The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 226 - A Girl Arrived

The hand was right in front of Old Doctor, but he didn't move. Specifically, he couldn't move. The pressure from a King's command couldn't be combatted by a weaker ghost, and Old Doctor could barely stand in its gaze. Despite being engineered, Abaddon was still the most powerful among the Kings of the facility. Old Doctor could stand the others, but the recognized 'greatest existence' here was… 

Moreover, Liu Xiaodan had never trained him against this.

Wham! Something red flashed across Abaddon from the hallway. The King quickly evaded that red thing and glared at the person interrupting him. "Foolish human!" Since he felt that this human was stronger, he went to deal with them first. However, the red thing drew across again… this time, biting a chunk out of the black flood!

A cacophony of low and high-pitched screaming came from Abaddon. He wanted to fight back, but the pressure given off by the other existence was too strong. The King had no choice but to dissolve itself and flee as fast as it could. Lucky for him, he wasn't really the person's target.

"W-What happened?" Mian Qingtao rose from the destroyed cabinet. Du Zhizhuo hit the solid wall so he was pretty much knocked out. The only awakened soldier could see a lithe figure walking along the hall. Her body was radiating with a soft light as if she was from a trance-like experience. Her dark hair was long, and her body was only clad in a patient's gown. The hazel eyes, however, were crying with blood.

"Shit… an experiment..." Mian Qingtao was familiar with the experiments and what they were bound to look like. He slowly crawled back, not picking the stupidity to fire at such a thing. Li Feng got to his feet and stood at the side of Old Doctor… who inadvertently moved away just as soon as Li Feng reached him. 

The trance-like image got in front of them, and she stood across the shaman's spot and turned to face him with a smile. Behind her came out a ghost companion, but it was actually a woman with hollow eyes and a face stained by tears of blood. Her skin was very white while the red dress floated behind them, covering the background with its blood color. Soon, the ghost vanished, and the woman jogged towards Li Feng for a hug.

"Li Feng!" When she called out his name, that was the only time that Li Feng woke up from the trance. 

"Qiao Shan!" He held onto her arms and pushed her back enough to let him see her face. He then wiped the blood on her face. "Qiao Shan! You're here!"

"Yes… I… I was so worried about you. I heard that you were donated to Project Hades, and… I didn't want you to die." Qiao Shan leaned against the touch of his warm, big hand. "Li Feng… why are you alone? Why are you here in the Sick Hall? Aren't you supposed to be in the Treatment Hall?"

Li Feng only smiled and pecked at the girl's lips without warning. However, it wasn't something unwanted. He then stroked at her head. "We… we were looking for survivors. Did you meet anyone on your way here? We only managed to save a few."

The woman then glanced at the soldiers, Mian Qingtao pulling Du Zhizhuo from the wall across the floor. These two were deserters, and she was supposed to hunt them down. However, if she blatantly attacked them, Li Feng would reject her in an instant. She might as well time her actions. She then shook her head. "But I heard it's safer in the Administrative Hall. Let's go there for now."

Suddenly, Li Feng's gaze averted from her face. "I can't move. Xiaodan will be sending survivors here. If we left, who would take them in? Then again, the protective formation was already destroyed." He could only feel pity in seeing the shards across the floor. Moreover, that red ghost with Qiao Shan… "Erm, do you mind me asking? I saw a red lady with you. Dr. Fan said you were given a new companion for the project?"

"You knew about that?" Qiao Shan was shocked. How did Li Feng know? Then again, she didn't want to raise suspicion at all. If Li Feng knew that she was now under Red Justice, there was no point in hiding. "Her name is Hongfei. She's… she's from the Qiao family just like Hop."

"Hongfei..." Li Feng nodded before he turned in a direction. Even Qiao Shan twitched and berated herself inwardly for not feeling the arrival of the man. The shaman stared at the father who didn't seem to have kind eyes on the woman with him. "Xiaodan, you… you still came."

Liu Xiaodan could still remember how Qiao Shan presented herself in that conference room. He knew very well that this girl was after Guangru. He didn't care how Li Feng regarded her—they could be friends—since Li Heilong was the one who brought her to him before. It's just that… this shaman casually kissed her mouth so they must be more than friends at this point.

Taking that fact into consideration, Liu Xiaodan didn't reject having Qiao Shan around them. He only waved his lamp. "The Rooms Hall is a better place. Let's go there. It's safer. I don't think the Administrative Hall would be a good place for deserters and angry employees."

"Xiaodan!" Chen Anna and Meng Guo ran to him, despite the other woman was limping. Nurse Miao also helped out the chef, and they decided to go with Liu Xiaodan. Even Mian Qingtao carried Du Zhizhuo towards that side. Only Li Feng was left with Qiao Shan.

"Okay, let's just go there." Li Feng wasn't going to separate himself from the greater force, and he also wanted to check up on Ruan Jin. He pulled Qiao Shan close to them so Liu Xiaodan could take them there. The woman didn't seem to be unwilling, but she was very nervous. The shaman only felt her held onto him tighter.

A beam of a flashlight soon came to the hallway where they all were. Song Qixi was the first to arrive and saw the destruction brought by the King. They knew that Qiao Shan had fled here after she was released from her binds back in the Treatment Hall. The sergeant looked around and picked up a service-issued rifle on the floor. One of the deserters was here. "...Liu Xiaodan's group must have been here.

"Food? How did they get these?" Song Qixi stood in the middle of the dark room and checked out the trash and traces of the people who had come here. At the side were used bandages and disinfectant pads. Someone was injured. He lowered his magnum and was about to take out his phone when a presence sprouted from behind him. When he turned behind him, a black flood rolled with huge red eyes staring directly at his face.

Then, Song Qixi's lips curled into a smile. "Hello, Abaddon. How many were there?"

Abaddon only stared at the man before hissing. "Six… but a girl arrived. Master, I want to eat her."

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