The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 184: Confused crime scene

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The village chief rubbed his eyes, why did Jin Yiwei seem to float away in the blink of an eye? Is it a man or a ghost?

"If you have something to say over there, I can hear you." Mei Qianxiao was half a zhang away, her hands together like a trumpet, and she shouted to her friend opposite.

"Why are you officials like this, you always talk from a distance!" The village chief's voice suddenly became much more energetic. It was estimated that he was looking at the distance and was too weak to speak.

nonsense! As for your textbook-level acting skills of the old man who touch porcelain, who is not far away from you!

"Village chief, what do you mean? Before I came, there was an official here?" Mei Qianxiao didn't come close no matter what the village chief said.

He once entered a village where even three-year-old hairy children could flop. You heard a "Oops, hit me to death!" Then the swaying child next to him rolled into the air for two and a half weeks and fell to the ground. In the room behind the child, several parents made claims, and the scene was extremely lively.

So no matter if the old man is pretending to be pitiful or wanting to touch porcelain, he has to keep a safe distance first.

Then the scene turned into an old man and a young man shouting at each other from a distance at the entrance of the village. The scene was extremely mentally retarded.

"Yeah! Two groups of people came before!"

"Two calls? Does that mean it's nothing to do with me?"

"Fuck it! They all came to ask a few questions and left! A group of people who came yesterday said they were from the county master. After a brief understanding of the situation with me, they said they would report it to the court to make other plans. They came again in the morning. I asked them what they were doing, but this time it was even more casual. I walked around the neighborhood without asking anything. I asked them why they didn’t help us treat the rat infestation, and they said that it was not under their control. Someone is in charge. Now it's your turn. Seeing that you are alone, you shouldn't be here to treat the rat infestation, right?

The village chief seems to be very angry, and the more he talks, the more he straightens his waist, and his spirit is very good. It seems that the big insects on the mountain can kill a few.

The first group of county magistrates belonged to the capital city, and the county magistrate should refer to Yingtian prefect. The governor of Yingtian Prefecture is also the governor of Nanjing City, and it also includes several nearby small cities, but Nanjing is the capital, so the governor of Yingtian Prefecture is one or two levels higher than the governor of the same level, and he is considered a high official in the court. The court was really concerned about this matter, and the governor directly sent someone to investigate.

The second wave is probably someone from the Department of General Affairs and Political Affairs who came to investigate the natural disaster... Listen to their tone, motherfucker, they really took the opportunity to entrust the Secretary of Gongwei to catch mice and do coolies! It’s okay to trick us into doing coolies, anyway, let Ying Tianfu get some yamen and poison rat poison to help them Jinyiwei!

It is not that the imperial court does not do business. Emperor Tiansheng is a Mingjun, and the Yingtian Mansion under his feet is even more strict in law enforcement. In such a short day or two, three departments with different functions have come here, which is already very efficient. However, it was a bit troublesome to explain to the village chief that the work functions of each department depended on each other, so Mei Qianxiao simply followed the village chief's idea and continued.

"Yeah, those who came to inspect were all officials and gentlemen. They pretended to leave. In the end, the hard work was all on the shoulders of a small yamen like me. My life is hard!" Mei Qian smiled bitterly, and He Village long to mourn together.

"No wonder, you don't look like an official when you look so poor and sour!"

Hey, brother just said it casually, it won't make you have such a strong resonance!

But after saying that, the estrangement disappeared immediately, and the village chief no longer pretended to have a stroke, and invited Mei Qianxiao into the house to sit down and built a pot of tea. Entering the village chief's house like him can better understand the extent of the rat infestation in Chenjia Village. As soon as the village chief lowered his head to get the teapot, there would be many small gray heads sticking out in all directions, watching Mei Qianxiao, a strange and uninvited guest. Before Mei Qianxiao, it was not so exaggerated to live on the street before, and the rat infestation was so bad. planting level.

"The village chief, tell me the details."

The step of reaching out to the people has been successful, and then, the handling of the case should still look like handling the case. Mei Qianxiao took a sip of warm tea and took out the file and shorthand pen in her arms. When they handled the case, Jin Yiwei wanted to record the case in detail on the file. Before, they were with Jiang Hao, Yixue and even Li Mengyao, so he didn't need to do this step. Now that he came out on his own, he had to record it himself.

