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"You don't have to worry about this!" The money you made in the past two years does not have to be invested in production. The amount of money for her is just a string of numbers. The more money you make, the more you can't find the excitement.

Gu Ye walked all the way, and many familiar faces appeared in the porridge shed, most of them were young people from various provinces, giving them a chance to experience. Ji Xianrong took a bowl of potions and saw Gu Ye hurried to say hello.

Princess Hejia looked at the potion in his hand and asked, "Why don't you drink while you're holding it?"

"I've drunk, this... I'm going to send it to my fiancee." Ji Xianrong Junxiu's face flew a hint of red cloud.

Gu Ye said with approval: "The daughter-in-law has known that she feels distressed before she has passed the door. Yes, good man!"

The praised Ji Xianrong said with a smirk: "Thank you Aunt Cousin for complimenting, I will continue to learn from Uncle Cousin and be a good man who spoils my wife!"

"Well, ambitious, continue to work hard!" Ling Juchen's voice appeared behind him. Ji Xianrong was so shocked that he almost threw the bowl.

Seeing that he had nothing to do, Princess Qin threw herself into a group of dudes all day long, and threw him into a large camp in the western suburbs. He was trained by Ling Juchen's devil, which cast a shadow on his voice and on him.

"Teach...Good instructor! I will!" Ji Xianrong stood upright, a model in the military posture.

Gu Ye smiled and said to Ling Juchen: "You see you scared the child!"

child? Ling Juchen glanced at Ji Xianrong's 1.8-meter-tall head. Is there such a huge child? Besides, he is two years older than you!

"You have a bit of nasal noise, you have a cold? Have you taken medicine? It must have been tired for two days, and your immunity will be reduced. This is the case. Don't walk in the snow, go back and rest!" Ling Juchen touched Touching her head, fortunately, not hot.

Gu Ye rubbed his head in the palm of his hand, like a cat who loves coquettishly: "I have already taken the potion. There will be a patient in a while!"

"You are the patient now! Let the patient come later, give it to the full moon. Anyway, for those kinds of symptoms, the full moon can cope with it. Isn't there any other doctor who can't cope?" Ling Juchen was not assured.

But he remembered deeply that this girl suffered from the wind and cold and almost stepped into the Hall of Lords when she was a child to treat her elder brother. The little girl's body, when she was a child, suffered too much loss. She was afraid of a time bomb and did not know when it broke out.

Gu Ye was deeply helpless: her body had really been adjusted. Why do people still treat her like a fragile glass man, so tightly protected? What a sweet burden.

Accompanied by her husband, she walked around the resettlement site and found that there was really nothing to do with her. She obediently obeyed and drove back to Beijing.

It was still early, so she let the driver go to Fuyuan. She has been busy working outside the city for the past two days, and has only spoken to her father and mother-in-law. They will definitely worry whether she is tired or hungry. Parents are all their own children.

Sure enough, just entered the door. The Jun who got the news greeted him in a hurry. Because I walked too fast, I almost fell off!

Unsurprisingly, the mother saw her in a hurry. Gu Ye sneezed, and she was worried for a long time. Gu Ye reluctantly explained again and again: "Mother, I don't have a cold. I came in from the outside suddenly, and my nose is not very suitable for the warm air in the room. I have taken the medicine to prevent colds... Yes, I gave my father and mother And sisters-in-law, bring a few bottles of preventive medicine, you all drink it."

Jun’s touched his daughter’s head: “You are so busy in the free clinic outside the city, and you still think about us. I and your sister-in-law, staying at home without going out, won’t get sick.”

"Xiao Fanfan? Why didn't I see him messing up and asking my aunt to hug? I wouldn't see you in two days, so I had a break with my aunt?" Gu Ye suddenly felt that the house was so quiet. .

Sister-in-law Lin Ruohan sighed and said, "Don't mention it! This stinky kid is too skinny to live in peace for a moment. Yesterday, the snow was so heavy, I had to use a basket to catch birds. I didn't see it and rolled into the snow . I coughed a little last night, and I have taken medicine much better."

Gu Yedao: "The child's illness is sloppy. I'll go see Fan'er."

At this time, Xiao Fanfan was sitting on the bed, playing with toys in his hands, but his eyes were looking out. Although eager for the snow-white world outside, Niangqin threatened him that if his condition worsened and he could not buy medicine outside, he could only eat bitter medicine...

By the way, my aunt will make medicine. When she sees her next time, let her make more sweet medicine, and he will not be afraid of getting sick in the future!

Huh? Aunt's voice? Wouldn't he miss his aunt too much? My mother said, Auntie is very busy helping the children of the poor, so it is impossible to visit him?

"Little Fanfan, my aunt came to see you!" The voice was so real that he couldn't help turning his head to see it. what! Really aunt!

Xiao Fanfan threw away the toy in his hand and happily flung towards the young aunt, hanging on her and never wanting to come down again: "Aunt, Faner misses you!"

