The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 790: Condescending to come, what is the purpose?

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It was the first time that the general manager heard that the punishment room had come to ask for someone to go to the guard and he would not give it.

The Gongwei Division is the most force-focused organization among the three companies. Its function is mainly to arrest, that is, to subdue thieves... Even the ability to detect cases is only a side function.

So how can someone like Jiang Hao become the head guard? And Bo Hu Xiang Rilong, who used to pretend to be stupid, how could he become the second-in-command of the Gongwei Division?

Because they can beat it! The first condition for the selection of Gongweisi is the value of force, and the second is the value of IQ. Therefore, among a bunch of old and rude, the sly and treacherous eyebrows are particularly bright.

But this is also why Mei Qianxiao has done a lot of tricks and made a lot of contributions, but her promotion in the Gongwei Division is very slow. It was precisely because of his poor martial arts skills that Li Mengyao had already promoted him a few ranks, but he was afraid that his martial arts skills would not be able to hold down the people below.

Li Mengyao has always been very courageous in selecting talents, as seen from the fact that he gave Jiang Hao a direct rocket from the captain to the commander. Jiang Hao's martial arts are good. If he doesn't agree, he can challenge him. Li Mengyao is afraid of shit. Looking at Mei Qianxiao again, Si Li's popularity is extremely poor, and he is promoted to not challenge those who are dissatisfied to beat the **** out.

Therefore, most of the cases handled by the Gongwei Division are done by arresting the prisoner and collecting evidence. It is easy to send it to Dali Temple or the Ministry of Punishment. It is best to come over early to save them a headache. Except for a small number of cases that are limited to the Jianghu category and need to be tried by them alone, most of the cases are still handed over to Dali Temple and the Ministry of Justice for finalization or sentencing.

Therefore, the dungeons of Gongweisi are not too big, and there are few prisoners who are held for a long time.

Now that the torture chamber is here to pick up people, everyone can't wait to throw this hot taro out. What does it mean to keep on guarding with a thousand smiles?

"The execution room is still managed by the governor, is it useful to bring people to the execution room?" Mei Qian said with a smile, enjoying the afternoon sun.

"Now that the governor is in charge of this matter, can the torture chamber still be used?" The general manager had no choice but to question Mei Qianxiao's level of understanding of me toward the judiciary.

"That's the governor's business, so I won't give it. We don't belong to the governor. Even if the governor comes over, I don't even look at him, what's the matter?" Mei Qian smiled rascally.

"You! Sigh! I want to report this matter to the commanding officer, you are clearly making trouble!" The general manager wanted the dog to catch the mouse and meddle in his own business, but he couldn't do anything about it, so he left in a huff.

"Go, let's go... Later, remember to let the cafeteria deliver the food, and then we'll hang on the horse... Cough, we can't get out of the dungeon."


In the evening, several yamen officers on the street walked quickly, banging gongs and shouting that Wuchang Prefecture was banned tonight, and everyone was staying at home and not allowed to go out.

Litong, the gatekeeper, saw him from a distance, and he didn't know why, so he was about to call a yamen to ask.

Who would have thought that a group of soldiers would suddenly turn out at the end of the long street, and came running in an orderly manner while protecting an official sedan chair.

When a horse in a garrison attire arrived, he dismounted and said to Li Tong, who was guarding the gate, and said, "Guangjiang Governor asks to see the head of the Wuchang Mansion of the Gongwei Division!"

Governor of Guangjiang? !

How could these Litong have seen such a big official on weekdays! One of them ran inside to spread the word without saying a word, fearing that he would offend people if he ran too slowly.

After a while, the general manager personally brought someone to meet him.

Lu Anshun dressed in the official uniform and got off the official sedan chair, and bowed his hands to the chief: "Lu Anshun, the governor of Guangjiang, came to disturb him late at night, please don't take offense to the chief."

Although it is not a department from the same system, but the first-rank official is crushing people... Not to mention this is the imperial commissioner, the boss of the entire Guangjiang area, from the second-rank top official... He is the general manager of a small station to give people Pulling up shoes is not enough.

