The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 298 - How Dare You

Ye Jingtong's eyes bulged wide open. He was warned against running into Liu Xiaodan, but he wasn't given a photo. He had no idea that he had been brushing shoulders with this man a few times already. As for the warning, they only said that the man… could kill in cold blood. If only Ye Jingtong decided to take a few minutes to watch the news that day, he would know what Liu Xiaodan looked like—they did presume he knew after all.

Just like in that court case, this man had killed eighteen people. Adding one more wouldn't be a problem. He was also told that this man was the reason why they had to destroy the facility—to exterminate him! However, the undying Project Hades was not something they could control. Not even Wu Zhong could control it!

Damn, this man already mentioned the projects; why didn't Ye Jingtong get a clue?! He was talking about himself! This was one of Wu Zhong's projects with the Qiao family! This was Project Hades in the flesh!

"H-Hades, please show mercy! I didn't… I didn't know which one of them came to me! They just paid me to bring in the Wu princess! I didn't know things are like this! Please! Please I have a family!" Ye Jingtong quickly got on the floor and begged.

"...if I spared you, you and your family will be killed by whoever hired you." Liu Xiaodan frowned. Well, that was what his impression was. Whether it would happen or not, he couldn't be ascertained. Also, he didn't want to kill right in front of his mother. He didn't want to show her what he had become because of the serum of Project Hades. Moreover, he was also fully activated by Mian Qingwei's blood.

Liu Li only reached out to Liu Xiaodan. Even if his son's skin was freezing cold right now, he didn't flinch. "Just let him leave. Don't be the one doing the actions of a vile creature. If he dies, he dies by their hands—not yours."

The son turned to his father. The gusts dissipated, and the door opened. Liu Xiaodan slid his eyes at the man. "Go home as fast as you can."

Ye Jingtong even moved like he was flying. He quickly got into his car to leave the property, but smoke screens were actually thrown to obscure their attack. The maids all got on the ground, and Matron Yuye felt like she was living her last day on Earth. Armed men ran inside their gates and unloaded their artillery on the house.

"Xiaodan!" Wu Qianqian screamed as she watched her son run to the front of the house.

It's just that… it was as if something strange had happened. Liu Xiaodan only stood there as the smoke cleared, and the bullets didn't make it past him. It was as if they were stopping at a jelly barrier in front of him. The armed men stopped as soon as they realized that they were not making damage.

"How… dare you!" Liu Xiaodan roared, making the bullets drop to the ground before three figures jumped out of his body. The frog humanoid hopped high up and vanished in the sky before landing on three armed men. A shadow swept through to disorient them while another black figure lunged at one man, biting him in half.

In broad daylight, three of the friends were slaughtering humans… who dared kill his parents. Liu Xiaodan was livid. He knew it… something like this would happen. He then chomped at his arm so hard as if biting off a chunk of his flesh. His blood then spread on the air, and the Student King materialized. The King flew inside the house and wrapped her arms around his parents.

Liu Xiaodan spat out his flesh, letting blood drip down from his lips. "Ming, leave one for me."

As if adhering to his request, Tang Mingming grabbed a fleeing one and tossed him across the lawn of the Wu Residence. The man stopped in front of Liu Xiaodan, and when he opened his eyes, he met the freezing gaze of the transcendent. Liu Xiaodan asked slowly, "Who sent you?"

"...Qiao Dong..." The man was scared silly that he actually gave a name. After all, even if he had training, his mind was too vulnerable to an actual non-human. After so, he fainted on the spot.

"Clean up, Old Doctor. Find where they came from, Ming, Jun," Liu Xiaodan spoke before turning to Ye Jingtong who was scared silly while hiding behind his car. He then asked, "Mr. Ye, still protecting the person who paid you to do this? Aren't you scared that your house had already met the same fate?"

"Qiao! Qiao!" Ye Jingtong actually started to cry.

A rushing car actually stopped right outside, inevitably seeing Old Doctor devouring the bodies on the lawn. The ghost only looked at the driver, but he didn't care much. The black Toyota only rolled up at the parking space, and a man walked out of the car. He actually looked at the bullets on the ground. "Shit, am I too late?"

Liu Xiaodan blinked and then smiled at the person. "Mr. Du, are you here for him?"

Du Zhizhuo gazed at the young man first before the man behind the car. "Are you going to take care of him, or should I? Damn, those goons actually thought the same trick would work on you twice?" He walked to Ye Jingtong and gestured for him to get up. "Cooperate with us, Mr. Ye. Your wife is safe, and your daughter is still in school. See, we know where they are as well."

"No, no, don't drag them into this!" Ye Jingtong should have stuck to his job and not accept shady shit. Why did he forget that big families would always… always have so many people?

"So let me drag you then. Come on. You don't want Hades to throw you inside my trunk himself." Du Zhizhuo said so, but he had already grabbed Ye Jingtong and restrained him with cable ties. Du Zhizhuo just spoke after throwing the man in the backseat. "Are you okay? You look furious..."

There was a look in Liu Xiaodan's eyes that would kill everyone that met his gaze. Du Zhizhuo didn't ask for Liu Xiaodan to look in his direction either. He didn't want to die from this man's eyes. Even if everyone else's gazes were basically tofu, Liu Xiaodan's eyes could be the Gates of Babylon.

"They tried to harm my parents. I am furious." Liu Xiaodan didn't look at Du Zhizhuo, but he was still very resentful towards the mastermind. "They gave me a name… Qiao Dong."

"That's the current Qiao family head now that Qiao Muwei is officially dead." Du Zhizhuo sighed. "You take care, Xiaodan. We can only do so much."

Liu Xiaodan nodded before clearing his glare and smiling at Du Zhizhuo again. "Thank you. Please be careful, too. They might start going after the mercenaries."

Unable to keep his dry laugh from showing, Du Zhizhuo could only make sure he wouldn't look ridiculing Liu Xiaodan. "I survived Cherry Med while being right next to you. What are you saying?"

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