The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 285 - Cursing Li Feng to Death

Liu Xiaodan received a total of three slaps, and the hand kept on landing at the same spot without fail. How amazing and precise. He should think of a good way to explain why there was a finger-marked bruise on his arm if his mother saw it. 

He then twitched when he heard what she was asking about. "Aside from the Qiao family, I think I still have to think about my future. Nayi seemed to have plans on her own so I can't decide what to do for now. Without them officially announcing Wu Zhong's death, Nayi declines to tell me what she wants to do. That's why I have nothing else to think of as well."

"That doesn't give you the liberty to aim for the impossible." Mian Tianni huffed, but she was starting to calm down. She then rubbed the red spot on his arm. "Xiaodan, listen to me. Even if Ting University has blocked your path and the Qiao family is making it difficult for you, you're still young. Don't behave like your life is over."

"Hm, Grandaunt, I'm not behaving like my life is over. I'm just preparing for the worst. Besides, this is my new life now. I have to accommodate my friends." Liu Xiaodan continued to smile and not be angry. It was making Mian Tianni's expression worse, though.

In the end, she only c.a.r.e.s.sed his head and pinched his ear. "You're as hard-headed as your grandma. Why didn't you learn to be obedient like Qianqian? No matter…" She let go of Liu Xiaodan altogether since they had arrived in front of her room. "I'll just let Feng'er decide on the matter."

The smile on Liu Xiaodan's face froze as she walked inside. He just continued waving until the door closed. That was only when he sighed and turned back to walk around again. Let Li Feng decide? Was Li Feng supposed to be the senior shaman here? Or was he going to be his senior in this 'school', too?

Welp, at least it's someone he knew.

He returned to his room with the girl after getting some beer from the fridge downstairs, and Chuan Nayi was actually sitting at the edge of the bed. She was on her phone with someone, but her voice was very soft like she didn't want anyone to hear her speak. 

With Liu Xiaodan's enhanced hearing, he could listen to their conversation without a problem. However, since Chuan Nayi didn't want to be heard, he could pretend not to hear anything about it at all.

"Nayi, are you awake?" 

After the call, Chuan Nayi made a loud sigh, and he took it as a cue to walk inside. She then scampered to put her phone down and smile at the man who just arrived.

"Hey, did you go for a nightcap?" She chuckled as she hooked some hair behind her ear. Then, she received a beer can from Liu Xiaodan. "Oh, thanks a lot."

Liu Xiaodan only smiled and drank his beer without any words. It was only Chuan Nayi who felt like she was going to tread on thin ice soon. She pressed the can against her lips and drank, but her mind was totally on what Hao Chengyi had told her. If she wanted to create that world she wanted, she needed to fight for the rights for it.

Actually, Liu Xiaodan should've made Chuan Nayi exhausted that time. He had no idea that they decided on trying out the theory Chuan Nayi had for him. Right now, Liu Xiaodan was yawning while standing outside the Mian Residence. The sun hadn't even risen yet, but four energetic young people were stretching for their morning run.

Then again, Qiao Shan was also not in the mood to be out of bed right now. Since Li Feng invited her and she didn't want to be left alone in the room, she had to leave with him. She actually eyed Liu Xiaodan whose head was even bobbing from sleepiness. Somehow, it felt nice to have someone who was in the same boat as her.

Chuan Nayi finished stretching and warming up. She then realized that Liu Xiaodan was trying to sleep standing up. In her white shirt and dark cycling shorts, she stood in front of him. Bending down a bit, she tried to find Liu Xiaodan's sleeping face. "Xiaodan, this is for you. Wake up."

"I don't want it." Liu Xiaodan popped his eye open and saw the lady in front of him. From the angle, he could also look down her collar and see her rather smooth and white c.h.e.s.t. Even the cream bra cups were peeking. He had to raise his eyes to meet her gaze to avoid getting weird. "How long are we supposed to run again?"

"Just five l.a.p.s around the residence. Li Feng said so." Chuan Nayi didn't know how huge the perimeter was, but if Li Feng said five l.a.p.s, it should be a bit smaller than she expected.

Li Feng made a swing of his arm before taking a deep breath. "You might feel not lacking in your bodily stamina, but that's only because you are only fighting for a day. If you really wanted to go with missions with me like what Master Tianni said, I have to make sure you're fit to go. I won't stop you, but we're not going with you like that. Remember, being in this field of work is not just about strength. You also need wits and athleticism for starters."

Athleticism? Liu Xiaodan discreetly looked down at his body. Maybe yes, he needed to cut down on his weight, but Li Feng didn't have to say it so casually. Then again, both Liu Xiaodan and Chuan Nayi would probably like it if he got into top shape.

"You, too, Qiao Shan. A test of endurance needs a certain kind of mindset. If you can train your mind and body, you won't fall victim to Hongfei's d.e.s.i.r.e again." Li Feng turned to Qiao Shan, but he was already smiling. The woman only nodded. He then turned to everyone again. "Let's just jog around the perimeter first so you can see how big we're going to cover. Then, after the first l.a.p, try to keep up with my speed.

"Again, keep up with my speed the entire time. Do not think that finishing the track faster will give you a ticket to an earlier escape." He huffed as if warning the two transcendent. "This is training, not a race. Let's go."

Of course, the young master was not a slave driver. He was indeed jogging at a normal speed for their first l.a.p. The group actually ran around the entire Mian Residence, including the main house and the side courtyards and halls that the place had. However, Chuan Nayi didn't know that it was like four blocks in size.

Liu Xiaodan was in the foulest mood. The chilly pre-morning coldness was even colder now. "Li Feng, I will curse you to death for this."

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