Wuchang Mansion is not a major economic or military place. It is a small town that is often flooded. How big can the Division of Gongwei be in this sub-station, and how big can he be in general.

"Don't bother. I wonder why the Governor is visiting?"

The general manager looked left and right, and the guards of the governor were all in full body and spirit, and it was not bad that they were the guards accompanied by the second-rank minister. A big man is a big man, and it can be said to be majestic and imposing when going out, so refreshing!

"It's for business." Lu An said after a short pause.

The general manager sighed in his heart, and he said something bad...

In fact, he heard the news that the governor was coming, and he had a bad premonition, and it must be for Zhai Wenyao.

One day today, officials and dignitaries from different departments and positions on the 12th came in a row. One was bigger than the other, and the other was fiercer than the other... It was just that I didn't dare to imagine that even the governor of Guangjiang would come in person!

It seems that this is not a big deal!

"Could it be because of Zhai Fuyin's business?" the general manager asked tentatively.

Lu Anshun sent people twelve times today and was rejected twelve times. The general manager asked this question as if he knew it well, and Lu Anshun naturally didn't give him a good look, and nodded slightly with a cold snort.

"Lord Governor, it's true that we are not rigorous enough in our work, and we shouldn't arrest people without authorization. I guess it must be that someone in the Guard Division is young and arrogant, and that offends the Governor..." The general manager hurriedly said with a smile. .

You must know that he bites the bullet and drives away so many people who are higher than him and do not know how many people, can you not offend others!

"No, Mr. General Manager may have misunderstood me. Your company has nothing to offend me." Lu Anshun suppressed his temper and put on a friendly smile. I have to thank you. If you didn't act recklessly according to the rules, I would not have noticed that a scum like Zhai Wenyao had actually appeared in Wuchang Mansion!"

"Wuchang House has been severely affected by the disaster this time, and disaster relief is the top priority. It is now found that the governor of the government actually fooled the disaster relief, and must be severely punished. This matter is very important, so this official is eager to send someone to your company. People go back to review, so as not to give the rest of the party a chance to escape!"

The general manager was relieved to hear the words... Listening to the governor's tone, it seems that a thousand smiles can really get some rewards! What a blind cat meets a dead mouse!

"But your company has been reluctant to hand over the person for a long time, and this official has no choice but to come over and mention the person in person. I hope that the general manager will hand over the person immediately, so as not to delay the time... Otherwise, in case this case cannot be given a satisfactory account to the sage in the future, this official will also I can only let Kouji go to explain it to the sage."

Lu Anshun spoke with a deep understanding of relaxation and proper manners. First, he felt the taste of reward for the general manager, and then tightened it again, throwing the responsibility of delaying the timing on the other party.

Whether to reward or punish, everyone knows how to choose.

"I'm really sorry. But it's not my intention not to make friends, and I can't do anything... Please come, Mr. Lu, and you will explain to him yourself."

There is no way to shirk the general affairs of the governor, such as the adults, isn't that Mei Qianxiao very tough, let him solve it by himself.

The chief led the governor and guards into the sub-station and took them straight to the door of the dungeon.

From a distance, Mei Qianxiao and Liang Litong could be seen looking at the horse tag on the table with all their attention, rolling up their sleeves and shouting, obviously this was a heavy bet.

"Cough cough!"

In order to remind these shameful fellows, the general manager coughed heavily from a distance, almost coughing out his lungs!

If his subordinates secretly beat the horse and hang it, he can be severely punished to make it upright... but a leader who has a temporary command from the general constitution in the middle takes the lead to beat it!

The Spring Festival couplet has only been here for a day, and the small report he is about to make is almost written into a history book! Carrier pigeons are useless, he has to find a carriage to pull him back to Zongxian!

Who are these people! Shouldn't it really be like what his subordinates said, the people who Zongxian didn't want sent him down? With this kind of guy here, this station will close down sooner or later!

