The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 789: Alert the top floor, respond quickly

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"My lord, the director of the Wuchang House, Liang, is asking for an appointment. It seems that there is an urgent matter!"


The governor is one of the largest chief executives in the divided administrative region, and the direct superior is the emperor. This position is a bit like an imperial envoy. It is dispatched from various places by the central government to supervise taxation and grain, the prime minister’s rivers, and the management of refugees. In recent dynasties, it has been implemented into regional office, in charge of administrative and judicial rights in the administrative region.

The Wuchang House belongs to the Guangjiang area. Due to the disaster relief, Lu Anshun, the governor of Guangjiang, is now working in the government office of the Governor of Wuchang House.

"It's not good, it's not good! Lord Governor, it's not a big deal!"

Before anyone arrived, anxious roars were heard in the hall.

Lu Anshun put down the teacup and frowned, watching Master Liang, panting and tripping over the threshold, staggering and crawling to the front.

"What makes you panic?" As the governor of Guangjiang, Lu Anshun has never seen anything in the world.

"There is an accident at the disaster relief site!" Liang Zhuzhu was the first official who led Mei Qianxiao and others at the scene. As Zhai Wenyao's deputy, he was more often in charge of the disaster relief matters at the scene, and had no separation from the governor.

"What's wrong? Zhai Wenyao's work is fairly reliable. I also sent troops and horses to maintain order nearby. What kind of trouble could happen?" Lu Anshun said confidently.

"From the other side of the capital, a foreigner and foreign guest came to the scene to visit the disaster relief. Watching and watching the accompanying Jin Yiwei did not know what medicine he had taken, he suddenly poked out the rotten rice and sand we gave to the disaster victims, and also arrested Mr. Zhai. go……"

Before Master Liang could finish speaking, Lu Anshun gritted his teeth and gave him a slap in the face, causing Master Master Liang to cover his face and stunned.

"Have you ever eaten rotten rice and sand for the victims of disaster relief?" Lu Anshun asked with a gloomy face.

"No, no..." Master Liang reacted and looked around quickly, afraid of causing big trouble.

Lu Anshun was out of breath, and continued: "What are you talking about? Foreigners and foreigners visited the disaster relief site, why was Jin Yiwei arresting Mr. Zhai? What are you talking about?"

What kind of magical development is this?

"Sir, listen to me..."

"Follow me to the study and talk about it." Lu Anshun motioned Master Liang to calm down and brought Master Liang to his private study.

Master Liang had been accompanying the scene at that time, and he knew the situation well. It took a cup of tea to finally restore the story to Lu Anshun.

"So you all watched Zhai Wenyao being kidnapped by a Jin Yiwei?!" After hearing this, Lu Anshun was rarely angry, and slapped the table hard.

"My lord, he suddenly held a knife holder on the neck of Lord Fu Yin, and we can't do anything... That's a Jin Yiwei, who would have thought he would have a kick here, why is he!" Master Liang shouted injustice. .

"That's why I said, it's called 'kidnapping'! So many of you are watching Zhai Wenyao being kidnapped like this at the scene. You are not a rice bucket!" Lu Anshun patted the table again, not angry.

The dignified governor was actually taken away by a Jin Yiwei with a knife holder on the spot. Is there any king law in this world!

Also, these people are really stupid! Even if Zhai Wenyao was hacked to death, it would be better than being captured!

"Sir, now only you can save Lord Zhai! You also know that the food for disaster relief is brought by you, and you are responsible for supervising disaster relief... If Lord Zhai recruits everything, it's not just Lord Zhai who will be ruined... …”

"You dare to threaten me?" Lu Anshun laughed coldly and said coldly.

"Don't dare, little ones don't dare! It's just that everyone is sitting in the same boat, and it's inevitable that I'm in a hurry. I'm talking nonsense, please forgive me, sir!" Master Liang hurriedly knelt down.

If Zhai Wenyao was convicted for corruption, few of his subordinates would be able to escape, and Master Liang had to be impatient.

"Humph." Lu An calmed down and paced back and forth in the house.

After being taken back by Jin Yiwei, things are not out of control yet.

The Gongwei Division is in charge of the cases of people in the rivers and lakes, and the court's disaster relief matters cannot be handled by them. Even if the person is brought back, even if the trial comes out, it can't be counted.

