The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 228 - Come with Me

Liu Xiaodan and Li Feng turned in the direction of the person who walked into their sights. Somehow, they had no idea why he looked so different from the last time they had seen him, and both males would probably think he's a bit of a shapeshifter. However, the eyes and the voice were the same.

"Dr.—?" Li Feng was about to call him out, but the person winked at him before he interrupted. "This is the first time I met you in person, Liu Xiaodan. You look more impressive on paper. Your friends know me as Dr. Jiu. Have you seen Jin already?" His tone was so friendly, but they couldn't bring their guards down easily. Not because they thought of him as an enemy, but that they were aware that this Dr. Jiu… was the leader of the sabotage team.

"…should I be that person all the time?" Liu Xiaodan then turned to face him. The father had a small faint smile on his lips because Ruan Jin did say that the doctor helped him.

"No, not at all. That would be scary." Jiu Yuanli laughed out before kneeling down and reaching out as if calling someone. Well, Guangru did come and get his pats. "You… how could you get from one place to another, huh? This little insider has the most dubious cover, but he doesn't get caught. What is this?"

As if attracted by the voice of the doctor, Du Zhizhuo roused from his sleep. He was still suffering from a concussion that Nurse Miao could barely treat. The first aid kit she took with her barely had enough for a lot of people. He then thanked her and got to his feet, dragging his body from the pain. "Dr. Jiu…"

Du Zhizhuo wanted to ask for help because this doctor had multiple things hidden on his person. However, he just had to watch him pet the little boy and even entice the boy with a candy he produced like a birthday clown. It didn't help that only Li Feng among the three looked like the scene was wrong.

In Liu Xiaodan's defense, Guangru was really like that in a normal setting.

"Oh, Zhizhuo…" Jiu Yuanli smiled at the soldier and noticed that he was very pale. The doctor instincts kicked in, and he hurried to the soldier's side. He even saw Nurse Miao press a cloth against the man's bleeding head. "Did something happen?"

"He was thrown away by Abaddon earlier." Guangru made do with the lollipop he received and stood outside the door as he watched them deal with Du Zhizhuo's slight injury. "Doctor, Doctor, why didn't you go to the Administrative Hall? Shouldn't you be there?"

Jiu Yuanli took out a few pieces of gauze from his small kit on the back of his hidden utility belt. "I would, but it's dangerous to get there now. Also, Wu Zhong is tracking down everyone that had spoken to Liu Xiaodan at some point and had been jailing them. He probably knows that the… I'm sorry, I'm sorry, can you keep up?"

Li Feng and Du Zhizhuo s.u.c.k.e.d in cold air. This doctor didn't seem to realize that he was not talking to a real child. Liu Xiaodan found it a little funny, too.

"I can. Doctor, is the facility on a lockdown now?"

"Yep. Things had degraded this much. They can't just let their assets run free. Some patients had learned to mix with the nurses and doctors so they didn't want anyone escaping. Moreover… we lost the Sick Hall team just now." His eyes suddenly narrowed dangerously, freezing Nurse Miao who was next to him. "The last message was that the sergeant burned the Sick Hall, and everyone who dared escape the fire was eaten by Abaddon."

"Sergeant?" Li Feng's brows lifted.

"Song Qixi… you should know him. He used to be from the Mian family," Jiu Yuanli answered, but he was stunned when Guangru snorted very coldly: "I knew it, that man is vermin."

Liu Xiaodan reached out to pet the child. Even if Liu Xiaodan could feel that the sergeant wasn't simple—especially when he urged Liu Xiaodan to kill the ones who had harmed Li Feng as if he wanted to watch a show in the prison, he still gave the man a chance to stay away from him. "If he's here, then it's not too late to deal with him. Then again, Abaddon was in the Sick Hall… and it didn't eat Sergeant Song?"

Jiu Yuanli had answers, but he couldn't bring himself to sound cool right now. He was still processing the new look on the child right now, feeling like it wasn't the same person that he was speaking with minutes earlier.

Mian Qingtao answered for them instead, "Sergeant Song is one of the investors in Cherry Med. There's a chance that he had something on him that would protect him from the Kings… or that he was even the one who brought that King here. Abaddon is engineered, right? It should have a primary benefactor. It's like that for every project in Cherry Med. Investors use both money and trafficked humans..."

"…that guy brought Baba here. Does that mean he was trying to test his own pet's abilities to die?" Guangru used a different gaze on Mian Qingtao, and the soldier froze at the deathly gaze of a demon. He couldn't stand a King, what more of this?!

"It doesn't matter what he wanted. It won't happen anymore." Liu Xiaodan felt like it was easier to anger Guangru these days. He just kneeled down and reminded the child about the lollipop with loving gestures. With a lollipop in the child's mouth, he shouldn't be talking all that much. "Dr. Jiu, so what happens next? The management should be carrying out contingencies."

It was only now that Jiu Yuanli noticed the other people inside the room. His eyes landed on Qiao Shan, and the woman felt like he was trying to bore a hole into her face. The doctor then turned to Liu Xiaodan. "It's okay, things are all under control. All you have to concentrate on now is how to survive."

The doctor left the nurse to deal with Du Zhizhuo as he walked past Liu Xiaodan. When he was in earshot, he whispered almost inaudibly as if aware that Liu Xiaodan could hear him. "Be wary of that girl." 

He then turned around, hands in his pocket. "I'll head back to my spot. This place up here should be the safest. Just wait for things to develop, and before you know it, we're all living outside the nightmare."

"Be careful, Dr. Jiu." Liu Xiaodan saw him off as the doctor walked away and waved his hand. He then turned back to the people of the room. "I need to find Nayi. Even if she said she's well, I have to make sure she's really safe. That meant beside me. Feng, watch over everyone else."

He was about to walk away with Guangru before he paused. With a faint ghastly smile on his face, he turned back to them again. "Miss Qiao, come with me."

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