The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 881: Looking for something?

Gu Ye fought in the space for an unknown amount of time. When he was thirsty, he drank the fruit juice squeezed in autumn. When he was hungry, he ate a pot cake. Finally, he made ten large bottles of medicine. Because of the use of mutated herbs in the space, Gu Ye was very satisfied.

I looked at the pocket watch outside the space and it was almost six o'clock. Gu Ye took the time to sleep in the space again, and returned to the free clinic at dawn.

The old doctor who participated in the sitting consultation saw Gu Ye's energetic and energetic appearance, and could not help sighing, saying, "You are so young!"

Seeing that his grandson was powerless, he couldn't help but get angry: "Care up! Look at the other little doctor, you didn't lie idle yesterday, or you left last. Are you tired? Can you see the energy of others? Son! You can’t compare your medical skills with others, do you even lose this to others?"

Poor boy, rubbed his face with snow, shook his head, cheered up, and devoted himself to the work of diagnosing and treating the victims-little doctor, you child of someone else's family, leave some way for others?

Gu Ye came to the resettlement site for the victims and did not enter the medical shed. She had people set up several cauldrons not far from her medical shed, and each cauldron put several medicinal herbs in it and boiled on fire. The doctors and victims in the free clinic did not care. Because yesterday, I also boiled the medicine and applied it!

Those kinds of medicinal materials are nothing but cover, and the highlight is still the potions refined by Gu Ye last night. She solemnly handed over the task to the younger brother Gu Ming: "After a pot of medicine has been hydrated, add water to boil again, add two drops of medicine liquid to it. Remember, don't forget to add medicine liquid!"

"Okay, go ahead and leave it to me!" Gu Ming assured.

He shouted in the direction of the victims: "This is the medicine that Xiao Shen doctor did not sleep last night and made a cold and cold prevention. You can drink a bowl if you are sick or sick. Everyone holds their own bowl to rank the leader! "

Yesterday, the old man who liked to chatter came together and asked, "Can you drink without being sick? Isn't that a waste?"

"Why is it waste? My sister said that drinking it without disease can prevent a cold. You look at it, and how many patients have been added in the night? If you drink this medicine in advance, they will not Sick!" Gu Ming explained patiently.

The old man's face showed a happy look: "Then, give me a number. I go back to get the bowl, and bring a bowl to my son and grandson."

Next to the victims said: "It's appropriate for you to line up and get medicine for your family?"

Gu Ming didn't wait for the old man to speak, and said: "There is nothing wrong! One person ranks, and the family can come over to receive the medicine. Rest assured, there is more medicine, everyone can get it, it's just a matter of time!"

In front of these four cauldrons, a long line was quickly formed. Today, several of Gu Ye’s brothers don’t have to go to Pan Kang, they stay here to help write the numbers on the victims’ hands.

This is the way Gu Ye thought of. Yesterday, she saw patients line up in the wind and snow. They were not seriously ill. After blowing the wind, they became more ill and consumed more medicine. After arranging the numbers, the victims can wait in their shacks and wait for him to come to see him again.

Therefore, only a few people queued up in front of Gu Ye's medical shed today. Other volunteer clinics soon adopted Gu Ye's method.

Gu Ye called the number here, all five or five. She saw the doctor very quickly, and if the symptoms were mild, she asked a large pot not far away to bring a potion of liquid medicine and drank and sweated. He was prescribed only when the symptoms were a little severe.

A disaster victim in his thirties helped his old lady to see a doctor. The old woman had a mild cold, so Gu Ye asked her to drink a potion. The man's eyes glared and said fiercely: "For medicine? Everyone has prescribed medicine, why don't we?"

Liang Chen explained on the side: "The old lady is not seriously ill, just drink a bowl of potion. The effect of this potion is similar to that of a granule!"

"Your Gu's hospital shed, don't you say that elderly people over the age of 50 can be prescribed medicine? Yesterday everyone has it, just a few of them have it, but we don't have it here. What's wrong, look down on us, right? ?" The man stared at a pair of bullseyes, unconvinced.

"I don't look at you anymore, what's wrong?" Gu Ye flicked the table, bouncing from the chair, jumping into the chair, and condescendingly pointing at the man's nose. "The cheat tricked the old lady. You're not guilty. Ah! Come here, take him to me and give it to the Yamen for interrogation!"

"What are you doing? Why do you catch me? You are a liar. Are you a liar? Didn't you give too much medicine yesterday? When I went back to my account, I felt distressed. Then I got a pot of potions and didn't know what medicine to fool us? "The man was caught by the guards in the Wangfu, struggling constantly, and yelling loudly in his mouth.

Gu Ye's eyes glanced at the victims around him and asked lightly, "Why? What do you think?"

