The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 229 - Pretty Boy, Meet Gun

Qiao Shan shuddered. The last time they met face-to-face, Liu Xiaodan wasn't like this. Back then, she was only interested in taking the demon off of his hands. However, it seemed that things had degraded so far into what the situation was now. Perhaps it was better if Liu Xiaodan was just stuck in the prison. The absence of a stronger predator didn't pose trouble to the demon. Now, however…

Not only was the serum for Project Hades passed onto Liu Xiaodan, but he was also the servant of an ancient demon. Actually, master… he was the master instead. Liu Xiaodan's free access to the demon's powers had agitated the serum, and the activation provided by Project Queen's blood…

They said that only death would probably be lacking before Project Hades took off as a success.

However, how would someone protected by multiple entities die under their watch? The only reason why Yun He died was that the demon was far away. If the demon was nearby, the least he could do was start a nightmare by possessing the body of the 'servant'. Then again, that was a need. That was Qiao Shan's mission. Of course, killing the subject would take more than her guts and luck.

"...can't she just stay here? Why are you asking her to come?" Li Feng didn't understand. Liu Xiaodan didn't trust Qiaa Shan, and yet he wanted her to come with him and find Chuan Nayi?

"It's okay. This facility belongs to my family. I know this place more than anyone, and he knows that." Qiao Shan made an excuse and shrunk herself before hurrying past Li Feng. She didn't want to be grabbed and stopped by the man. She knew that Li Feng would try to protect her at least. The maiden ran past the transcendent. "Let's go find Miss Nayi. I'll lead the way back to the Lodging Hall."

Liu Xiaodan didn't take another look at the people before he left with Qiao Shan. The shaman's eyes flickered before Mian Qingtao reached out and patted his shoulder. "Feng'er, your girlfriend… is the daughter of the Qiao Family Head, right? Don't you think it's dangerous for Xiaodan to be with her? She could set a trap for him."

"You think a girl like her would set a trap?" Li Feng gritted his teeth, but he didn't want to get mad at Mian Qingtao. At times like this, the shaman learned to always go back to Chuan Nayi's words. Even if he knew Qiao Shan as a sweet girl, her family might not necessarily regard her as one. There was no telling what the Qiao family wanted her to do now.

"I doubt Liu Xiaodan doesn't know that. He probably doesn't want to implicate anyone in case the Qiao family decided to use the patients here on the fourth floor as hostages." Du Zhizhuo had a different insight. Even from being a soldier here, he could feel the kind of authority the Qiao family imposed on everyone. "If that girl wants him dead, he'll fight it out with her. And that's going to be very ugly…"

Li Feng's expression was rather ugly. It was the first time he genuinely liked a girl, and she might either be a slave or a mastermind. Either way, she'd ended up dead by his own cousin's hands. No matter how Li Feng saw it, it wasn't something that could sit well with him. It's just that… he couldn't do anything about it.

He just sat down at the foot of the bed since both sides were already taken. He was about to cross his legs and meditate when footsteps echoed from outside. Mian Qingtao and Du Zhizhuo aimed at the doorway, but the door was pushed open by a figure the former was familiar with. Moreover, instead of their black uniform, the person was wearing seemingly civilian clothes under his vest.

A whistle came from him. "Really? You're hiding in Xiaodan's room?"

"…Five…" Mian Qingtao didn't lower his gun. "What are you doing here? You can't just be strolling somewhere and ended up here."

"Chill, Six. I'm looking for Xiaodan… and a sweet-looking chick with nice b.o.o.b.s—you saw her?" Sun Yinxie didn't care if he had two rifles aiming at him. Besides, they wouldn't waste bullets on him since there could still be ghosts somewhere.

"She has a name, and it's Qiao Shan." Li Feng frowned at the person called Five. Was it a code name? "They just went out. You didn't see them?"

Sun Yinxie chuckled. "Uhm, no… they probably passed by, and we're so hidden they didn't notice us. Oh, right. I have something to give you in case you need more help." That was what he said when he was feeling his pockets. However, he actually swiftly threw out a pair of tiny white discs. They landed on the two soldiers and electrocuted Mian Qingtao and Du Zhizuo in an instant. "Whew, that was fast."

He took out a pistol and aimed at the people in the room while kicking the rifles away from the other two soldiers. "Don't try anything. You… where are they headed, huh?"

Li Feng glared at the nozzle of the gun, but he didn't want to answer.

"Oh, in case, you don't know each other. Pretty boy, meet gun. You know, that thing that goes bang-bang, and then that's when you f.u.c.k.i.n.g die. So…" He nudged the nozzle against Li Feng's lips, even pushing harder to grate the nozzle against his teeth. "There's no way the cute girl didn't say where she and new baby daddy has gone to."

Grab! Li Feng quickly bit into the gun as his finger blocked the hammer from firing the bullet. Sun Yinxie was shocked and started to take back his gun. The chef actually had an empty bottle next to him as he had been eating to ease himself. He smashed it against Sun Yinxie's head, effectively making the soldier let go of the gun. However, Sun Yinxie still kicked the man forcefully in the c.h.e.s.t before spinning to escape the chef's reach.

Sun Yinxie kneed the chef, sending him to the ground. He then took out his knife and threw it at Li Feng who tried to aim at him. The twelve-inch drove itself through Li Feng's shoulder, but the shaman was shocked… when he didn't feel any kind of pain. He still dropped the gun from the trembling.

"What?" Sun Yinxie started to back off and felt like something tore his shoulder. He looked down at the same shoulder that the knife supposed to hit Li Feng and saw that it was bleeding profusely. "Huh? What the hell?!" He grabbed his torn shoulder and turned around to flee. However, he froze when he came face-to-face with the demon child standing outside the door.

"Hello..." Guangru smiled, but it was so cold and menacing. "Mr. Five, do you know where Sergeant Song is?"

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