The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 354 - Thank You for Saving Mom-in-Law

Liu Xiaodan received the location and went to the car to meet with Chuan Nayi. Since they were leaving, the friends scampered to return, even if they were still hoping to get another goon. They could still remain and just go home on their own, but they figured Guangru would be angry for them being so greedy.

As the cold night breeze blew of his standing figure, Li Heilong watched the super black Aventador leave… and even vanish into the night. His brows then frowned. 

"Is something wrong with him?" Du Zhizhuo was supposed to report, but he caught the boss staring at the car that moved like a snake's head as it sped into the shadows of the storage houses. It was as if Li Heilong was so suspicious of Liu Xiaodan all of a sudden.

"...his driving is very sloppy. How did he pass?"

The clock on Liu Xiaodan's digital watch displayed 03:28 when he took a look at it. He had driven all the way to the location by following the directions on Chuan Nayi's phone that was docked on the dashboard. The woman was silently holding onto Guangru while she waited for them to reach their destination.

Only Bihan and Old Doctor were sitting in the backseat. The non-human greater ghost was enjoying the ride, while Bihan was just waiting for the next action. Tang Mingming and Yi Junhai remained inside Liu Xiaodan's body. The former was actually driving; Liu Xiaodan really wasn't good at it.

"I wonder why she just didn't go with Mr. Li," Chuan Nayi murmured as she voiced out that resounding thought in her mind. She really wanted to see her mother right now; she wanted to see Jiang Yanyu safe. She had no other reason why she was feeling so anxious.

"Maybe because she didn't meet Mr. Li?" It was a wild guess, but one that Liu Xiaodan risked saying. Well, Li Heilong had a lot of eyes and hands as if he was indeed a demon god that rose from the underworld. His minions were capable and resistant to death. There was a chance that someone else saw Jiang Yanyu, and Li Heilong didn't bother much about her anymore after that.

Chuan Nayi pretty much understood what it was without Liu Xiaodan saying. Perhaps Li Heilong really didn't meet her mother; he probably only saw her alive and well. That brought her thoughts to the green car. She wasn't even sure what kind of green it showed up in.

Then again, there was no meaning in guessing. She just needed to get to this place before seeing her mother again. As if made aware of their subsequent, the mother waited in the port area while sitting on the hood of a moss-green repainted Jiangnan TT.

"Mom!" Chuan Nayi's eyes lit up and watered so much that she almost cried. The look on her face was exactly what Jiang Yanyu looked like when she heard Chuan Nayi over the phone. She ran to Jiang Yanyu and into her embrace, hearing her mother wince at the pain. "Mom, are you hurt?"

"Small bruises from escaping supervillains." Jiang Yanyu hid her bruises under her coat that didn't seem to be hers at all. It was easy to notice, but Chuan Nayi didn't care about it for now.

Barefoot and probably cold, Jiang Yanyu only bathed in the warmth of her daughter's embrace. She had no idea that she would finally experience those things that happened in movies and in stories that she heard. However, they still failed to take her.

Liu Xiaodan walked up to them and spoke, "Mom-in-law, you should come with us back to the Wu Family Estate. You'd be very safe there."

The two women turned to him, but they noticed that his eyes were looking at the figure in the distance. Chuan Nayi didn't see that man before as she was more focused on her mother. Now that Jiang Yanyu was free from anything that would hurt her in the future, it was time to crease her brows.

Smoke came out of his lips as he just finished a cigarette. He then turned to entertain the eyes on him. For some reason, he was surprised that he saw familiar faces that he didn't think would appear together. He dropped the cigarette and stomped on it with his foot. Even if the night was cold, he was only wearing a shirt as if someone took away his heavy coat.

"...what is he doing here?" Chuan Nayi straightened her back and eyed at the man as if she was seeing an enemy. "Mom, why are you with Mr. Chuan?"

"I'm not going to ask for some context, Wu Xiaodan, but I need to know if you can protect her for real." Chuan Shengxin decided to ignore Chuan Nayi. Not only was she a very hostile character, but she didn't seem to be interested in talking to him… so why bother? At least, he had some things to ask this young man. "What attacked her were not those dirty things."

"Some good ones are protecting the house. Even big family goons won't be spared from their wrath." Upon hearing his new name from this man's lips, Liu Xiaodan lifted his brows. However, the gaze he was getting from Chuan Shengxin wasn't any different from when they hadn't saved him yet.

The man only nodded and turned to Jiang Yanyu. "They're here now. You should go with them. Don't go back to your old house. There should be people watching it, but I can't trust them… neither will you."

Jiang Yanyu only hummed as she got off of the green Jiangnan TT, so it could drive away. However, when Chuan Shengxin approached them, he still took a look at the hostile Chuan Nayi. His eyes softened a lot, but he didn't bother saying anything. The things that he wanted to say… he had told them all to Jiang Yanyu. The words for Chuan Nayi, he figured they wouldn't even get through.

"Thanks for saving Mom-in-law, Mr. Chuan," Liu Xiaodan spoke again, and Chuan Shengxin paused in his actions. He then turned to face the young man in an expression that was a mix of 'I hope you're pulling my leg' and 'say that again, and I will stab you'. The frost and rage melded perfectly that Liu Xiaodan was quite proud of himself. He didn't mean to get this reaction, though.

"You look like you know each other." Jiang Yanyu didn't catch that part where young men actually helped out in dealing with that demon spirit that almost ate him. She ended up turning to him. "Is this related to that experience that opened your eyes?"

Even if he hesitated to speak, Chuan Shengxin still nodded his head. "He was one of those kids that helped Yueji and Fangfen. I didn't really recognize you even if your face was all over the news before." He then hesitated, soon dropping his ire from earlier. "Still, thank you for not leaving Yueji and Fangfen alone."

Liu Xiaodan only smiled. "I didn't save Miss Fangfen. My fiancee did. She was with me that night."

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