Sanya first stood up and said: "He talks nonsense! Don't believe his words! For this free clinic, Xiao Shenyi stopped all the medicines for curing wind and cold in the pharmaceutical factory, and sent a carriage to pull it. It's almost there today. In addition to the medicines of the pharmaceutical factory, there are also medicines donated by big wealthy businessmen. The little **** doctor's home is a medicine factory. How much does it cost to donate medicine? Does she know? If she is reluctant, why would she give medicine to the victims for free? "

"She wants a good reputation, both to be a **** and a torii!" The man was straight and confident.

The full moon flew over, and there were a few mouths on his face: "Give me a clean mouth! Otherwise, the girl doesn't mind washing you with blood!"

"It's killing! The little doctor doctors connive at killing people and killing them!" The man played a rogue.

Gu Ye sneered and walked slowly to the man, kicking him out with a kick. The man spurted a lot of blood when he landed, and the facial features were so distorted that he could no longer speak.

"Killing people and killing your mouth? You, a civilian, insulted Princess Ning. It was not enough to die three times. Do you know how the person who framed Princess Ben the last time? Copy the house, exile, the dead can't die anymore!" Gu Ye stepped on his Face, ignoring the panic in his eyes.

"Come to cheat medicine, even the identity of Princess Ben hasn't inquired clearly, it's really not dedicated." Gu Ye looked at the old woman who shrank from the side, her face was only frightened and not distressed. If it is really a mother and son, how can you allow your son to be beaten and not beg for mercy?

"Well, Princess Ben asked you to be a ghost! Since you are posing as a disaster victim, what is your name in that village? Who are your neighbors? Don't tell me, your family will be affected in a village!" Gu Ye found himself The soles of his shoes were stained with the blood of the other party and rubbed on the snow in disgust.

The victims who were watching from afar saw the man's face panicked and speechless, could he still not know what was going on?

Yesterday I received the medicine from Gu Ye. The old lady with reduced symptoms pointed to the man's nose and scolded: "You black-hearted! The little doctor for the victims, we gave the doctors, gave us medicine, gave back Poor patients send cotton-padded clothes and quilts. You actually ruined her reputation, your conscience was eaten by dogs?"

Then Grandpa Tuber squeezed in from the crowd and said, "Old sister-in-law, he is a liar! The deceitful medicine fails, and the dirty water is poured on the little doctor. Such a person should give him an official and beat him! Medicine, they are all life-saving medicine for our victims!"

"I think he has ulterior motives and wants to incite the victims to rebel! Come, put him in the jail of the Penal Department, and the king will interrogate himself!" Lord Ning, who has been busy all night without sleep, appeared. For those who abused her little daughter-in-law, Can't bear it-his daughter-in-law doesn't even want to say a heavy sentence, how can he tolerate a diaomin pointing at his nose?

The old lady of the victims was so scared that he had no relationship with the man, and he knelt on the ground and kowtowed: "The prince spared his life, he came to me and asked me to help me get medicine. If I don't cooperate, he will I'm going to kill me. I'm a lonely old lady, with no children and no daughters, I dare not resist. I'm wrong! Little doctor, the old lady doesn't dare. I really have nothing to do with him... yes, I'm Wang Wazi In the village, everyone in the village knows my widowed wife Liu..."

The man saw that his guard had turned into a good soldier, and suddenly his face looked like earth, and he howled with his throat: "The deception is not my idea, but the king asked me to come. Let me give you a couple of days of cold medicine. It's none of my business, you have to catch the king!"

"Shut up! My father just asked you to help him buy a cold medicine, who made you disrespect the little genius doctor. You die by yourself, don't pull our Wang family!" A delicate-looking man rushed out and pointed at the man's. Nose scolded.

"If it were not for you to buy medicine, could Lao Tzu hit the Princess?" The man's eyes were bloodshot, showing a cannibalistic expression.

"I regret to have found you too! You are rude, UU reads and thinks badly. If something goes wrong, we still have to drag our royal family!" Qingxiu's face was pale. He knew that he couldn't back down, and if he took a step back, he would never lose his life.

"Hurry up and take the people away, and there are patients waiting to see the doctor in the back!" Gu Ye was so annoyed by their quarrel and impatiently.

Ling Juchen quickly made a gesture: "Take it away!"

The Qingxiu man quickly opened his clothes, knelt in front of Gu Ye, and explained in a begging tone: "Little Divine Doctor, please listen to my explanation. My father suffered a cold a few days ago and went to the pharmacy to buy medicine, but was told The cold medicine is out of stock.

My father was so stubborn that he didn't want to take soup medicine, so I thought of such a way to buy medicine from the victims. I didn’t expect this person to be so rude, and offended the little doctor... The old man in the family was lying in bed. If I were caught in a big prison, only the weak wife and children would be left in the family..."

"Then did you ever think that you bought medicine from the victims, what should the victims do?" Gu Ye frowned and moved two steps towards the side. She is really not used to being kneeled by others.

"I... I specifically told him to pick the sick victims to buy. One or two silver, someone should be willing to..." Qingxiu man said with shame.

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