The Resplendent Farming Apothecary

Chapter 882: The end of fraud

"What a silver or two! He said that I gave the medicine to him, and gave us the buns... You black-hearted, even the silver that the wife saves is greedy! You have a conscience--" The lonely old man pounced and kicked at the man, even his teeth went up.

Liangchen said angrily: "Our master has donated tens of thousands of medicines for you, not to mention labor and effort. I didn't expect that for two buns, we can use our master's kindness and trample on the ground. The medicines given to you are not Eat, wait for the delay, and our master will use more medicine to save you! Are you afraid of the doctors at the free clinic?

"Girl, don't be angry! This woman Liu's reputation in Wangwazi Village is not good. You can do everything by stealing and slipping, and being kidnapped. You can have as few consciences as she can?" Angrily blowing his beard and staring.

Other victims also echoed, fearing the doctors and doctors of the free clinic, because of this mouse shit, they withdrew their kindness and withdrew from the medical shed.

In particular, the doctor's shed of the Little God Doctor, the granules provided to the children and the elderly, how many lives have been saved! In the past years of disaster, the largest number of deaths were children and the elderly! From the first day of the free clinic yesterday, almost no one was killed, and several serious patients were also pulled back from the edge of death. What should they do if they are really cold?

Something happened to Gu's medical shed, and the doctors of other medical sheds also stopped their work and came out to check the reason. Hearing this, I was all angry! This really tramples their kindness on the ground! Two doctors offered to take the shed back!

When the victims heard this, they knelt down. If these doctors did not diagnose for free, and there were little doctors and several pharmacies donated medicines, how many of the hundreds of patients died yesterday?

The snow is still falling and I don't know when it will stop. No one can guarantee that people who are not sick now will be lucky to not get sick. Yesterday's patients were treated. If the doctors admitted to the hospital, what about today's patients? Will they be sick in the future?

Gu Ye raised the old man kneeling in front of himself. She put a face on her face and said to the victims who were kneeling on the ground: "I will continue with the free clinic. I can't let so many people suffer the consequences because of one person's greed! However, we have to get three chapters of the law!"

"You said, you said!" A young man holding a child raised his head and looked at her with earnest eyes. As long as the little doctor does not withdraw the shed, they can agree to whatever the condition.

His dog's egg began to have a fever and cough last night, but he came in line when it was not dawn. In this way, there are still more than twenty people in front. What should he do if his little doctor displeased them and stopped showing them?

"First, if he finds that the free medicine is resold to others, he and his family will not give treatment! The folks supervise each other, report and confirm, and reward three buns!

Second, obey the arrangement unconditionally. If the doctor diagnoses the symptoms lightly, he will not prescribe medicine from today, and get the medicine next to the cauldron. This princess guarantees that this potion is definitely not as effective as granules!

The third thing... I haven’t thought about the third one yet. I’ll tell you when I think about it. Please tell each other. Once it is found that it does not comply with the regulations and does not obey the arrangement, all volunteer clinics will refuse treatment! "Gu Ye had a pair of bright eyes and burst into a fierce light. As far as his eyes were concerned, the victims couldn't help but nodded.

Gu Ye saw that many people had moved in the direction of a large cauldron, so they raised the volume and added a sentence: "Also, if you are not sick, you can also take a bowl of potion, which can have a preventive effect. You don’t need medicine. Medicine is not a good thing, you don’t have to eat it again!"

The old man who likes to chatter thought for a while and said, "I asked my two sons to pick up firewood. The little doctor was so considerate for our victims. If you can save her, save it!"

When he said this, many victims immediately responded. Shrinked in the shack, the colder you sit, the better you can find some work! Little **** doctors are kind-hearted, can they still work in vain?

There are many hills two miles outside the capital. The hills are wooded, and heavy snow has broken many branches. There were also many dead branches buried under the snow, and it didn't take much effort to pick up the firewood. Some victims found frozen pheasants in the snowdrifts on the mountain, and even more people went to collect firewood.

There was more firewood, and the wealthy merchants in Beijing donated a few more cauldrons. Although the number of disaster victims increased by thousands of people today, the ranks of receiving potions are shrinking rapidly.

Fortunately, the victims who chose to help the potion were very energetic. This is no difficulty for those who are used to working. For a day, let’s say three meals a day, and each person sends three buns, which can be taken back to the family!

Soon, the victims knew how to deal with the three "troublemakers". The man insulted Princess Ning and went to jail. It is said that he was exiled to the saltworks to work as a coolie. The man who bought him was redeemed by his family with heavy money. The orphan and widow surnamed Liu, although released, was isolated.

