The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 241 - Take a Bullet or Two

The tracker on the tablet led him here. How audacious of this young man to actually steal from the dead. Song Qixi walked into the scene, and he didn't care about Guangru. He aimed directly at Liu Xiaodan, but Fan Meiling grabbed the gun and used her pinky to keep the hammer from moving. She then glared at Song Qixi whose face was smeared with blood.

"Wait for a while. After the demon is subdued, I will let you empty all your cartridge on him," the doctor whispered in her softest voice, and Song Qixi only moved his hand down. He wasn't stupid… or he had not gone that stupid at least. There was no way he knew how delicate subduing demons—or even ghosts in general—could be. He just believed the doctor…

That was the only time that Fan Meiling realized that Song Qixi was carrying something that leaked so much odor of blood. When she looked down, she noticed that the ball on his other hand had a tuft of hair that she could see. Without much care, she used both hands to take the ball. However, before she could even flip it, she felt like it was a human head. A human head with long, dark hair.

Her eyes widened as she kept herself from gasping. Song Qixi bared his teeth at her like a dog as he grew protective of the head. He didn't care if the blood was dripping all over his clothes, but he held onto the head with care. It was as if he was some kind of treasure that he had found along the way.

Or one that he just lost.

'It can't be...' Fan Meiling didn't care that Song Qixi just lost his girlfriend and decided to carry around her head. She didn't even know if she died, and Song Qixi just hacked the head off. What made her worry was that… she might be like this as well. What if she found that asshole dead? Wouldn't she try to actually revive him using the ways that Song Qixi was trying? She was more skilled than the latter; would that mean she would have a zombie?

No, the very thought of having the need to turn Sun Yinxie into a zombie haunted her.

She then turned to the demon child whose vines were starting to break into particles. It was starting to work, and even Qiao Ni was beginning to take steps towards the child. Her hands began to switch the seals she held onto for a while, and the vines broke down faster. The body of the child then started to sit up. Guangru's glassy black eyes were losing the gloss on them. His complexion was also changing.

'Almost there...' Fan Meiling smiled coldly as she turned to face the two. After this, she would let Song Qixi shoot the young man while she would interrogate the child. There was no way he would know where Sun Yinxie was. 

Song Qixi's hand began to shake, but his finger was on the trigger guard instead. He couldn't wait to kill this bastard who took Chu Youlan and even cannibalize humans just to heal himself. That would be the best resolution of this case. It would be perfect… the death would be avenged.

"...Guangru..." Liu Xiaodan whispered again, and his body began to change color. It was as if he was absorbing the blood that he discharged through his wounds and natural holes. The image of the young man was being replaced by a blob of red. Soon, the red blob also started to melt onto the floor.

"What is happening to him?" Song Qixi was surprised, but his voice was still very soft. It was either that Fan Meiling didn't hear or that she didn't know as well. They were both watching a human melt into the floor and a demon that was turning into a wooden sculpture. It was so bizarre.

Qiao Ni then switched the hand seals again. The demon was beginning to assume its true form, and that was the last stage of the enslaving process. All she needed was only a few more seconds before the demon responded to her orders alone. Just like the enslaved demons of the Qiao family, they would do nothing more than what their master would say. After that, she would be the most powerful in the family—more powerful than Qiao Shan.

None of them realized that the blob was still able to move and attack. Since Qiao Ni was so close to it, it swiftly moved towards her—like a net that was trying to swallow Qiao Ni. Knowing that it was Hades who could produce acid blood, the shaman could only move away to evade the blood without breaking the process.

Bang! The loud resounding noise of the gun disrupted the sutra, more when Qiao Ni was hit by the bullets. Moreover, it wasn't just a gunshot… those were rifles gunning down the shaman and the two other people. Song Qixi quickly dashed to the side of the pillar, but Fan Meiling was also shot. The man returned fire and shot one of the offenders down. The rest actually hid.

"Help!" Fan Meiling reached out at him, but he could only stare at her wide-eyed.

"Dammit!" Song Qixi had no choice but to run off on his own, firing in their direction to keep them from firing at him. He managed to take a turn in a corner and disappear, only escaping with Chu Youlan's severed head. He didn't care about those two women, more when the enemy would be recovering power soon.

As for the 'enemy', the red blob began reforming itself. The soldiers that sent bullets their way couldn't help but aim at the wriggling blob of blood. They were actually part of that group that was confused by their superiors. Else, they wouldn't be here. Then again, they had no idea what that blood blob was... until it started to turn into a human. Liu Xiaodan didn't even know how it happened again, but it just did.

He then turned to the soldiers who could only aim at him. Their guns were on his face, and he felt that he would have to spawn his Kings just to get rid of them. Then again, they were the ones who helped him get rid of that shaman. Maybe he could take a bullet or two.

However, a tall soldier came from behind them and pushed down the soldier's gun gently. That particular person was still in his special elite squad uniform unlike the rest, and so Liu Xiaodan could recognize him a bit. It's just that… he didn't know why this person was here to help him.

"The facility is in turmoil. You shouldn't be venturing around," Ten only said as he reloaded his rifle, "Sergeant Song burned down the Sick Hall. We were ordered to turn him in… dead if he's hostile. All personnel connected to him were also suspected of sabotaging the facility."

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