The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 296 - Take a Look at Young Master

They still had an hour before work hours started, but visitors had already entered the building. After presenting IDs at a scanner to get inside the lobby, the three continued to the receptionist. Chuan Nayi was only taking a good look at the company. Actually, Hao Chengyi was handling mostly everything because Li Heilong would be buying this company from her straight away. 

Chuan Nayi didn't want the Wu Corporation after all. What she wanted was that start-up that she had been discussing with Hao Chengyi… only because she didn't want any hitch.

"Miss Chuan, please." Hao Chengyi led them around before getting to the elevator where they ran into the secretary responsible for the transfer. The very moment Hao Chengyi saw her nervous eyes, he had a feeling that they would be encountering trouble here.

Actually, even Liu Li had sold their company after holding onto it for a long while. The money would be taken as an investment for a retirement plan handled by an insurance company under Li Enterprise. On the days that he had been going around with his wife, they were moving their assets back to the capital.

It was because the Wu Family Estate was part of Wu Qianqian's inheritance. 

She wouldn't even think of moving back to the capital if the Wu Family Estate wasn't part of her inheritance. Actually, aside from a huge sum of money, this was the only property given to her in the revised will. She didn't really care much about the rest; she just wanted this palace-like house to be Liu Xiaodan's someday.

"Matron! Matron! Madam is outside!" One of the maids came running to the matron who was sitting on the couch. She was hugging a pillow and was pretty much lost in thought. When she heard the maid, her eyes lit up a little. She then placed down the pillow and wiped her tears. "Then, why are you still here? Go greet them!"

"Yes, Matron!" The maid ran off again. Matron Yuye got up from the seat and walked to the door. Just like the last time, the maids bowed down to greet the blood daughter of their master. However, it wasn't lost to them that their master was already gone. Even Matron Yuye felt like she had lost a father.

Wu Qianqian still had the same terrified expression as she walked inside the main lobby. This time, the maids were lined up there. Matron Yuye was waiting at the front, her arms spread out. Wu Qianqian then jogged to get to her and gave her a rather tight hug.

Matron Yuye was going to say something, but she realized that the maids were actually lifting their heads slightly as a young man walked past them. Even Matron Yuye locked her eyes at the sight of a man advancing towards her. With the sun casting light from the door, she couldn't see much of his face, but those enticing dark eyes could grab onto people's souls.

"Young Master?" Matron Yuye murmured as she stared at the young man. He was not like a statue carved by the best artists or a figure that jumped right out of a painting. However, he had this indescribable aura that pulled everyone's eyes to him—and their souls with it. The aura was mellow and friendly, but it still made people wary of the hidden danger of getting too close. They were like moths attracted to a flame.

"Hm? Please just call me Xiaodan. I'm not used to being called Young Master." Liu Xiaodan arrived nearby Matron Yuye. If his mother hugged this woman, they must be friends. The young man offered a smile, but Matron Yuye only started at him with wide eyes.

Liu Li had walked past her and stared at the place, envisioning the small changes they would make. This place reeked of too much Wu Zhong as he had lived here alone for so long. Liu Li then turned around to see how much the maids were staring at Liu Xiaodan.

He then frowned. "Why are you staring at Xiaodan like you wanted to eat him? He's about to be married."

"Aiyah, we never had a young master for a very long time!" Matron Yuye tried to curb the new master's fury. She then waved her hand with another at her cheek as if embarrassed. "Young Master is so handsome! The woman marrying him must be very lucky!"

"Hm, you might not like her." Liu Xiaodan only lightened his smile before walking past the matron and even moving towards the hallways leading to the kitchen and pantry. He could feel the dark cloud looming over the house as if their loss had attracted a nasty entity. Then again, was he afraid? No. Was he happy?

Tang Mingming surely was.

At the main lobby, the gossipy maid started to chatter. "Take a look at Young Master—isn't he Liu Xiaodan? I think Matron is correct! He's just that Li Feng's scapegoat. Take a look at that face. Can someone with that face murder a person? Not to mention eighteen!"

"You're right, you're right. Tch, now that he's here… don't you think Master Zhong could have paid for Young Master's freedom with his life? Young Master came home after Master Zhong left us after all."

"I also heard that it was the Li family that was trying to seize the Wu Corporation. Dammit, they might have baited Master Zhong through Young Master. Damn Li family..."

Liu Li and Wu Qianqian could hear their gossips, but they couldn't really speak up for the truth. Wouldn't these maids try to avenge their master if they found out that Liu Xiaodan killed Wu Zhong himself? Moreover, that was a crime that might affect Liu Xiaodan's standing. He was yet to be officially announced as clinically treated.

Matron Yuye only glowered at the maids while her face looked like she had swallowed a live spider. The anger she had on that reddening face silenced the maids, even making other maids nudge their friends. She then chuckled before pulling back Wu Qianqian's hold. "Let's talk in the waiting room, shall we?"

The matron then walked the two to the waiting room where they went to the last time. However, Matron Yuye was actually surprised—borderline terrified—by the scene at the distance. Liu Xiaodan was standing at the end of the hallway, his back facing them. He seemed to be staring into the kitchen. However, what made Matron Yuye freeze was that… his shadow was irregularly huge behind him.

"Xiaodan? Is there anything interesting in the kitchen?" Liu Li called him out, having the feeling that Liu Xiaodan was looking at something that was intriguing the friends as well.

"Nothing really." As if he wasn't standing there motionlessly, Liu Xiaodan turned around and walked towards them. His smile was still curling his lips, but Matron Yuye felt like she had seen three flashes of shadows behind him. "Matron Yuye, someone's at the door."

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