She was scared and scared, aggravating her condition. Still a neighbor in her village, she couldn't bear it, and asked the little doctor, and took several soups and cooked them for her. It was also her destiny that even survived. Seeing the misfortune of the widow with the surname Liu, the other victims were honest and dared not have any other ideas.

The patients on the second day were much fewer than the first day of the free clinic, and many were mild patients. The elderly and children of the victims are almost diagnosed. In the afternoon, Gu Ye was free.

She got up and twisted her waist, shook her arms, walked out of the hospital shed, and went to the shack of the critically ill patient to review the few pneumonia patients. Turning her head and seeing Sanya following her, Gu Yedao said: "Your illness is not yet complete, go back and lie down for a while."

"Thank you, Xiao Shenyi for your concern, I feel much better! Just let me follow you, I lie so painful in my bones!" Sanya's attitude is a little bit diligent. Gu Ye has learned from Liangchen that this little girl has expressed her interest in studying medicine.

After observation, although this nizi is a little clever and has some minor problems, but after so much suffering, her character is still sunny and cheerful, the most important thing is that she knows how to be grateful. If her talents are justified and she is willing to work hard, Gu Ye is not against teaching her some medical skills-it depends on how much she can learn!

After watching a few critically ill patients, Gu Ye wandered around the settlement of the victims. She raised her eyebrows as she looked at the few additional sheds. It seems that the news of these people is quite well informed. It only took a long time to learn that she sent recommendation posts to those few companies.

Later, the doctors in the medical shed saw Gu Ye and came over to greet attentively, and introduced their intentionally or unintentionally—the purpose is too obvious!

A few steps further, several pharmacies came together and said that they can donate a batch of drugs for the treatment of wind chills. Of course Gu Ye will not refuse! Her family's medicine is also bought by Yinzi, which can save a little!

Going to the porridge shed where porridge was cooked, Gu Yu saw a person waving at her and turned to look at it. It turned out to be Princess Hejia. Gu Yeying went up and asked, "Why did you come here in person? Your pony is at ease with you?"

"You Ning Wang's cousin maintains law and order, what's not to worry about?" Princess Hejia saw the victims who lined up to receive porridge, greeted Gu Ye and lamented her popularity.

"It's cold and it's snowing this day. You threw a few children at home and ran out to join in the fun. Are you like a mother like this? What if you have a cold? Go back and infect the children... Ah "" Before finishing the speech, Gu Ye sneezed several times.

Princess Hejia said happily: "I don't have a cold, but you have a cold first. Hurry up and give yourself some medicine, otherwise my cousin will be distressed."

Several nearby families with children and elderly people who had been treated by Gu Ye looked at her with concern. Gu Ye took a small medicine bottle out of the purse, pulled out the stopper, took a sip, and put it back again.

"This... this is all right? They all say that the doctors are not self-medicated, do you want to ask the doctor to come over and show you?" Princess Hejia asked uncomfortably.

Gu Ye smiled and said, "There are doctors everywhere. What kind of doctor do you want? I only have a mild cold, just drink some medicine! You don't even need to take medicine!"

"Potion? Is that the kind of collar over there?" Princess He Jia asked curiously.

Gu Ye nodded: "Yeah! It's the same! You'd better drink a little, although we don't need to buy medicine, can we get sick or not?"

Princess Hejia glanced over there and shook her head: "Let me line up with the victims to get the potion? I can't do it. Cousin, you give me a small bottle!"

Gu Ye gave her a white glance, and UU read the book and threw her a porcelain bottle: "Drink, give me the bottle back after drinking!"

"Baosao is stingy, and a worthless bottle has been recovered!" Princess Hejia swallowed with audacity, and sucked, and said, "Huh, not bitter, it's quite delicious! It's hot!"

"You're not stingy, send me a few hundred bottles?" Gu Ye grabbed the bottle in her hand, threw the potion clean, and put it back in the purse (space).

"Give it away! Dozens of silver! This princess is not bad now!" Princess Hejia thought of earning a lot of money for cosmetics this year, and she immediately danced.

"Okay, your wealthy and princess, Princess Hejia, you can get more food to help the victims!" Gu Ye glanced at the porridge shed in the Princess Mansion, which was very thick. The court's porridge shed has been proofed, and other porridge sheds are not too shabby. Victims can take two porridges a day. Although they can't eat enough, they will not starve to death!

"To say that I am rich and wealthy, how can I be as good as my cousin? The cousin who gave you the cousin Qingfeng Building will be able to get into the gold every day, not to mention you still have three pharmaceutical factories and two cosmetics factories-cousin. , Your family's silver won't stay moldy, right?" Princess Hejia was greedy.

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