The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 198 - What is He Doing?

"Hades?" Li Feng recalled the list of names given to Ruan Jin and Qiao Shan, and Hades was not part of it. Moreover, it was the same name of the project he was supposed to help out with. 'Hades must be another engineered King just like how Qingtao said they made Abaddon. Then again, even Abaddon is wary of this Hades? That doesn't… oh, crap!'

The man then took a deep breath and looked around. "By saying they're wary of Hades, that means Hades is also going around, right?" He started walking off, only using the wall as his guide. The last time he was here, they had a flashlight. However, since he only had his hands tied behind him, he had to map the wall with his elbow. 

'If I'm lucky, I can run into Liu Xiaodan. A King will only be scared of a demon, and there could only be one demon in this facility. They called him Hades, huh. Well, if I saw a medium capable of being the Night Parade of Hundred Demons on his own, I'd call him Hades, too.' Li Feng lightly snorted as if entertaining himself with his own thoughts. 'I don't know how Red Justice is different from Hades, but...'

His thoughts paused when he started hearing a faint voice in the distance. It was like someone was singing to his ears. He turned in a direction and decided to follow the voice. Even if he was just walking towards the mouth of a king, he couldn't drop the suspicious matter about the song. It wasn't the voice that made him curious; it was the song she was singing.

"Nurse Yun, can you hear her? A little girl is singing..." Li Feng asked to confirm a suspicion. If Nurse Yun could hear it even the slightest, it could be a human. If he couldn't, then Li Feng might be getting called by a ghost girl.

"Singing?" Yun He held onto the speaker pad and listened closely. He even paused breathing just to catch that very subtle noise. When the girl next to him tried to talk, he raised a hand. Yun He's eyes widened before looking at the spectators. Wu Zhong only returned his gaze while the scientists actually shook their heads.

"That's strange..." Song Qixi twitched as he walked closer and grasped at the railing. His eyes frowned before saying, "Tell him to find the singer. Nothing is showing up in our cameras, and yet someone is singing. This voice didn't belong to Mo Xingli."

One of the new faces in the despicable ocean walked closer. Qiao Ni then whispered, "Mr. Wu, the girl is singing a lullaby, but we don't have any little girl ghosts out there."

Wu Zhong frowned his brows and glared at the display shown by the cameras. Since Wu Zhong didn't say anything, Yun He pushed the button to talk again: "She seems to be singing a lullaby, Feng. Can you tell where her voice is coming from?"

"Barely, but she's close—" 

Li Feng stopped walking all of a sudden. It was because the black horse started to radiate. He turned in a different direction and barely saw movements from the distance. The man only stared before bursting into a wild sprint to where he thought the voice was coming. Bang! A swift creature crashed into the wall and could have rammed against Li Feng if he didn't evade.

Yun He lifted his eyes, and it felt like no one spoke about Pacman being so close to him already. It was as if they were scared that they would be heard when they talked so they were just raising a paddle and communicating quietly with the ones watching over them. The nurse gritted his teeth as he was not even allowed to pull up a map to help the man running away from a giant mouth that was dragging behind a small boneless body.

"Nurse Yun, where should I go?" Li Feng yelled out as he desperately tried to run away. Unlike earlier, he couldn't use his hand to send attacks to the King. Perhaps, this time, he might end up being eaten by the creature. 

It's just that even Yun He had no idea how to direct him without a map. Then, something caught his eye on another screen. A dark figure stood in the middle of the hallway, but there was no reading coming from it.

"Shadow ahead..." Yun He said, but he did so while pressing the button. On the screen showing the corridor Li Feng was in, Yun He could see a human-shaped shadow on the wall. What made it strange was that it was actually standing in front of the wall, instead of being cast on it.

Li Feng darted his eyes on the shadow, and something else glinted on his eyes that made the spectators wonder. However, since he knew they were watching, he didn't dare call out. The shadow then began to move and run ahead as if telling Li Feng where to go. What seemed strange to the spectators was that Li Feng trusted that shadow as if he knew what or who it was.

A tremble came to Yun He. He tried his best to hide his mix of excitement, relief, and terror. That shadow… wasn't one of the many ghosts that this facility held. It could be from the group brought over from different locations to serve as food and-or occupants of the bodies for Red Justice. Either that… or it was another of Xiaodan's friends. 

The mere fact that the auraless shadow was willing to help out Li Feng who was being chased by a King—was enough proof for Yun He to believe the latter. Yun He didn't know the exact relationship between Liu Xiaodan and Li Feng—if they really did have one, but only those ghosts would probably think of rescuing anyone… just as blatantly as Liu Xiaodan would. 

"Who is that?" Song Qixi's voice took Yun He's attention, and everyone actually took a look at another camera that was showing another entity. Since he was standing in the middle of the hallway, it was easy to tell that it was one of the ghosts of the facility. However, he was in a weird stance of lifting one foot as if he was balancing something on that very foot. The sergeant frowned deeper. "What is he doing?"

"...that's one of the greater ghosts from the prison. The one in the walls." Qiao Ni only huffed. She was very clear at the strength of the ghosts from the prison. Based on her investigation, only the sisters should have been qualified for Red Justice. However, they still dropped everything off for feeds. Since Tang Mingming was scared of her when they first met, she figured the ghost had no inherent guts at all.

"Oh." Song Qixi only glanced at Qiao Ni before looking at the screen again. Then, they heard Yun He spoke: "Feng, continue running. Don't stop."

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