The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 355 - Are You Lost?

Chuan Shengxin stared at this man who he first in the hospital. He had no idea if Chuan Nayi and Jiang Yanyu had seen this man in his maniacal state, but Chuan Shengxin still remembered that event in the hospital. Still, now that he was obediently standing there, unlike the punky aura he had when he was with his 'big brother'; he figured Chuan Nayi must have some kind of control over him.

Then again, he actually dared call Chuan Nayi his fiancee and Jiang Yanyu as his mom-in-law…? That… sounded very wrong to Chuan Shengxin. Perhaps because he was very wary of this man.

"Who are you calling your fiancee?" Chuan Shengxin still asked as if it was a warning instead. However, his glare at Liu Xiaodan was blocked by Chuan Nayi's body. She then huffed. "It's me. I am his Young Madam Wu."

"Since you know each other, I don't think I don't have to go through the trouble of introducing him to you." Jiang Yanyu acted pretty much civil towards her ex-husband. It was as if he was just an acquaintance now, to whom her only daughter was born. "Sheng, this is Xiaodan, Nayi's future husband. Xiaodan, this is Nayi's dad, Shengxin."

The introduction was a little too late, but Chuan Shengxin still felt aggrieved. He then looked at the man before speaking to Nayi without his eyes landing on her beautiful face with creased brows. "Nayi, do you know a lot about that man? He might not be something you'd want to live with in the long run."

Chuan Nayi pursed her lips, but she shuddered a little when Liu Xiaodan held onto her hand. It was as if he was giving her the courage to behave the way she really wanted. In the end, Chuan Nayi only turned away. "I walked the tightrope of death with him, Mr. Chuan. If there's someone who knows him the deepest, it's me. I once gave him up, but I don't want to repeat that mistake.

"Xiaodan doesn't owe you the respect he should give to my father. Don't make him answer to you like you deserve it." Chuan Nayi finally took a look at him. "Mom might be able to forgive you, but I can never do that. Your absence… is my peace. Let's go, Xiaodan. We'll wait for you in the car, Mom."

"Aren't you going to say anything about her behavior towards me?" Chuan Shengxin spoke as soon as Chuan Nayi turned away. She held onto Liu Xiaodan, while the young man gave his gaze to the father.

Liu Xiaodan clearly knew that Chuan Shengxin was insinuating something with that question. However, no matter how much he looked at the father, Chuan Shengxin didn't seem angry at Chuan Nayi even if she said those words to him. In the end, the young man only smiled. "She can behave like she doesn't know you if that's what she wants. I'm not there when you made the wrong things. 

"I can only support her decisions as long as she doesn't hurt herself in the process. When she does, I will save her… and take care of the source of pain."

"Take care..." Chuan Shengxin blinked. He didn't really know how that man could take care of people, but hearing from Jiang Yanyu that this man was the reason why she was being monitored by Li Heilong, he figured that this Young Master Wu was not a simple psycho. He's probably one of those with a legal license to go psycho. "Fine then. If I hear her filing restraining orders against you, I'll throw away my badge and kill you."

Liu Xiaodan's brows lifted. It wasn't really that serious from his standpoint, but from an estranged father… he was even willing to ruin his life along with Yueji's and Fangfen's for that…? Then again, Liu Xiaodan figured it would never happen. He only nodded and led Chuan Nayi to the car.

As they walked away, Chuan Shengxin opened the car door, but he only stood in front of the doorway. He watched until Chuan Nayi's figure was concealed by the car. "Am I really too late?"

"Things had reached a point that Nayi knew the only names she needed to remember in this life. Unless you become part of the social circles that she needed to get to know for a successful life, she won't care about you anymore." Jiang Yanyu sighed as she turned to him, her eyes only softening on her words. "I'll just see you some other time. I don't even know if I can invite you to the wedding."

"...take care of yourself, Yanyu." Chuan Shengxin couldn't say anything much when his first love walked away from his car without sparing him another look as she got inside the super black Aventador. He even just watched the car move and disappear into the night.

His hands clenched, and he got inside his car. He sat there on his own, contemplating what to do next. Chuan Shengxin started his engine and stared straight at the dark waters of the port. The night was almost ending, and he was about to see the green light which woke up the world from slumber. He shifted his gear to run at his fastest, but his foot was still unhurried to kick the gas pedal.

"Did she say anything special?" Bai Yueji's voice echoed from the phone. She seemed to know that Chuan Shengxin went to look for Jiang Yanyu to apologize. However, it was already too late… surely, he wasn't spending the night with his ex-wife, right?

"Nothing. Other than that Xiaodan guy being Nayi's boyfriend." Chuan Shengxin leaned against his seat. "Sorry, something came up, and I have to wait for them to pick up Yanyu. I'm heading home now."

After a few more seconds of chatting, he hung up and stared at the black water. Right now, a child was standing in front of his car, blocking the view. The lights were faintly coming from behind him, but Chuan Shengxin could clearly see those round dark eyes.

Even if the scene was strange, Chuan Shengxin didn't panic or frown. It was as if he was not surprised to see the figure. He then turned on the headlights of his car, letting his eyes take a good look at Guangru. "Are you lost, boy? Look, I don't like ghosts so just choose someone else."

"How about you, Shengxin? Aren't you lost?" Guangru smiled, but his smile had a strange effect on the father.

Chuan Shengxin only tightened his grip on the steering wheel. " I have a wife and a kid. Even two of each. How can I be lost?"

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