The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 242 - The Face in the Murky Water

"Really?" Liu Xiaodan got to his feet with a ridiculing chuckle. He knew differently, but he remembered that the person playing with Wu Zhong today was Li Heilong. If Jiu Yuanli couldn't make use of the situation to kill as much as they could from the enemy's side, Liu Xiaodan wouldn't believe that he was a special agent of that tycoon.

Besides, Song Qixi really did cause the Sick Hall to burn.

However, Liu Xiaodan turned his back on them again. He went to kneel in front of the wooden sculpture that looked like Guangru. He tried to call out to the child, but there was no reaction at all. It was as if he was actually sealed in that state. Liu Xiaodan had no choice but to carry the heavy wood figure. "I'm returning to the Rooms Hall. You go kill that bastard. Oh, yeah, he's carrying his girlfriend's head. He's extremely unstable."

"Alright." Ten sighed. He knew that Liu Xiaodan was actually one of the saboteurs… ah, no, it was actually the child. Then again, it wouldn't be pretty. They were only humans, and that other madman was not. They would die if they engaged with him.

"If you don't feel safe, come see me there." Liu Xiaodan decided to come back for now. He drew the lamp from his body and carried the wooden child, disappearing from the sights of the soldiers. 

One of them even rubbed his eyes as if he couldn't believe what he just saw. "Sir, did he just vanish into thin air?"

Ten only nodded with a hum and looked down at Fan Meiling who was struggling on the floor. She was shot in the abdomen, and she was trying to reach out while choking out blood. The man then aimed at her face. "Sorry, ma'am, we have our orders."

Bang! It was just one bullet, but it was decisive. He then went to Qiao Ni who immediately died after being torn down by bullets. Ten then used his radio. "Captain, we terminated two targets. It seemed like Miss Qiao Yun expired before we got here. We're in pursuit of Sergeant Song."

"Alright," Captain, from another place, answered. He then eyed the other military people on the ground… before taking a look at those who had their rifles aiming at everyone's head. His eyes sought the one who was behind his hostage-taking scenario at the Control Room. "Are you sure you want to continue doing this?"

"Don't worry, Captain. We have definite targets for this place. Of course, we still need to do things to accomplish the mission." The person was even smiling at the captain. He then turned to other soldiers that took over the place, holding other staff down at another side of the room. He gave an order to the one fiddling with the main console. "Come on, lady love. I want those cameras running. An orderly even did it way faster than you."

"Sir, with all due respect, eat shit." The soldier grumbled as he continued to work on restoring the cameras and activating the secondary eyes that they had planted. They weren't actually soldiers, just mercenaries of the dragon tycoon, so that guy wasn't really their superior. As demonstrated by the rest who laughed at it.

Then, everyone's attention was taken by another not-soldier who was watching from the shoulder of the staff manning another console. He rapidly tapped at the staff's shoulder. "Send it to the big screen—send it, send it!"

The staff showed a feed from a perimeter camera. It was actually barely capturing a scene by the lake that was behind the facility. It was where the waste products were being dumped, but it was also one of their primary exits. Then again, they saw soldiers pushing other soldiers to the docks. They were being held at gunpoint and to a kneeling position. What made the not-soldiers apprehensive was that… Chuan Nayi was there.

Earlier, they were caught by those who were also looking to use this path for escape. They didn't think that the soldiers outside would be assassinated by other outside people. The ones doing a rescue were holding onto the hostages at gunpoint. Then again, they weren't actually hostages. Even without audio, the whole room knew that they would only watch a few people die.

"Can't we just spare this one? She's really pretty." The only holding Chuan Nayi's wrists behind her head chuckled as he kept on checking out the woman. However, his superior only huffed. "Then, f.u.c.k a dead body. We don't know who she is to these people."

"I can do that." He still laughed, looking forward to shooting Chuan Nayi dead without destroying her face or her body. After a while, the soldiers and the two civilians were all held down facing the murky water. "Are you ready, sweetheart? Your body and I will have a very good time."

The woman only stared at the water. Tang Liang thought that Chuan Nayi was feeling so helpless in this situation. Even he thought that they would be safe now that they were being escorted outside. Who would have thought that they would be welcomed like this? 

Then again… Chuan Nayi was scared and frustrated not because of the series of events, but because she could see a face staring back at her within the murky water.

Her dark eyes were locked on that face that was staring right back at her. She didn't know if it belonged to another woman who was killed in these murky waters, but she really refused to become the next one. However, she could only close her eyes. "I'll just… see you in my next life, Xiaodan..."

"Oh, you're friends with him?"

Everyone was shocked when another voice of a woman came from somewhere. Chuan Nayi opened her eyes widely, and the face in front of her actually smiled. Before the soldiers could find the time to execute the saboteurs, they all watched a strange figure rising from the water. At first, they thought it was just a plain woman, but they saw her head… attached to a third arm on her body.

The woman actually laughed. "I was only looking forward to the blood I will drink from your bodies, but… since this little lady is Xiaodan's acquaintance, then… it would be a shame if I didn't take another chance to be rewarded. Guangru… is quite a rich resource after all."

The men didn't have the chance to process the scene when hands shot out of the murky waters and grabbed into their faces. From the palms was another hand that dove through their throats. Some soldiers tried to shoot at the thing, but what were their bullets to the Mother? She just continued laughing as she drained the soldiers into a prune state. Then, she dragged them into the water to hide.

"Now, now, who exactly are you to Xiaodan?" The Mother climbed into the dock and held her face almost against Chuan Nayi's face. However, Chuan Nayi reined in her fear and put on a brave face. "Guangru's mother."

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