As long as he wants the person back, the judicial organs of Wuchang Mansion are not in his hands, so how to close the case will not be a problem.

"How was the situation at the time? Have all your stuffing been seen?" Lu Anshun asked carefully.

"Yes, it was seen by the victims."

"Rice buckets! All of them are rice buckets!" Lu Anshun was furious again.

How could he be so negligent, let a Jinyiwei and foreigners frighten him and then expose everything to the public!

Lu Anshun was an afterthought. If he was at the scene, he would not have imagined that the Jinyiwei who accompanied the foreign guests would cause this incident. In the past, how many people from the Shadow Metropolitan Government, the Inspectorate, and the Dongji Works Factory had been secretly and secretly come to the past, all because they acted in a prudent and logical manner, and guarded against them properly. Encountering such a mess of people and things that make no sense is really hard to guard against.

"Don't worry, my lord, I have already started to replace all the stuffing on the spot. As for the granary, I have also arranged for my subordinates to clean it up... Make sure that no problems can be found!" Master Liang hurriedly comforted

Lu Anshun waved his hand impatiently... This is his territory, and it is not difficult to erase the evidence. Even if today's disaster relief is seen as "stuffing", he can keep things under control. But the problem is that Zhai Wenyao was taken away. If he made a clear confession of what he shouldn't have said, it would be difficult for him to handle the evidence cleanly!

This Jinyiwei didn't play cards according to the card theory at all, but he choked their throats!

"Come on!"

Lu Anshun sorted out his thoughts and issued three orders in a row.

The first is to ask the prison officials to take their orders and go to the sub-station of Wuchang Mansion of the Gongwei Division to bring Zhai Wenyao back to the prison for trial.

The second is to let the subordinates mobilize and assemble all the troops that can be mobilized in Wuchang Mansion and its vicinity.

The third is to send people to rush to borrow troops from the Governor of Guangjiang.

Administrative matters in the Guangjiang region are managed by the governor, but the military and political affairs are under the command of the governor of Guangjiang and managed by the Ministry of War. The governor has only a small number of troops and horses of his own.

"Borrowing, borrowing soldiers? What do you want to do with borrowing soldiers?" Master Liang didn't expect that the matter would be so big, and the governor's own soldiers and horses were not enough, so he swallowed hard and asked.

"Seal the city." Lu Anshun was bold and decisive, "Wuchang House will be closed from now on! I will send soldiers to strictly guard it, and you immediately mobilize your personnel to close the city gate and guard the city wall! Fly out here!"

"Yes, yes!" Master Liang took the order and hurried back to make arrangements.

Master Liang is afraid that the Governor will let him go, as long as the Governor is willing to protect them he will support whatever battle they want.

But only Mr. Liang naively thought that the governor could keep them.


Mei Qianxiao sat on the chair outside the gate of the dungeon and played horses with the other two Li Tong who were originally guarding the dungeon. Enke couldn't help being bored and fell asleep on the table.

Seeing that the general manager hurried over again, the two forces immediately hurried to clean up the horse tag.

Mei Qianxiao was worried about his bad luck, but he didn't expect his opponent to help him out of trouble, so he couldn't help smiling and greeted Lucky Star: "Why are you here again, sir? You see how suitable the weather is for afternoon tea, you can't give it to me. Shall we bring some pastries again?"

"I don't know what wave of people came to trouble me today, I'm still idle!" The chief was upset and threw a letter to Mei Qianxiao, "This matter has already caused trouble to the governor. There you go. The Governor will send a letter to let us transfer the person to the torture chamber, and the Governor will personally examine the matter."

"Oh." Mei Qianxiao responded lazily, not seeing any further movement after a long time.

"Then I'm going to lead someone?" said the general manager.

"Who are you leading?"

"Take back the person who brought Master Zhai to the torture chamber!" The chief suspects that this person didn't even hear half a word of him just now, "I have to say it several times, this is not our responsibility! The governor is in charge of the Guangjiang area. In recent years, supervising disaster relief is his main job. Even if you find out that Mr. Zhai is a corrupt official, it can only be managed by the governor. You can't get credit for this, so you can quickly send him to the torture room. When the trial is over, the governor should give you a commendation in front of the saint, and we will earn a lot of money."

"You go and tell the people who come, if they don't give it, let them go back and tell the governor that they don't need to send people again." Mei Qianxiao lay flat on the bench and yawned lazily.

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