The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 284 - Aspire to be Mr. Li

Mian Tianni only lowered her eyes first as if taking a look if the demon child was around. However, he wasn't… and probably that's why Liu Xiaodan was fearful towards her. It's just that… "Both the dybbuk and I have lost our powers at one point in time, and yet he has recovered his. No need to fear me, Xiaodan. I am naught but an old lady to you now."

"But you're still the Matriarch of the Mian family… Mom's second aunt." Liu Xiaodan was actually scared that the old lady would attack him for being an abomination, but she didn't seem to be that aggressive. He then walked closer to bow and greet her. "Good evening, First Grandaunt. Shouldn't you be with another auntie?"

He heard that this granny was already having trouble walking around because of her age and the physical stress of her powers. That was why she now had to take Mian Bingbing at missions that required her prowess so she didn't have to do everything on her own. He didn't think she'd be walking around without an aide.

Mian Tianni only cast her gaze on Liu Xiaodan. Even if he looked close to his father's face, his entire visage screamed of a male Mian Lengleng. Even his temperament seemed to be the same as hers, strangely servile to others while incredibly fierce to hostiles—in her a.d.u.l.thood. 

The granny heard from Li Feng that Wu Zhong stood in his spot that night, only accepting his fate from the hands of his grandson. She figured he was too stunned when he saw Liu Xiaodan. Even to older members of the Mian family, it was as if Mian Lengleng had come back to haunt them.

As if assuming that he was indeed like Mian Lengleng, that secret rascal older half-sister from the third wife of Mian Tianni's father; the Matriarch reached out her hand towards Liu Xiaodan. Like a reflex, the man actually walked closer and offered his arm to help Mian Tianni walk back to her room somewhere on the first floor. She seemed to be a bit satisfied. 

"Tell me, Xiaodan. What do you plan to do with the child?" Mian Tianni hummed as she directed Liu Xiaodan in the direction of her room. "I should remind you… if you let him have a body, no one would know what would happen to his power and his temperament."

"I've been with him for a long while, enough to know that he wanted a genuine family. He wouldn't do anything dangerous to anyone… unless provoked and allowed." Liu Xiaodan nodded as if understanding their fears. If she couldn't control Guangru, then they were basically unstoppable. It's just that… "Grandaunt, what do you think the Qiao family will do now? Their Family Head died, and their princess wouldn't be returning to them."

Mian Tianni only closed her eyes as if knowing why Liu Xiaodan asked, as if he knew that it was going to be connected to the demon child's temper in the future. "I don't know. They had been hiding in the shadows and only letting the light touch Master Qiao's face. 

"With him gone and Qiao Shan ineligible to the family seat, they will only grow more fearless and bolder. Moreover, Wu Zhen—the good-for-nothing brother—will find a way to obtain Wu Zhong's resources to stand as his replacement in the eyes of the Qiao family."

Upon hearing about the older brother, he remembered what Chuan Nayi had discussed with his mother. "If I take over the Wu family and receive my portion of the inheritance, will it displease Grandaunt?"

Her grip on his arm tightened, and she turned to the young man. "Are you planning to exterminate a shaman clan? It might not be unfounded, but the occult world still needed the Qiao family. There are places that only their demons could deal with. Their family techniques are also more effective in some cases, albeit very rare. As the head of the shaman association, I cannot let you do this."

"Even if they asked for it?" Liu Xiaodan only had a bitter smile. "How about this, Grandaunt? Can I help you with some missions that you would ask the Qiao family for? 

"Since you said you require the might of their demons, don't you think Guangru would be a lot more effective? I'm not being a war freak, but I still have to feed my friends. I can't remain idle for so long, or else they will starve. They eat other entities so you don't have to worry them about hurting innocent people."

At this, Mian Tianni couldn't help but sin against Wu Qianqian as she accidentally lifted her hand and slapped Liu Xiaodan's arm, causing it to radiate with a red sore spot. This normally happened when Mian Tianni was suddenly angered by a disciple. 

Piak! Before she could control her anger, she heard the crisp sound in the air.

She froze after the sound of skin slapping skin echoed in the hallway. "… I didn't mean to hit you so hard, but you're spouting nonsense that Lengleng and Wu Zhong had once uttered. Do not repeat those words to me again."

Liu Xiaodan was only shocked to be honest. The slap didn't go through his high pain threshold, but it did leave a mark on his skin. "I'm sorry, Grandaunt, but I'm telling the truth. I need other entities to feed Guangru.

"Moreover, the Qiao family would inevitably harbor ill will towards me for a number of reasons. If I don't fill their spot, you won't let me hit them back hard enough to make them stop." Liu Xiaodan sighed. If that was the only reason why the Qiao family existed, then why couldn't he seal off the market?

"I already saw how to do things when Mr. Li hit them back. I want to do the same." Liu Xiaodan wanted to lay down everything he planned in case he would step on something without him knowing. The political world was hard to navigate, and he had seen true and fictional stories about the mishaps. 

Mian Tianni was getting angrier way than she could handle, and she couldn't contain it lest she wanted to hurt her heart. Since Liu Xiaodan didn't even complain about the pain, she felt that she was free to do so. "Liu Xiaodan, don't aspire to be Mr. Li if you don't—" She suddenly held her tongue as she realized something. 

By rights, he's Young Master Wu. 'Don't get to be Mr. Li if you don't have the capability?' What was she saying? With those kinds of resources, even Wu Zhong could be like Li Heilong given the right amount of ruthlessness and the right people as henchmen. Perhaps that was the only difference between them.

"Hmph." Another hit came from her even if it wasn't Liu Xiaodan's fault anymore. "Regardless, do not be this willful. Don't you have other priorities?"

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