The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 177 - She is a King

A slight chill ran up Yun He's spine. They were releasing Kings on the first day of the testing? Moreover, more than ten had already died? Now that Abbadon would be left to roam around, how many more would die from this? Yun He couldn't leave the room, but he felt sick. He shouldn't have bugged Fan Meiling to tell him the truth. If he didn't, he wouldn't be standing here while watching people die in the hands of the ghosts.

Meters behind them, the doors to the Control Room opened again. Fan Meiling and Tang Zhenluo walked in to witness the first test of RS Noah. They came specifically to see if Patient 4-28 would react to his friend. Earlier, they didn't record any movement as the subject seemed to be asleep. Now that he was awake, they were expecting activity from him… or his strange Kings.

"Why do some boxes have special symbols?" Tang Zhenluo frowned as he saw that some participants looked like they were being aided by the people from Control Room. He wasn't really familiar with shaman families so he didn't recognize the Qiao family emblem.

"They're participants from the sponsor family, Dr. Tang," Song Qixi answered for him. The doctor then nodded as if acknowledging his answer. Song Qixi then slid his gaze towards Yun He. This was the person Wu Zhong personally picked up from the laboratory. Not to mention plain, this person didn't look like a dignitary like them.

Song Qixi's gaze sharpened. "Mr. Wu, I believe you haven't introduced him to me yet. Who is this?"

"Ah, this Yun He, 4-28's attending nurse. But he's a little barred from the Treatment Hall for now so he's helping out in the laboratory," Wu Zhong answered casually, and Yun He's eye twitched. So that's why he was being softly tortured. He was actually receiving a punishment. Well, Liu Xiaodan did cause some trouble that delayed the acceptance of the participants by almost a full day.

Song Qixi's brows lifted. Liu Xiaodan's attending nurse? Were they thinking that the nurse would help out in extracting body samples for their project? Then again, Song Qixi felt that Yun He was a spineless one. He should be expendable soon. The sergeant then chuckled, "If you attend to 4-28, then you handle patients on the fourth floor. Tell me… what do you see in their faces right now?"

A glare was the best answer Yun He could come up with, but Song Qixi met his glare with a smug grin.

Fan Meiling cleared her throat as the door opened again. Director Sun walked in, along with other investors, and stood next to Wu Zhong. "Mr. Wu, anything substantial that I missed? Do you think this batch would be better than the first?" Director Sun almost growled. He was not happy with what happened in the first test of RS Moses. So many dead people who didn't even give anything to the project, and yet he was legally bound to pay.

"This batch is already from RS Noah, Director. Unlike earlier, these people are more worth your time." Song Qixi sighed upon recalling the report about what happened. They wouldn't normally watch footage of RS Moses as they were normally just feeds. "They have their own ghost companions, and they wouldn't be stupid in front of other entities. Most importantly, those two I brought. I believe their names are Qiao Shan and Ruan Jin."

"Hmph. Their companions are little girls. Take a look, do those two look like superior beings to you? It seemed that Sergeant Song is already giving up little by little. Just picking random people to throw in." One of the investors scoffed and then praised his own imports. Both had King companions that were big and bulky like the engineered and natural Kings in this palace. 

Some other investors also chimed in and tooted their own investments. Each investor had sent in their representatives. Actually, that was why almost everyone in RS Noah was a little shy. They were there to compete in a blood sport; only the ones sent in by the Qiao family were there to train. Song Qixi only accepted Ruan Jin's application because Qiao Shan begged him and that Ruan Jin was connected to Liu Xiaodan.

Even if he was insulted by the rest, Song Qixi would only hum. No one knew that 4-28 was brought here by him. As for this c.o.c.kfighting game between mediums, he could only bet on Qiao Shan. As for Ruan Jin, he had no idea what kind of companion he had. He just knew that the ghost was… quite a bubbly girlfriend, unlike Hop who looked the part of being a killer ghost and of King rank.

Yun He shuddered. The people around him watched these people like they were here for a blood sport. However, he wanted to know what would happen next. He figured he should just keep his cool… until one of the operators called out: "Opening paddock 9 and 26… Abbadon still not interested to move."

As if forcing a confrontation, the released paddocks contained greater ghosts that were extremely hungry—just a few meters away from unsuspecting participants. Yun He covered his mouth and held onto his shocked noises as the screams of the participants echo just as fast. It seemed that those who didn't own Kings wouldn't stand a chance. What more of those who would encounter Abbadon?

"I'm picking up activity from Paddock 28! A King is spawning!" The operator was shocked. This was obviously 4-28's cell, and it was the quietest among the guarded paddocks. Just now, readings spiked as a ghost king spawned out of nowhere. The image outside the paddock showed the curled woman materializing. However, it wasn't as volatile and furious as it was. It was so calm.

"He's preparing to join the fun?" Mr. Wu lifted his brows. He didn't think his grandson would be quite a troublemaker. However, the curled woman king stayed outside the door as if it was waiting for something.

"Abbadon is on the move!" Another operator called out as he noticed that Abbadon's black flood had rolled out of the room. He couldn't help but think that it was because of the King spawned by 4-28.

Tang Zhenluo, who didn't care about anyone else, was busy watching Ruan Jin out of worry. He had a feeling that Liu Xiaodan could feel his friend, thus summoning a King to check up on Ruan Jin. However, with the maze formation, it would be difficult for him to navigate and find his friend in an instant. It's just that… "Zoom in camera 17! I can't see what's happening!"

"Camera 17?" Song Qixi shifted his gaze from Abbadon's camera to the one showing Ruan Jin and that one more participant he ran into. The feed was blurred because of some kind of fog, but when the operator enlarged it, the scene clearly played before their eyes… that even Song Qixi trembled. "She… is a King?"

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