The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 230 - He'er, Where Have You Been?

The blood from Sun Yinxie's injury dripped to his eye, and the dyed eye didn't show a child. What was before him was a silhouette of a child that was wrapped in moving wooden vines. Sun Yinxie trembled at the sight, but—thud! Li Feng picked up the gun and smashed it at Sun Yinxie's head, knocking him out cold.

The shaman's mouth bled from the kick and the struggle that knocked off two of his teeth. However, he still climbed the soldier and searched the soldier for anything they could use to time him up before he wakes up. Li Feng still had the audacity to smile at Guangru. "Sorry, you were asking him something?"

"It's okay, he wouldn't talk anyway." Guangru pouted. He just left a bit to say hi to Old Xiong, and he returned to such a scene? These people were getting more and more audacious. The child then looked up at the big brother who had cuts on his lips and two missing teeth. "Bear to be uglier than Baba for now. I'll heal you later. I'll just find that sergeant first."

"...uglier than Xiaodan, huh." Li Feng didn't talk until Guangru was gone; he even felt like snorting. "I'm still a lot more handsome than that guy even if all my teeth are gone." He then remembered that a knife was stuck to his shoulder. When he was about to touch it, it was being pulled out on its own slowly.

Li Feng stared at the knife that fell on Sun Yinxie's back. "Okay, maybe a toothless me look worse than him."

Strangely, Sun Yinxie actually had a lot of cable ties in his utility bag. Li Feng took all of it and used one to secure him against the plumbing in the room. He also got busy with letting Mian Qingtao and Du Zhizhuo sit against the wall instead of leaving them on the floor. He did all of this while Nurse Miao consoled the brave chef—even if he started vomiting all that he ate.

Tak. Qiao Shan accidentally stomped when she felt something strange was happening on the floor they just left. It was as if someone slipped past them like a fly. She wanted to go back—she thought of going back to check up on Li Feng. Even if she had gone away, she still knew that Qiao Yun and the rest were tailing her. She was looking up the stairs so she had no idea that Liu Xiaodan didn't even stop walking.

Only when she looked for him did she notice. "Xiaodan? I think someone just went past us to the fourth floor. I want to go and check first."

"Are you scared?" Liu Xiaodan finally stopped and looked up at the girl. The patient gowns were rather short, and her t.h.i.g.hs were flashing him. However, his eyes were directly staring at her eyes. It was as if he could see through her and her lies. He then turned away as he continued walking down the stairs. "Guangru and Old Xiong are watching over them. No need to panic."

"Huh? Isn't Guangru supposed to be with you?" Qiao Shan twitched as she jogged down to catch up. "He's supposed to be inside you as a companion, right? Even if he's a demon…"

Liu Xiaodan only smiled at her, but it was cold. "He's not possessing me. Guangru can be everywhere as much as he wanted. Do you know where we can get clothes? I'm getting really tired of going around almost n.a.k.e.d. I should have forced Li Feng to strip to steal his…"

A picture of a n.a.k.e.d Li Feng quickly punched through Qiao Shan's thoughts. She shook her head and cleared her throat. "We can try the resident's station here in the Rooms Hall. I think it's on the second floor. Follow me." Even she wanted to have something that was of more clothes than a patient gown.

They quickly reached the resident's station where the doctors and nurse take a break. Instead of mere lockers, each doctor and nurse had their respective beds and cabinets. Qiao Shan quickly looked around for a bed that would have belonged to a girl, but she noticed that Liu Xiaodan went straight to a place. She didn't know what he spotted, but she prioritized the clothes.

"This…" Liu Xiaodan walked to a spot and took a framed picture on the cabinet. It was a photo of a small family of three—the parents and a young boy. The mother was quite beautiful, and it seemed that her son had taken after her as well. Liu Xiaodan sat on the bed and began to search the cabinets, Tang Mingming helping him in unlocking the drawers. He found clothes, but he also found personal effects.

There was a smartphone inside one of the drawers, and it was so easy to get it open. The wallpaper was of a woman, the same one who was the mother in the family picture. Liu Xiaodan went through the messages, and it was filled with the nurse's work-related group chats.

One was even active. It seemed that some nurses and doctors were hiding in the conference room on the first floor. A nurse then pinged the owner: "@YunYun He'er! Where have you been?! Come here! Come here!"

"@YunYun Shithead, come fetch your uncles and aunties! (crying emoticon)"

More and more kept on pinging him, and Liu Xiaodan couldn't help but just mute the phone and reluctantly typed in while sighing. He sent a message: "Fourth floor is safe. I found a shaman."

"We're not leaving this place! There are things outside the conference room!"

"Okay, I'll ask my friend to fetch you."

Liu Xiaodan quit the application and placed the phone down. He got to his feet and turned to the bed before changing. His body was really out of shape even if he was not chubby at least. It was still incomparable to Li Feng who could probably parade his if he wanted. Since this woman with him was probably Li Feng's girlfriend, Liu Xiaodan was careful not to be compared. That might even add up to his distrust.

It was actually good that Yun He was taller just a bit. The clothes seemed to be the same size as Liu Xiaodan, but they did have that antiseptic smell stuck to them. Before turning to look, Liu Xiaodan spoke first, "Are you done? We're heading to the conference room. Do you know where it is?"

"Why are we going there?" Qiao Shan was already fiddling with the phone she found. However, without any text reception or that the Wi-Fi had a lot of blocked sites, she was only going through the photos taken by the owner. "I thought we're looking for Chuan Nayi."

"Some nurses and doctors are stuck here. I don't want to leave them trapped. Besides, at most, we're just facing one King." He led the way out of the resident's station. "Even if there are many, as long as one of them is not Abaddon, we'll be fine."

Qiao Shan twitched. "Why?"

Liu Xiaodan shrugged his shoulder. "Because God Raven could kill them just the same?"

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