previous life-as long as you are you, I like it all!" Gu Ye confessed somewhat shyly.

"The relationship between the prince and the princess is so good!" Liangchen sighed. Whenever they are alone, she and Meijing will slow down and follow you from afar. She was afraid of her small heart and could not bear the intimacy of the two-it would burst the blood vessels!

"Little God Doctor is so lucky that he met a little general!" Xiaoming Sanya, a little girl without a big name, also sighed.

"Wrong! They are all lucky and met each other!" Without their girls, Ning Wang was just a cold **** of war, a murderous machine. They warmed each other and followed each other, as if it were two pieces of rain that fit well, but no one was complete.

Liangchen glanced down at the little girl who didn't understand, and dragged her to the bathroom in the back room: "Go, my sister will wash this head for you, and they all have lice. I also have the lice given by the Princess. Medicine... Seeing you and my scalp feel itchy!"

Sanya dragged her weak body today and helped Liangchen a lot. Gu Ye saw her pitiful, but her work was quick, and decided to keep her a few more days to help her observe and observe her character. If it is worth helping, Wangfu does not mind raising an extra child.

Back in the room, Gu Ye took a break after listening to her husband and went to work outside the city. She threw people into the space distressedly and said in her mouth: "Look at you, you have to do everything by yourself. The group of men and women are all eating dry food?"

"Many of the guys in the western suburbs camp were sent to Beijing Middle School for training, and they really ate dry food! If Ling Jiajun, I wouldn’t even have to show my face. Those stink boys, that is, my grandfather and I can suppress They. Grandpa is so old that he can’t let him go for me? Wait until tomorrow’s responsibilities are divided, let Dapeng watch, and I will be free to go to the hospital shed to accompany you!” Ling Juchen Kiss her little hand.

Gu Yebai gave him a glance and said, "You don't know how to heal. If you are such a big man standing in a medical shed, I still think you are occupying a lot of land!"

"Disgust me, I have to go! I don't stare at you, you don't eat well! Look at this one day, there is no more fresh spirit!" Ling Juchen pinched the flesh on her face, distressed.

"There are many patients on the first day of the free clinic today, and it should be better tomorrow." Gu Ye gave him a boy scout salute and promised, "I will eat on time tomorrow!"

"There are so many medical centers and drugstores in Beijing, so just a few people come. It's really..." Ling Juchen frowned, very unhappy. However, it is free for people to come or go for free clinics, can't they be forced?

"We don't force it, we can lure it!" Gu Ye raised his mouth and showed a bad smile. "Okay, Brother Chen, you must take the time to rest. When the midnight snack is done, I will come in and call you!"

After Gu Ye finished speaking, she didn't give Ling Juchen the time to ask her what was the temptation. Ling Juchen raised her eyebrows, took off her military uniform, lay on the big bed in the space, and fell asleep in the fragrance of Xiao Honglian.

Gu Ye took out the post in the house and wrote a handwritten note recommending admission to the medical school for several medical clinics and drugstore owners who came to the free clinic today. Although the medical school has not been built yet, the medical doctor responsible for teaching has been determined. Each doctor of medicine has two places recommended for admission, which can be reserved for the juniors of his own family or can be transferred to others.

She made the medical school plan. It can be said that she was led by the emperor's approval. What is the recommended number of places? Besides, she will have to teach surgery and take obstetrics and gynecology classes at that time. If anyone has an opinion, let him mention it to the emperor!

Besides, the doctors of these free clinics do their best to work hard and don’t give them a little sweetness. Isn’t it cold and motivated?

The princess was not asleep at this time. How can she sleep? The son-in-law and daughter-in-law had been busy outside the capital for a whole day, and even had to take a look at the empty child and quickly settle down. Even if the son is thick, the skin is thick and thick, often in the army, these are not things.

But her delicate and soft daughter-in-law actually suffered. The daughter-in-law will enjoy the blessings more often. When she doesn't need her to ask for peace, she will wake up naturally every day, and the noon thunder will not move. Food is also meticulous.

The maid she sent to deliver the meal came back and said that in the future, too fine meals should not be delivered. The daughter-in-law did not have time to eat. They all used chewy dishes to stir in the rice and chopped straight into the mouth! The daughter-in-law said that she could spend a little time eating and seeing a few more victims, so that the victims could alleviate their suffering earlier.

