The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 227 - No Need to Bother

Engineered Kings… that was what they were called by the higher-ups of the facility. That was a term to denote that those Kings were all weak entities that had been nurtured by the investors as if gaming c.o.c.ks that would participate in tournaments. However, they were grown by either feeding them the red seeds or actually live people. These Kings were not natural hunters and had only learned the trade by staying in Cherry Med.

Abaddon was one of them—albeit the most powerful among the Kings. Of course, Song Qixi had an eye for actual talents in fields that he needed. If not, he wouldn't be where he stood right now, outside the wing of both the Mian and Song families—and yet still of power and influence.

Song Qixi waved his hand as if appeasing the King that was forced to respect him. "Don't call me Master anymore. The girl that came… where did she take them?"

"Take? No, she was taken by them. Xiaodan and Guangru came back… he said something about going to the Rooms Hall." Abaddon only reported what he knew. He didn't really believe Song Qixi would start commanding him now. He watched Song Qixi assume a thinking pose and remained silent for a while before saying. "Okay, thank you. Hide again for now and eat everyone after we leave. 

"Gather strength. That girl is not as bad as she used to be. That thing Dr. Fan gave her is… unthinkable. How did she manage to hide something like that from me…?" Song Qixi was only murmuring to himself as he side-stepped the block of flood and walked out of the room. He only gestured at Abaddon before using the b.u.t.t of his gun to slam against the fire alarm.

The distinct and familiar alarm echoed all throughout the Sick Hall. The sprinklers sprouted all over, and he pushed the next door open. He saw an oxygen tank and shot a hole in it—same with the sprinkler that didn't stand a chance against the magnum.  Then came a lit lighter, causing an explosion as the fire kissed the oxygen filling the room. Abaddon shielded Song Qixi on his way, the sergeant only reloading his gun.

"Digest them all as fast as you can." He then holstered it and used the rifle to shoot down the sprinklers.

The sound of the siren blaring alerted Fan Meiling, Sun Yinxie, and Chu Youlan; only Qiao Ni was unaffected. They all went here to chase Qiao Shan, but they lost her to the newfound speed of the Red Justice experiment. Even if it wasn't complete yet, Fan Meiling decided to let it wander off to gain fighting experience.

Then, the blaring siren actually made the hiding people want to leave, but the occasional rattling of an automatic rifle was making them scared to even leave. Chu Youlan could see them, but she was more concerned about getting water off of her make-up. She was afraid to ruin Qiao Yun's integrity.

"Sergeant Song! What are you firing at?" Fan Meiling saw Song Qixi descending the stairs, firing straight at the ceiling. She didn't know if the man was now possessed just like what happened earlier. However, since he answered the same way he would, the thought became unfounded.

"Can't you see them?" Song Qixi only smugly smirked as he just walked past them. "They had gone to the Rooms Hall. Hades is with your Justice." He sounded rather pissed off, but there was nothing he could do. Liu Xiaodan was too powerful with that demon at hand. Without Qiao Muwei, they couldn't deflect a demon's attack.

He led the group out of the Sick Hall again, firing indiscriminately at the ceiling as if creating fearful noises without a reason. He then pushed open the door and had everyone leave. As they did, Song Qixi watched some people emerge from the room as if trying to chase after them.

"Wait! Wait for us!" The smoke had traveled around without the sprinklers dispersing it along with the fire. The Sick Hall only had one entrance and exit so it would be good to stay with people with guns at least. However, Song Qixi coldly closed the door at their faces and even used the empty rifle to block the double doors. The entire time, Qiao Ni was the only one who wasn't staring at his actions with wide eyes.

Of course, she knew that Abaddon was around. That was why she stopped everyone else to climb with Song Qixi. Now that he was acting like this, it was easy to guess what he hoped to achieve. Qiao Ni only turned in the direction of the people at the Sick Hall. "There should be at least fifty of them..."

"The better." Song Qixi locked the door and watched it move from the slamming of the people. More when the screams started to ring out as Abaddon began his own feast. He huffed coldly before pushing his hair back to get rid of the water, not even minding the fact that every one of them was drenched from the sprinklers. "Let's go. The Rooms Hall is still five minutes from here."

"Did we just feed all those people to a King?" Chu Youlan asked the obvious, and so no one answered her. Her face pale, and then her eyes looked back in the direction of the double doors. Blood seeped from the gap under the door, and she covered her mouth. 'This can't be right...'

Liu Xiaodan and the rest arrived at the Rooms Hall, and the father continued to watch Qiao Shan intently. The woman didn't seem to be harmed by the sting of the protective formation. Li Feng looked around and didn't know where to go until Liu Xiaodan led them to a room.

"This used to be my room, but stay here for now. Don't worry, this is a very safe place." Liu Xiaodan then looked at Li Feng. "You said you want to look for someone in the Treatment Hall?"

"'s her, Qiao Shan. No need to bother about it now. Where is Ruan Jin though?" Li Feng wanted to see, but Liu Xiaodan didn't answer him at all. That was the only time that Li Feng realized that Liu Xiaodan was guarding against Qiao Shan. He didn't know what happened between the two, but it seemed like Ruan Jin once heard about this woman from Ren Shanyue. Perhaps, things were not as friendly as he thought they were.

He then got close to Liu Xiaodan and asked, "Is he okay? Does he need something?"

Liu Xiaodan pulled Li Feng out of sight before answering, "He's fine, but his condition is a little s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e. Sorry, but… I'm not going to let other people see him like that for now. Especially that girl. Look, you might trust her, but I don't. Just keep her away from Jin."

"I just realized that. Okay, I won't cause unnecessary things this time." Li Feng didn't like the blatant exclusion, but he couldn't force Liu Xiaodan to accept her; didn't she admit to lying and not telling the truth to them as well? Then again, that was the Qiao family. The young master was about to speak when Liu Xiaodan turned to the side. He followed Liu Xiaodan's gaze… and gasped loudly.

"Wow, I thought I was seeing things from my camera..."

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