Lu Anshun strode over with a dark face, and at a glance saw the only man wearing a flying fish robe living in the chaos: "Is it you who brought Zhai Wenyao back and didn't hand him over?"

"That's right, who are you? In the middle of the night, who approved you to bring so many guards into the grounds of the Gongwei Division? Do you think this is your home? Why don't you let me get out?" Mei Qianxiao raised her chest and sat astride arrogantly on the table.

The general manager's eyes almost went black... Oh, you don't have to wait sooner or later, I'm afraid this station will be finished now!

"Bold, who dares to speak wildly to the big crowd!"

The garrison leader who was with Lu Anshun was about to step forward and was stopped by Lu Anshun.

"I am the governor of Guangjiang, Lu Anshun. I am going to be in Beijing every three or five years, and I am familiar with the general secretary of the Gongwei Division. I don't know who your Excellency is, I have never met him before." Lu Anshun looked up and down and smiled.

With such a figure and such a face, he will not forget it if he sees it. When did Zongxian have such a number one person? It seems that he has not been to Zongxian for a long time.

"Cut, who can't brag? Brother can also say that he is very familiar with the sister of the general constitution of the Shadow Metropolis... Wait, who do you say you are? Governor of Guangjiang?!"

Mei Qianxiao's face changed so quickly that one had to sigh. He was arrogant just now, but now he looks like a prostitute who hasn't opened for half a year. With a warm smile, he stepped forward and held Lu Anshun's elbow to invite him, and put the bench with his sleeves. After wiping, let people sit down.

"Come here, come here quickly! Quickly give the governor a pot of high-quality Tie Guanyin!" Mei Qianxiao turned around and shouted at the two Litong, who were still in a hurry to hide the horse tag, "What are you guys doing? , hurry up! Lord Governor, please wait a moment, the good tea will be here in a while!"

I rely on... the boss's eyes almost went black just now, and now it's directly hot... This bastard's flattering to the extreme is really a bit hot!

"Don't you say that even if the governor comes, you won't take a look!" The general manager couldn't bear this kind of villain, and immediately exposed.

"Of course! You really deserve to be struck by lightning. Did the governor use it to look at it? The governor used it to love in the bottom of his heart, and to keep it in his mind as an It was used to hang the three sticks of incense on the wall every day to sincerely look at it! You still look, what do you want to look at?" Mei Qianxiao put her hands on her hips and gave the general manager a lesson.

Hanging three sticks of incense every day on the wall can you still not recognize people and let them get out? ! The hypocrisy of these remarks made him almost vomit, Nima dare not ask for a little face!

Wow... this person is really... wow... This is the first time that the director has been refreshed with a new lower limit. There is no way to describe this person in words other than amazed.

"Since you already know who this official is, can you hand over the person to this official to take away?" Lu Anshun had no shortage of flattering people in his life.


Lu Anshun turned around and gave a wink, the garrison commander immediately brought a few guards to enter the dungeon, but was stopped by Mei Qianxiao.

"Wait a minute!"

"If you don't make friends again, you will delay the investigation of the case. I'm afraid that it's not as simple as dropping the black gauze hat." Lu Anshun knew that it was not so simple, and smiled coldly at Meiqian.

He didn't understand what this man's purpose was for holding Zhai Wenyao... Before he figured it out, he couldn't feel at ease.

"Hey...I finally picked up a big fish, why should I wait until I can sell it for the most expensive price?" Mei Qianxiao rubbed her hands together, "I wonder what kind of benefits the lord wants to give me?"

Lu Anshun couldn't help but glance left and right... He also set the lower limit! After being an official for so many years, this was the first time he met someone who wanted to benefit from him in front of so many outsiders! This man is sick!

The general manager shivered uncomfortably... This guy already knew that this was a great achievement, so he deliberately stuck and didn't hand in people until now, forcing the governor to know that it was an opportunity to get the best benefit?

He was a little misunderstood... This person is not a hypocrite, he is a real villain! He is still a real villain with a very strong business acumen and face!

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