"Okay, let me tell you slowly." The village chief sat down, took a sip of tea, and spit out the tea leaves with a puff, and then continued, "Everything started with the stealing of Widow Liu's underwear at the end of the village. "

"Okay, Widow Liu's **** were stolen... Hey! What's the beginning of this! Something's wrong!"

Mei Qianxiao stopped halfway through writing the file, and dipped his fingers in some tea to try to erase the beginning of his writing on the case.

When I came here to handle a case of a rat infestation, it was written at the beginning that Widow Liu's underwear was stolen, and he wouldn't believe it if Li Mengyao used a brick to knock his head out and bleed when he went back!

"The village chief, don't talk nonsense, mouse, talk about mouse!"

"I'll talk about mice soon, please listen to me slowly. You are so impatient, no wonder the yamen only let you come alone, obviously for you to wear small shoes, you must be unpopular!"

You're really right, my brother's little shoes can't be stuffed under the bed!

"You say what you say, I won't interrupt." Mei Qianxiao had to listen before she dared to write.

"Two nights ago, next door Chen Goudan listened to the teal babbling behind the house..."

Hello, what about Widow Liu's underwear being stolen? Obviously the original beginning was very interesting to hear, why is the content different when you start again? Title Party, you!

Mei Qianxiao was very opinionated, but she didn't dare to shout, for fear of being complained by the village chief for being short-tempered and unpopular.

"Chen Goudan ran out in the dark, and there was blood in the duck circle, and several big teal ducks fell into the pool of blood. He was startled, and quickly went back to the room and picked a candle and lantern to take a picture, and found a A lot of mice were making noise in his duck pen, and I don't know where they came from, all of them were hungry and anxious, and they bit the ducks when they caught them."

"Chen Goudan was anxious, but there were too many mice and Chen Goudan couldn't take them, so he simply opened the duck pen and let the teals out first to let them escape. As soon as the duck pen was opened, the teals ran away , he held a **** alone, one smashed it to kill two or three mice, and broke the teal by himself. Chen Goudan was a real hero in the battle. He killed countless mice, and even annoyed those mice being bitten by mice. Lost half a toe!"

Dog eggs mighty! OK, go ahead.

"Chen Erniu's old cow is very curious, and usually likes to probe his brain when he has nothing to do. This time I heard a group of ducks running outside his house. Come and count, two, four, six, seven, eight..."

stop! If you continue, you will continue to sing! Brother was the first-place master of the Baimuya Children's Song Competition back then!

"This old bull's probing his made the group of teal who were still being chased by the mice seem to see the savior, one by one they ran into the old bull's bullpen to take refuge. One, the bullpen also ran inside, chasing the old bull's **** and biting."

"Old cows usually have a hard time breeding everywhere, and they usually have no strength at night. They were bitten by mice, and they got angry. With a bang, they broke the crossbar of the cattle bar and rushed out. Chen Erniu found that it was not good. When I ran out of the house, I couldn't catch up, and I watched their old bull rush on and run towards the end of the village."

"You can say that it just rushed out of the village, but in a panic, it crashed and collapsed a flat house at the end of the village. It was the home of Widow Liu, the village flower of Chenjia Village. Widow Liu was taking a bath at the house at that time, and several people stopped him outside the house. I couldn't stop the old bull, so I let the old bull knock Widow Liu's house down, scaring Widow Liu to the point where the white rabbit jumped wildly..."

Wait, why does Widow Liu take a bath at home, and there are several people outside her house? ?

Mei Qianxiao felt the smell of sin. He must have been a Jinyiwei for a while, and he also cultivated an aura of hatred and hatred in his body, so he immediately sensed something wrong! It seems that the case of Widow Liu, the village flower, must be repeated once...

"Widow Liu put on her clothes in a panic, but she couldn't find her favorite pair of floral panties. Damn!" The village chief spat out another mouthful of tea **** with a look of anger.

Hello! Why do you know that people like these **** the most! People lost their underwear, you are a jerk!

"At that time, there were six people outside the house, and they were all suspected of major theft. However, they all only admitted to peeping, but did not admit to stealing underwear, and they all accused each other of being the underwear thief. The case gradually fell into a deep mystery..."

What a mystery! The police can already arrest these six people!

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