The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 183: 1 stone 2 birds, the case is easy to handle

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Doctor Xue opened his mouth in surprise and looked at it carefully. This snake head is lustrous and transparent, and there is a little golden light in the bright red. There is a strange sarcoma on the top of the head, as if a horn has grown on the head. The appearance is ferocious, and a pair of thick snake teeth are exposed outside the mouth. Obviously, the snake head should have been broken for a long time, and there is no rot, nor any rancid smell, only a faint smell of snakes.

"Could this be..."

"Yes, this is the Bodhisattva Snake! I'm afraid it will be extremely difficult for me to accompany you to catch another one, but there are still the leftover snake heads."

If it hadn't been mentioned by Imperial Doctor Xue yesterday, he would have forgotten about it.

When taking care of Li Damei's beautiful legs that day, he casually cut off the head of the Bodhisattva snake. After thinking about it carefully, I felt that it was not right. He knew a lot about the Pussi snake, because it was caught once for Wei Chili and the others. This thing is inherently cruel. Even if the snake's head is cut off, it can't die again. The nerves in the head will still make it conditioned reflex to bite when it touches something. In addition, the venom glands and venom sacs are all under the snake's head. If someone or livestock accidentally steps on the snake's head and bites it, they will surely die.

When Mei Qianxiao thought of this, she picked up the snake head and wrapped it in a bag when she went to wash the snake's body, thinking that it would be safest to throw it in the fire later. As a result, it was forgotten in a blink of an eye.

He was also shocked when he took it out today. It was wrapped in thick cloth. This thing was still biting subconsciously, biting the mask he was carrying, and even pierced two teeth holes. It really deserves the name of cruelty.

"The viciousness of the Bodhisattva snake, I think Imperial Physician Xue should also know that even if there is no life and only the head is left, it will still bite, so don't be bitten by it."

"Haha! It's really extraordinary!" Imperial Doctor Xue's eyes were shining, and looking at the snake head, he seemed to have seen a peerless beauty without clothes, which made Mei Qianxiao feel cold, "This head is enough for me to study for several months! Is it for my husband?"

Mei Qianxiao put the rag in her hand into the snake's mouth, and the snake's mouth immediately bit down when it felt something, showing no mercy.

If something bites the snake's head, it will be much safer. Mei Qianxiao slowly pushes it towards Imperial Doctor Xue: "Take it if you like it, it is useless for me to keep it. If Imperial Doctor Xue doesn't want it, please burn it. Even after a few months, this thing will still be evil."

"You really know how to be liked in this offspring. No wonder that wild girl laughed and broke her mouth when she saw you." Imperial Doctor Xue waved his hand, and his happy expression was undisguised. This is the best baby he has ever received in his life. He said, "Okay, I can't take your things for nothing. I will remember this kindness. In the future, feel free to come to the old man. If you have any strange things, you can also bring it to the old man. Besides, what do you want rat poison for? "

"I don't know if Imperial Doctor Xue knows or not. Recently, there has been a rat infestation in the suburbs south of the city. I waited for Jin Yiwei to be ordered to investigate and eradicate the danger of rodents. You also know that it is a fantasy to buy a large amount of rat poison in the capital. There is no rat poison. When will I catch it? The emperor only gives me three days, and even if I apply for rat poison at the Imperial Hospital right now, I won’t have time to go through the process.”

"Well, there are several ladies in the palace discussing this, and the old man has heard a little about it. The old man doesn't have a special rat poison here, but rat poison has to be used." Imperial Doctor Xue walked back to the inner room and took it after a while. He took two bottles of transparent potions, mixed them together, put them in a small bottle, and handed them to Mei Qianxiao, "Since you are fighting for the people, the old man will give you this stuff. The old man doesn't have poison here, but through the preparation of pharmacology, It can also make deadly poisons. This thing is more than enough to poison rats, remember to burn or bury the dead body of the rat, if it is eaten by other people or beasts, it will be poisoned and killed.

"Thank you, Imperial Physician Xue." Mei Qianxiao took the small bottle and was elated.

Look, how smart my brother is. He came to find Imperial Doctor Xue and killed two birds with one stone. Before he went to Chenjia Village, the case was half completed! Let's go to Jinfenglou tonight!

