The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 176 - Mr. Wu is Home

Liu Li's eyes flickered. For some reason… it… sounded so impressive. He was used to watching a lot of movies with his son, and he was particularly biased toward the fantasy genre. This kind of ability seemed to be something he would see in them—and it wouldn't be depicted in a bad way either. However, that was film.

His reality was that his son would kill his own mind and let someone else take over.

The grave expression on his face grew graver. He could understand why a huge family like the Qiao family would want such a thing. Moreover, he had a feeling that not only the Qiaos would be after Liu Xiaodan soon. Most of them would be using the marriage cover to covet after his inherited power. Wait...

"...if this thing is from Xiao Qian's mother, then why did Xiao Qian not receive it?" Liu Li remembered that his wife was unable to see spirits. That was the original script of Wu Qianqian's story before she told him about the experimentation. Moreover, she couldn't see the things that Liu Xiaodan had seen before.

"We don't know actually. Despite Lengleng's powerful blood and Wu Zhong's passable skills in exorcism, their little girl didn't have any abilities. The Qiao family was disappointed, but Wu Zhong didn't bother forcing Qianqian to have abilities. Perhaps, he was pretty patient by then. She was pretty young when Lengleng escaped from him; he probably was giving her time to awaken her power."

Mian Tianyu only spoke of his conjectures. None of them really knew why Wu Qianqian didn't have abilities. Even Wu Zhong had no idea why the supposed product ended up pushing down to another generation. The best they could come up with was that the serum made use of Wu Qianqian's innate ability as an enhancement of its power. 

Either that, or Wu Qianqian really was a good-for-nothing to a shaman family, and so the serum made use of the next generation—which had a rather powerful innate ability to communicate with the spirits.

"Regardless, it's not proper for the Qiao family to hold the Li family hostage against the Mian family. Even if we lose Liu Xiaodan to them, I will not let them bring down the—" Mian Tianyu suddenly remembered something when he was swearing his allegiance to his family again. He then turned to Liu Li. "Liu Li, do you know your daughter-in-law's mother? The one from Breakthrough?"

"...?" Liu Li hadn't really met Chuan Nayi outside the hospital that time. How was he supposed to know Chuan Nayi's mother? He could only shake his head. "No, but I will try to look for her. Maybe she would speak with me, considering our children's relationship."

"Good. Because she wouldn't speak with the Mian family." Mian Tianyu stroked at his chin. "Feng'er said something about cooperating with her with something, but he never really told me where he was going. Tell me when you can speak with her so I can relay a few questions. I just have a bad feeling about how things are between Feng'er and Liu Xiaodan..."

Another day was spent in darkness as Liu Xiaodan woke up naturally. He was still bound to the special bed, his wrists and ankles held down by belts. Even his mouth had a belt to keep him from screaming. His eyes flickered to adjust his vision, but the dark room only continued to be dark. Liu Xiaodan looked around, but there was nothing worth his attention. " boring..."

A faint light glowed from the side, and Liu Xiaodan moved his head to find Guangru. The bed, which was not supposed to be adjusted without permission, rose to an almost standing angle. Vines grew from the ground, and the child climbed it to reach his father's face. The child then flashed a smile.

"Baba, look what Guangru got you!" Guangru giggled before raising his hands. It was a small plate with peeled prawns. He then reached out to pull on the belt on Liu Xiaodan's mouth, loosening it from the base rather than snapping it broken. "Mama peeled these for Baba. Tee-hee!"

"They can have prawns? I never tasted anything else but oatmeal and gruel. Feed me, feed me!" Liu Xiaodan laughed as he ate the ones Guangru brought to his mouth. "These are so good! They're quite hot, too. Aren't you getting burned, Guangru?"

Guangru didn't answer, but his vision and expression were changing. Liu Xiaodan twitched and watched him intently before the child spoke in a serious tone again. "Baba, Ming and Jun are here. I don't know exactly when, but they are sent here and forced to feed on weaker ghosts that they captured. Ming almost killed Mama earlier." 

The child raised his fury-stricken eyes. "I want to kill."

"...the elite squad shouldn't be deployed again at this time. Moreover, they still haven't given me my demands. These belts are so itchy..." Liu Xiaodan murmured. If he could move, he would stroke at his son's head. "They would probably send in new people to deal with trouble if I cause one, right? Heh, I can't believe I'm acting like a villain now. I just wanted peace, but these people just wouldn't… stop..."

The child stared at him and then scanned his father's body again. His blood was becoming less and less pure, and it was starting to be filled up with faded blood. It didn't help that Liu Xiaodan literally depended on blood to attack if it's just him. However, even if he could make use of those King shells, the faded blood in his body would react. Either method would shorten Liu Xiaodan's lifespan...

"You got injected again..." Guangru looked at Liu Xiaodan's arm and noticed tiny holes on his skin. "What are they injecting into you? I don't like it." He finally finished the prawns, and he placed the plate on the side. He then remembered something and flashed a scary grin. "Baba, let's cause trouble. Mr. Wu is home."

Graphs and diagrams were on the screen, but Yun He was only slouching on his desk. He was a nurse, and his specialty was the disturbed. However… why was he in a laboratory taking a look at unprocessed blood work? This wasn't even something he remembered from school. He leaned against his chair and massaged his brows.

Then, he ended up seeing Wu Zhong walk into the laboratory. Before Yun He could retract his gaze, Wu Zhong met his eyes and smiled. He then used a hand gesture to call Yun He. "Nurse Yun, come with me. I was looking for you." He then left with the nurse, but Yun He was having a hard time feeling okay with this. Along the way, Song Qixi—in his normal look—walked with them.

Wu Zhong placed his hands behind him. "The aftermath of RS Moses's first test is terrible. God Raven killed four of them while that transcending greater ghost killed eight. However, I'm still looking forward to its results. As for RS Noah, join me, gentlemen." 

The assistant waiting for them pushed the door open, and Yun He was dragged into the Control Room. On the screens were the dispersed participants of RS Noah. Wu Zhong chuckled. "God Raven is locked again. Let's see if Abbaddon will fancy any of them."

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