The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 199 - Have You Seen a Little Girl?

Song Qixi had fixed his gaze at the strange greater ghost, and so he had no idea why Yun He would give that kind of direction. When he took a look at where Li Feng was on, he realized that the patient was being led towards the greater ghost. If it was someone else, Song Qixi would think the nurse was planning to feed Li Feng and the greater ghost to the King. Then again, that couldn't be something Yun He would do.

As for Li Feng, he had no idea what was waiting for him to where Yi Junhai was leading him to. However, he had somewhat confirmed something: this Nurse Yun… seemed to know Liu Xiaodan and his adopted children. Would that mean that the nurse also knew that Li Feng was friends with him? Wait, wasn't that the reason why he was isolated from the rest?

"Be careful!" Yi Junhai yelled as he took the corner. Li Feng made a sharp turn and saw that Tang Mingming was standing in the middle of the hallway. Yi Junhai was still running as well, and so the big brother followed without decreasing his speed. 

All of a sudden, Yi Junhai dashed down as if evading something right in front of them. Li Feng then noticed Tang Mingming with his raised foot… it was as if telling him how low it was. Doing a stunt would be dangerous with his arms behind him, but what could he do? He couldn't work on it while being chased.

When he got to the same spot, he used his athleticism to make a swift and smooth dash, not even hitting anything on the way. He used his legs and knees to decelerate on the floor before lifting his chin. Pacman was hot on his heels so it only took the King a second to arrive in front of Tang Mingming. However—bang! The King collided on a wall placed by the maze.

"Idiot!" Tang Mingming laughed out as he backed away from the wall. The King started to roar as if wanting to eat Tang Mingming, but the wall began to pulse as it tried to force its way through. "You can try all you want, but you're not going to break any of that unless you're some kind of healthy demon."

Li Feng's eyes flickered. So that's why he was led here and had to dash for his safety. A yellowish light would pulse before him as if someone was pushing against a plastic wall. He heard that this place did have a maze for humans and spirits alike, and it seemed to be strong enough for Kings as well. However, the wall had a space underneath for smaller ghosts to crawl through. It was probably designed to let weaker ghosts escape from the big ones.

Yi Junhai had already entered Tang Mingming's body earlier, and the dream actor had enough of ridiculing the brainless King. He turned and helped Li Feng up to his feet, but he dropped to bite off the black cable tie securing Li Feng's hands. The swift action made Li Feng shudder and retreat from the ghost. However, the shaman backed into the wall and bounced away from it as well.

"Geez, so mean. We saved you." Tang Mingming held onto the cable tie and started chewing on it as if it was black licorice. "Let's talk on the way. Other Kings might come from this side of the wall."

"S-Sorry, I was just shocked..." Li Feng massaged his arms before realizing that he had spoken out loud. He knew that Nurse Yun was watching, but he had no idea if the cameras could see the ghosts. It's just that Tang Mingming began walking backward as if trying to continue the conversation. The shaman had no choice but to talk like he was speaking with someone. "So Ming… do you know that they're watching everything that happens here?"

"Guangru says so. It's like they do it from someplace called Control Room that he couldn't easily fly off to." Tang Mingming then chuckled. "Say, Feng'er… what are you doing here? Surely, you're not just trying to take a stroll!"

"Ah, no, I stumbled here while looking for the toilet—of course, they threw me in here to be eaten!" Li Feng was in the company of considered assholes or worse, and so he knew that teasing look in Tang Mingming's eyes. He then sighed. "Could you stop mocking me? If it's not the Weeper, it's someone else from the roster. So? Is Liu Xiaodan nearby? You wouldn't go around without him, would you?"

Tang Mingming shrugged his shoulders. "Pretty much, but they lock up Xiaodan all the time. I don't want to be imprisoned or something. Though, that Nurse Yun promised to answer demands for Xiaodan after killing that monster brat. Maybe they'll let him walk around freely from time to time."

Li Feng heard a familiar name before trying to pry the earpieces off of his face and ears, but neither would come off. "Ming, can you help me with something else? They're listening to us… to me using this. I need to take it off." 

"Is there a need? They already know why you're here in the first place. Besides, you wouldn't be able to leave. Relax, just have fun and speak to the person communicating with you." Tang Mingming patted on his own right ear, but Li Feng didn't feel comfortable with that at all. In the end, he just held onto the left earpiece. "...can you still hear me?"

"I can hear you." Yun He sighed, and Li Feng caught that. The shaman figured that Nurse Yun could probably see the ghosts, and they could see him walking with Tang Mingming. It's not a secret that Tang Mingming would glare at the cameras moving to face them. Li Feng continued: "Nurse Yun, do you know where Liu Xiaodan is?"

Both Tang Mingming and Yun He were surprised by the question. The nurse then made a light chuckle. "...he's three floors beneath you, but you have to look for Mo Xingli instead. Do you still hear the singing little girl?"

Being reminded of that song, Li Feng then eyed Tang Mingming, "Ming, have you seen a little girl here?"

"...Mo Xingli is somewhere on this floor, yes." Tang Mingming then scrunched his face in disgust, but he's no match for the beastly King. Even the misty Hop couldn't handle it. "You should be very careful. She will dissect your body when she spots you."

"Was it Mo Xingli? The one singing the lullaby?" Li Feng murmured, but a small ball rolled next to Tang Mingming's foot. 

The two stopped walking, and the shaman picked up the ball. It was yellow and inflatable. When he looked at where it came from a snow-skinned hand reached out to crawl across the wall. It was then followed by a little girl's head, but her eyes were unusually huge. She then chuckled. "Can you give my ball back… Feng'er?"

Li Feng and Tang Mingming both stepped back. Not because they were shocked that the girl knew of Li Feng's name, but because… a headless and armless dress walked into their sights.

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