The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 297 - The Flame Grew Bigger right in Front of the Moths

Matron Yuye was shocked. She didn't think she had already introduced herself to this young master. Moreover, he said something strange. However, like what he said, a car pulled up at the parking space in front of the Wu Family Estate. Soon, loud banging came to the door. A maid actually went to open the door, and since she recognized who the man was, she let him in.

The man stomped inside with a grave expression. "Yuye?! Yuye! Where are you?!"

"Just a moment, Qianqian, Master, Young Master." Matron Yuye chose to entertain the screaming man first so he would stop calling out. "Jingtong, what are you doing here so early? Stop yelling. The Madam is here with her husband and our young master. Why are you so noisy?"

"Yuye! What did you say? The Madam is here? Like Missy Wu? Great!" The man named Jingtong grabbed the matron's shoulders. "You have to tell them about this! Someone is trying to take over the Wu Corporation! The same person to whom you lost the rest houses! She's after the Wu Corporation, too!"

Matron Yuye's gasp was so loud. She ended up slapping the man's arm with so much vigor that the sound echoed in the main lobby. "Don't spout nonsense! That can't be real! Oh, no, shouldn't Qianqian be able to contest this?! Damn woman! How could she strip away everything that Master Zhong worked so hard for?!"

The man named Jingtong had no choice but to let go of her and console his bruised arm. "Wu Ran and Wu Jiao are trying to fight her over it, but her backing… the Li family surely knew how to grab onto everything they wanted. Damn, I wouldn't be surprised if that Li family was..." He then noticed the three people at the side. He then smoothed his suit and cleared his throat as if regaining his business persona.

"Missy Wu, I am Ye Jingtong, liability officer from the Sun Corporation. I'm very familiar with your father as I handle his affairs with Mr. Sun." He would say handle affairs, but he was most likely a deliveryman. He extended his hand for a handshake, but no one went to shake it. He took it back. "Ehem, I just came to bring news to the people Mr. Wu had left behind. Are you aware that the Li family is trying to buy off the Wu Corporation?"

"...Miss Chuan did say so, Mr. Ye," Liu Xiaodan answered for his mother, "Grandfather lost a deal after all."

Ye Jingtong turned to the side. He didn't really pay much attention to the young master since he was just an extra person. However, that seemed to be quite a wrong move. He openly frowned at Liu Xiaodan. "Hey, aren't you friends with Mr. Ruan…? What are you doing here?"

Liu Xiaodan pointed at his face. "Young Master…?"

"...I… I see. I think I now understand what is happening here..." Ye Jingtong hummed as he fixed his crooked necktie. "A deal. What kind of deal was it? Did it include losing his life or surrendering it to you?"

"He did gamble with the life of everyone in the facility even if you don't believe me. Then again, we decided not to implicate those that he had left behind. He seemed to be still good to those who served him." Liu Xiaodan swept his eyes at the maids and at Matron Yuye, his gaze growing colder. "That's why Miss Chuan didn't care about the inheritances that Grandfather left for his daughter and the entire household."

"Wait, Master Zhong left some for us?" The maids almost said in a gasp. Matron Yuye frowned as well. Nothing was left for them. That was when Wu Qianqian waved her hands. "It's with me. I was going to distribute it later… you can leave the household if you like after receiving it, too..."

She couldn't even look at Matron Yuye. "I'm sorry, Yuye. Dad… Dad was..."

Liu Xiaodan reached out to hold his mother's arm. "Based on what I understand, Grandfather tried to protect his assets, but he ended up riling an existence that he shouldn't up in the process. Then, one thing led to another, and even the Li family was forced to retaliate. He's not inherently bad or stupid, but he just… placed on his bets on the wrong side."

Wu Qianqian then looked at her son before taking out a bunch of checks from her bag. These were the checks for the household. She moved to stuff it in Matron Yuye's hands. "Dad still hoped you will be able to carry on without him. I'm so sorry… I didn't mean for it to come out like this."

"...Qianqian, you..." Matron Yuye murmured, her shoulders falling down in defeat. Wasn't this equated to the daughter scheming against the father to steal his riches? She really didn't have to… he would have given all of this to her if she asked—no, if she returned to the Wu family. The matron then lifted her eyes at the young master. "What asset was he trying to protect? I know everything about him."

"Do you know about the projects he had done with the Qiao family?" Liu Xiaodan asked, but Matron Yuye flinched already. She did hear about those things, but Wu Zhong had always told her if it was better if she didn't know about them. He then spoke again, "If you don't, it's hard to explain it."

Matron Yuye then looked at the checks on her arms. She opened the clear envelope to check the names on them. She then gave it to another maid. "Distribute those for me. Let's talk in the waiting room. You!" The matron pointed at the man who was trying to escape. "If I find out that the Sun Corporation has something to do with this, I will kill you for instigating pain!"

With a shudder, Ye Jingtong then grew defensive. "The Sun Corporation is a reputable company! How could it get involved with such big shady—?"

"Cherry Medical..." Liu Xiaodan smiled at the man. "Aren't you the one handling Grandfather's affairs with the Sun Corporation? How could you not know about those shady things?"

"I… I wasn't involved in that!" Ye Jingtong tried to save himself, and so he went to bolt out of the door. 

However, a strange gust swept through them, and the doors closed with a loud bang. The huge chandelier also moved as the curtains swayed. The gust in the house continued to swirl lightly, not letting anyone forget about its existence. The aura on Liu Xiaodan's body changed; the flame grew bigger right in the eyes of the moths!

Liu Xiaodan only hummed as he watched the man ran to the door and tried to twist the knob. "Mr. Ye, why did you go here? This kind of news shouldn't really be heard by a liability officer from the Sun Corporation. It can't be Director Sun because he wouldn't really dare to play with me anymore.

"So… which one?" The ghost smile appeared on his face. "Qiao or Wu?"

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