The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 200 - Transcendent

"Tell me that isn't Mo Xingli..." Li Feng could feel an aura that would even top Pacman and God Raven. However, for some reason, the black horse wasn't responding. He figured that even the horse was horrified—and terrified of such negative energy coming out from this dress. It was just a big child's dress, but legs were walking with it.

"Definitely not Mo Xingli. I'll have rather that cray-cray..." Tang Mingming trembled. Even with his power of almost transcending into the King rank, he couldn't feel but innately fear the aura seeping out from the dress.

The head and arm by the wall flitted towards the body and took their position along with another arm. However, they continued to hover since there were no neck or upper arms. The head would float around and bounce gently like a bubble just staying on top and bobbing softly. Her eyes were big and dark, lips peach. She looked like a beautiful girl, but the fact that she's more than a normal ghost made it easy to overlook.

She then reached out her detached forearms. "Feng'er, the ball please..."

Li Feng stared at her as he moved to roll the ball down, but even before he could make the ball touch the ground, her image flickered forward. Tang Mingming stepped back again as the girl took another flicker. The shaman quickly straightened his back, and she flickered again. Standing in the girl's reach, Li Feng carefully reached out to put the ball on her cupped hands.

"Can we go now?" Li Feng didn't want to create conflict if he could avoid it. The girl had the face of a sweet adolescent of around fourteen to sixteen, but she was actually King-ranked—certainly not something he wanted to clash with. Hopefully, this one just wanted to play.

Then again, what did ghosts do for sport?

The girl grabbed his hand instead, and the ball dropped to the ground… only to burst like it was a water balloon. Dark-colored blood splattered on the pink doll shoes and dirty white slippers. The smile on her face bent deeper as her eyes began to grow bigger. She then whispered, "I like the smell of your blood. Can I have some?"

It didn't take another moment for Tang Mingming to spit his acid blood at the hovering head that moved to bite a chunk off of Li Feng's neck. If she just wanted blood, Tang Mingming would gladly corrode her into a slime. The shaman evaded all of it and escaped with minor scratches on his wrist. Since the head screamed as it was blinded, Tang Mingming grabbed Li Feng and dragged him away.

"Nurse Yun! We ran into a strange ghost! She's the one singing! She's the one singing!" Li Feng yelled into the mike as they ran off. It was no use in keeping quiet as the mutilated ghost was quick to chase them down. She was even faster than Tang Mingming as she gained on his speed a lot. Since the shaman on Tang Mingming's shoulder, he could only watch as she laughed hysterically while reforming the burnt face.

Strange light converged at the tip of his index and middle fingers. Li Feng then fired another soul attack at the King, hoping to knock her back. However, the light only blinded her for a split-second. His eyes widened at what he witnessed. "My attack has no effect? That can't be right..."


On the other side, mostly all agents were trying to go through their records to find which ghost was showing in front of them. They had never encountered such a being, and she was even stronger than God Raven when it came to power output. However, there was something strange… they could only sense her output in pulses but not her aura. Her presence wasn't being picked up by any sensor in the area.

If the scientists were in disarray, Yun He was more clueless. He couldn't answer Li Feng when they didn't have any idea who it was. Even Wu Zhong was visibly angry as the science team was in chaos. This was unheard of, especially from Fan Meiling's performance. This shouldn't be happening.

Yun He still decided to push on the button to speak, but it wasn't connecting. He turned to Wu Zhong who didn't even pay attention to him. He was suddenly not allowed to respond, leaving Li Feng's group to their own devices. The nurse gnashed his teeth and watched in terror… until his eyes wandered to a certain screen.


The girl's hand then clawed at Tang Mingming's back, and the 'frog' ghost was thrown away forward from the power of her swipe. Yi Junhai wrapped around Li Feng to protect him from the wall impact, but arriving at a dead-end was more to worry about. Tang Mingming assumed the hideous form, trying to resist the unnamed King. Since the girl slowed down, it was evident that she knew that invisible walls kept them from running.

She then smiled before biting onto her finger. "Feng'er, running away doesn't lessen my thirst for that pure… Mian blood…" However, she then frowned angrily and carelessly bit her own finger off as her eyes landed on Tang Mingming. "But you… you're disgusting… ghosts like you don't even deserve to be a part of me."

Her hand with a missing phalanx pulled away from her and turned into a big, scrawny hand with long claws. It went through the motion of trying to slice Tang Mingming in pieces, but it stopped in midair. The hand reverted to normal as the girl moved to the side and turned behind her.

A faint white light was showing up, and even if it was little compared to the red emergency lights, its very presence was diverting everyone's eyes towards it. Li Feng was sitting on the floor, directly facing the source of light meters away. Tang Mingming and Yi Junhai frowned at the light… that soon started to swing as it was a lantern instead. When it did, an image faded in with the rather old-fashioned lamp with a long handle.

"You… don't seem to be a ghost." His voice echoed right after he dispersed the old-fashioned lamp into smoke that entered his body again. A flat smile was on his lips, and his dark eyes stayed on the quiet girl.

"I am not a ghost. I'm not human either." The girl walked to the center and blocked his line of sight with her mutilated body. Her forearms then turned into hideous hands: one scrawny and would skin meat perfectly, the other bulky and could crush thick cement walls. "I would like to call myself… transcendent."

The newcomer moved his head and checked on Tang Mingming and Yi Junhai through the gaps she couldn't cover, the two other ghosts creeping back. He then slashed his arm with a finger and from his blood reformed the three Kings that he had killed before. The girl was actually shocked at the display.

He then eyed her and made a ghost smile. "Transcendent? I like that term. I'll use it, too."

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