The Restless Spirit's Father

Chapter 356 - Brought by Miss Wu

"Then turn around and drive. There's nothing to see here anymore." Guangru didn't change his tone. Even if Chuan Shengxin was wary of him, the father still looked back to make sure nothing was behind the car when he backed off and turned the car to leave the port.

Only when did Chuan Shengxin leave the port's premises that the child dropped his smile. He then walked to the edge and looked down at the King on the rocks, which was luring people. The entity growled at the child for stealing its target, but Guangru only sneered. "What a weakling. I don't need you."

It was only five in the morning, but Li Feng's phone was already ringing. However, the supposed angry voice didn't grumble at the source of it. Liu Xiaodan frowned his brows, but he figured that it was because it was simply so early. Maybe that guy was so deep in his girlfriend last night that he barely slept.

If only Liu Xiaodan's life was that simple.

Then again, that was quite wrong. Li Feng had his own share of hardsh.i.p.s; most of it was even brought by Liu Xiaodan himself. He just decided to call Ruan Jin instead. Today, he would be appearing in the hospital to see the deal with Li Xin. Since Wu Shuang was also after this woman, then the more plans he could sabotage, the better.

After leaving a voice message for Li Feng, Liu Xiaodan placed down his phone and started with the early swimming workout. Since they had a pool, Li Feng recommended exercises that would help him regulate his power better, get a stronger body to contain the changes, and expose him to the time when the sun was the strongest without pain. One could say that he used to do these things as well.

Chuan Nayi woke up at the same time as he did; technically, both of them didn't really have the time to sleep. As people who worked on extensive works and quick deadlines, staying up longer than twenty-four hours used to be their norm. One day to do the same wouldn't hurt at all.

More when Chuan Nayi could just stay on the side and listen to her music while watching in her swimsuit. There's no sun to bathe under at this time, but she was still willing to pretend.

After that, they went to meet with Ruan Jin to find this Li Xin. Just like the last time, Ruan Jin walked in on Li Xin screaming at another nurse. Upon recognizing the face of the other man, the woman sneered at the sight of them. Her chin c.o.c.ked up as if she was a queen looking down on her subjects. "What do you want? I'm not interested in small boys with no money under their names."

"...I'm Young Master Wu though." Liu Xiaodan walked in first before Chuan Nayi huffed and followed inside with Ruan Jin. They both heard things from Ruan Jin: her condition, what Wang Yusheng thought, and her remaining options. Seeing that her arm was rotting for some reason, Liu Xiaodan wondered how she knew Wu Shuang.

"Young Master Wu? Hmph, you're too young to be any of them." Even though Li Xin was like this, she had extensive knowledge about the big families. The generation of the Wu family stopped with Wu Shuang's age group. She didn't know why, but that was the matter. For someone to call himself Young Master Wu who was in Li Feng's age group? How arrogant. "Go away."

"...are you talking about Wu Zhen's children? You know them in person?" Liu Xiaodan sat on the bed and stared at Li Xin with his gentle gaze. The harmless smile was only on his face, and that was making Li Xin hesitant of hitting him. Then again, if she was given just a little trigger, she would even slap her mother.

Li Xin only sized up Liu Xiaodan with her eyes. For some reason, the itch and pain from her rotting arm were receding. Ah, no, not receding. It was as if her body was being frozen at a time that it was not painful. She began to realize that she couldn't even move. A flash of fear glinted in her eyes before she suddenly made a sharp gasp.

The time freeze broke.

"I know only Miss Wu. She was the one who recommended a place to have my prosthetic arm made. The arm was a work of art, too," she answered coldly. She was about to speak again when the door opened. As she saw the image of the man, it was like her whole body trembled in hate.

"Miss Li, let's not go through this again." Wang Yusheng sighed as he carried the medicine into the room.

However, he suddenly noticed that someone else was there. The man's image was so easy to miss as if he was more of an apparition than an actual person. However, with Wang Yusheng's years of unfortunate reflexes, his senses could detect someone's gaze on him in a split second. Moreover, it was not someone he didn't know.

Wang Yusheng blinked. "Xiaodan? What are you doing here?"

"Investigating," Liu Xiaodan answered with an honest tone. However, his single word didn't seem to be that trustworthy. Investigating? "Hm, did Feng'er send you? What are you up to? Please tell me. I'm her doctor."

Wang Yusheng didn't mind his presence that much and started preparing the painful shot of the concocted medicine. It was so painful to Li Xin, but she barely felt the results. Her arm was still decaying as it was.

Since he was not shooed, Liu Xiaodan watched the injection from the distance and even offered to hold Li Xin's hand. The needle was so huge that Liu Xiaodan didn't know who was more scared of seeing it: Li Xin or him. Only when it was done did he speak, "Dr. Wang, do you know that this is brought by Miss Wu? I heard it from her mouth. She was driving Miss Li insane."

"Oh?" Wang Yusheng didn't have a big reaction, but Li Xin was shocked. The doctor started to clean the wound again. "Why would they target Miss Li? Do they think they can hurt Heilong through her?" 

Even if Wang Yusheng didn't have a grudge against this woman, he would still say the same thing. Right now, Li Heilong didn't really care that much about them.

Upon hearing this, Liu Xiaodan blanked out as well. It didn't make sense if Li Heilong didn't care about them. He ended up shrugging his shoulders. "Who knows? She also said that she was still pissed at you for solving that serum she gave Sergeant Song."

At this, the usual carefree gaze on Wang Yusheng's face turned so sharp as if he just stabbed Liu Xiaodan right in the face with his eyes. "Say what again?"

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