The princess gave the pastry, and the daughter-in-law was often too busy to eat, and some were used to reward the children for injections. Alas, the son was right, as soon as the daughter-in-law worked, she became a desperate San Niang.

She really wanted to see her daughter-in-law, but she was almost afraid of delaying her rest time. It was almost three changes before the young couple returned to let them sleep more.

"By the way, A Chang, is the beef soup in the kitchen simmering? It's cold this day. First, give the couple a bowl of hot soup to warm up the body. Ye Er wants to eat and let the kitchen do it for her. Minger prepare more Some ingredients that the princess likes to eat!" Princess Chang sighed. The daughter-in-law is young and does not know how to take care of herself. Let her mother-in-law help you think about this.

Soon, Grandma Chang came back and said to the elder princess: "The princess has asked the kitchen to say something simple. I heard that the kitchen stewed beef soup, and ordered beef vermicelli soup and crispy baked egg pancakes. "

"Egg filling cake?" Princess Chang asked suspiciously.

Mother-in-law said: "The slave-servant asked, as if it was a snack in the north. It was crispy on the outside, filled with eggs inside, and the slave-smelt smelled very fragrant."

"Well, Ye'er is benevolent. This is someone who doesn't want to toss about the kitchen! Tell the kitchen to make more snacks for the princess to take in the morning. When you are hungry, please pad!" Princess Chang Lying on the bed, covered with a quilt, it took a long time to fall asleep.

The thin slices of beef were spread in small bowls, fans of energy, delicious soup, and crispy egg filling. Gu Ye showed the expression of the little greedy cat and took a deep breath-as expected, the simpler the food, the more she could arouse her appetite. So fragrant!

Gu Ye asked the girls to retreat and flashed into the space. Beef vermicelli soup and egg pancakes also appeared on the table in the space.

Ling Juchen was still asleep unknowingly, it must be exhausted, and she didn't find it even when she came in. Gu Ye had counted the time. Her husband slept for more than six hours, so he fluttered, pressed the sleeping man under the bed, and gnawed hard: "Husband, get up and eat!"

Ling Juchen was back when she was awake, first kissed, then... eat dry and wipe away! Gu Yewei gasped and glared softly at him with spring-colored eyes: "People kindly ask you to eat, but you have eaten them. You have to go on duty later, you are not afraid of being tired!"

"No matter how tired you have to feed your wife! You can only say that you are more tempting than the midnight snack!" Ling Juechen took the little daughter-in-law to take a mandarin duck bath in the pond. The only little red lotus in the lotus pond, the petals shyly gathered, hid in the lotus leaves-don't ignore it!

The two had a great appetite. The beef vermicelli soup is delicious and rich, and the egg filling cake is crisp and delicious. Even Gu Ye drank a bowl of soup and ate two cakes. If it weren’t for Ling Juchen’s fear that she would eat up, she would definitely not be able to control her mouth.

"Okay, if you want to eat, let people go to the kitchen to take more and put it in the space. Whenever you want to eat, UU will read it at Anyway, in the space, the food will keep coming in. The state of Ling.” Ling Juchen expressed helplessness to his wife of a greedy cat. What can the wife who marries herself spoil?

This method is good. Gu Ye took Ling Juchen out of the room and asked Liangchen to go to the kitchen and order more beef soup and cakes.

The amount just delivered is enough for three strong men to eat, and the princess and the lord have all finished eating? Liang Chen's eyes showed an incredible look-it must be for the prince, and she knew the amount of food for her master. Ye Wang can really eat!

Ling Juchen once again took the pot for his daughter-in-law, leaving the impression of "big stomach king" in her heart.

After supper, Ling Juchen rejoined the "battle." Gu Ye took a break and went into the space to make cold medicine. The efficacy of cold medicine is better than pills and granules, which can be said to be immediate. Because it is the technology of the future, it is too advanced. Gu Ye never dared to take it out.

There are too many victims of colds and colds, and even with the support of Shen Wanjin, it may not be able to support until the end of the disaster. Gu Ye intends to refine some concentrated medicaments and then dilute them with boiling water for the victims to quote. If there is no disease, it can prevent and improve resistance; if there is disease, it can play a therapeutic effect. Anyway, this medicine is only good and harmless!

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