"The old man won't disclose the prescription for this stuff, but these medicines are only available here. If you use it to do something harmful, you can easily find the old man here. The old man won't cover you up, understand?" Imperial Doctor Xue The turbid eyes gleamed, staring at Mei Qianxiao sternly, warning him.

"Of course." Mei Qian smiled heartily.

Mei Qianxiao's smile was not half-guilt, and Imperial Physician Xue nodded silently, happily holding the snake head back to the inner room, ignoring that Mei Qianxiao was still in this room.

This Imperial Physician Xue is really a medical lunatic, Mei Qian smiled and shook his head, and walked out of the room.

As soon as the matter was over, Mei Qian laughed non-stop, and immediately left the yard and let the little **** lead him to the small side door. The time is indeed very tight. He has just arrived at the small side gate, and the guards guarding the gate are changing shifts. They let him go out of the city gate in a dangerous and dangerous way. If it is a little later, he will definitely be stuck in the imperial city and will not be able to go out.

"Lord Mei, the slave's name is Xiao Linzi. Next time you want to go to the palace to find a way to do errands, you can come to me again!"

I don't know if it's because of his arrogance or his arrogance, the little **** reluctantly gave him a wink in the small side door.

Walk around, hurry up, there are many Jin Yiwei who want to enter the palace to do business, if he is seen by acquaintances, he will not be stigmatized as "eunuch concubine"!

Hurry back and hurry up, but this time Mei Qianxiao didn't dare to use light energy to hurry.

"As soon as I got out of the palace, I was stared at by one, and I quietly flung it away and entered the palace thinking that it would be fine. This time, it was good, I was targeted again just after leaving the palace, and there were still two! How do these people seem to know where he is going? In general, if you throw it off, you can stick it again? Will it become three when you throw it off again? Interesting, very interesting." Mei Qianxiao smiled and whispered to herself, running back to Gong Weisi to lead a horse , galloping to the south of the city.

After Mei Qianxiao ran out of the city on horseback, two men dressed in plain clothes appeared in the alley behind the city gate.

"He rode away, what shall we do? Are we chasing him?"

"Looking at his whereabouts, it should be to handle the case of Chenjia Village. Horse riding is too conspicuous, and it is too awkward to park two more horses near the village. Chenjia Village is only a few dozen miles away from Nanjing City. Some are slower."

"it is good!"

After saying, the two men also left the city, looking for a path and performing light work to run away. They didn't find out that Mei Qianxiao, who had appeared behind them at some point, looked at them carefully, and was sure that if the two didn't ride horses to chase, they must know their destination.

After confirming the information she wanted, Mei Qianxiao fluttered away in a blink of an eye, chasing back her indulgent galloping horse, and landed lightly on top.


At the door of the village head of Chenjia Village, Mei Qianxiao knocked gently on the door.

The rat infestation was even more exaggerated than Mei Qianxiao imagined. He carefully looked at the endless wheat fields in the distance. It was a mess, obviously not man-made. How large is a group of rats to cause such extensive damage? And it is still in the afternoon. Many farmers are working on the farm. From time to time, they see those farmers jumping up and down to beat the mice. Obviously, there are mice in the daytime, and they are very rampant.

"Who, who is so free to find me! Don't hurry to collect the food! If you are bitten by mice later, there will be no hair left!"

A loud and powerful voice came from inside the room, and Mei Qian smiled and knocked again. After a short while, the door opened, and a white-haired old man in his sixties opened the door fiercely. It seemed that he had been woken up for a nap and was restless.

The old man was blindfolded to see the person coming, the person wearing a beautiful blue brocade clothes, with an antique and exquisite long knife slung around his waist, he woke up after a jolt.

The strength just now seemed to be just an illusion, the old man suddenly trembled, his hands shaking as if he had just had a stroke, and his expression was like a candle in the wind, and his voice was weak: "Master Guan, you are finally here... Hey, Come and see everyone, Master Guan is here again..."

Mei Qianxiao couldn't see what was going on, but the whole person slid back half a zhang.

Hey, want to touch porcelain, no way! If I don't touch your porcelain, you will start to roar!

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