Lin Ruohan hurried forward to pick up his son: "Your aunt is tired for a day, don't follow Tim chaos. Sister, put him down, this kid is important!"

Although Xiao Fanfan was not very willing, he was a good baby, and he sat down honestly beside his aunt: "Aunt, you are tired, Fan'er will give you a thump!" He said, with a fleshy little fist, give Gu Ye Beat the leg.

Gu Ye pulled his small hand, put his finger on his pulse, and gave Lin Ruohan a smile that assured her: "It's okay, but it's just a slight cold. I brought the potion and let him drink two bottles to heal. "

"Aunt, is the potion bitter?" Xiao Fanfan asked with a milky voice.

Gu Ye scared him: "The good medicine is bitter, do you say the medicine is bitter?"

"Aunt lied, don't you know how to make sweet medicine?" Xiao Fanfan asked with a rumpled face.

Gu Ye, an unscrupulous aunt, continued to scare him: "The disobedient child should give him bitter medicine. Otherwise, he will not remember long!"

"Faner is obedient, and the child is remembered for a long time. Aunt shouldn't give Faner a bitter medicine!" Xiao Fanfan started coughing again.

Gu Ye took out a porcelain bottle and sent it in front of the little guy: "Drink, don't cough!"

Xiao Fanfan's small face wrinkled into a ball, slowly took the medicine bottle, looked at her grandmother for help, and then looked at her mother. Seeing that none of them said good things for him, Xiao Fanfan was about to cry.

"Aren't you an obedient child? Why didn't you obey the medicine obediently?" Gu Ye grinned.

The little guy took the medicine bottle to his mouth, stopped for a while and then removed it, and then sent it to his lips again. A pair of eyes looked at Aunt pitifully, like a little baby dog ​​who was abandoned. Seeing his grandmother, mother and aunt all looking at him with a smile, the little guy curled his mouth, closed his eyes with one bite of his teeth, and poured it into his mouth...

Huh, sweet? It tastes like juice, like... grape juice squeezed by my aunt. Xiao Fanfan sucked his mouth, licked the mouth of the bottle, and turned the medicine bottle upside down, pouring the last drop of medicine into his mouth.

"Sister, have you developed a fruit-flavored potion?" Xing Zifeng coughed **** the side and looked at her expectantly. "My throat is not very comfortable. Is there a potion for coughing up throat?"

Junshi nodded her with her finger and smiled, "How are you like a child?"

Xing Zifeng smiled embarrassedly. She likes to eat sweets. When she was in the army, she was tired of training and ate a sweet candy before she had the courage to persevere.

After marrying in Zhenguo's government, her sister likes to make good food and desserts, and various kinds of snacks, which make her feel very satisfied. The fruit candy in the candy shop is endless. Fortunately, the younger sister gave her mouthwash and rinsed her mouth after eating candy to protect her teeth.

In addition to candy and sweethearts, various juices are also her favorite. It's winter now, and drinking juice is a luxury. It is also a good choice to use fruity potions instead.

Gu Ye grabbed her wrist, touched her pulse, and looked at her speechlessly: "Sister-in-law, you are as strong as a cow, what kind of potion do you drink? When I go back, someone will give you a box of juice. However, you can only drink one bottle a day. You can't be greedy in winter."

Lin Ruohan quipped aside: "You two! I think the role should be changed. Xiao Ye'er is overwhelmed and he will take care of others."

"I'm a doctor, this is an occupational disease!" Gu Ye sat on the bed and played toys with Xiao Fanfan.

Xing Zifeng sat next to her contentedly and asked, "How much juice do you have? Give me a box, is it enough for you to drink?"

"If I don't say enough, would you not accept UU reading" Gu Ye asked with a smile.

Xing Zifeng hesitated for a moment and nodded as hard as he could: "If you don't have enough to drink, don't send it. My sister-in-law, I can't grab a little food with my sister-in-law."

Several of the sisters-in-law at home, most of them developed their girlfriends from Gu Ye. Only the fourth sister-in-law was picked up by the fourth brother in the army. I didn't have much contact with her before. I didn't expect Sisao to be such an interesting person.

"Relax, Sister-in-law. Your brother-in-law knows that I like to eat fruits and not vegetables. There is a huge cold storage at home. There are a lot of fruits hidden in it. I can't finish eating in winter! We also have an ice storage, etc. Next autumn, people will also store more fruits and vegetables. By the way, I will make a fresh-keeping potion, which is harmless to the human body. Spray the fresh-keeping potion, and put the fruit in the ice store for a year. Not bad!"

Gu Ye suddenly felt that he might be able to do fruit and vegetable business. In the winter, there is nowhere to buy fresh fruits and vegetables. This is definitely a business opportunity!

Gu Ye talked about his plans with a little excitement. Lin Ruohan held her head and looked over and over. Gu Ye rescued her hair from her claws: "Sister-in-law, what are you doing! I messed up my hairstyle."

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