The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 993: Exquisite, only 2 chase 1

Lu Fujin turned his head back as if in hindsight, and saw the blood wolf across the river not far away, throwing away the water gun that had been used.

The only enemy here is the blood wolf, is he really eliminated by the blood wolf? !

"The referee fouled him, he shouldn't be able to attack me!" Lu Fujin was shocked before returning to the divine way.

"Master Lu, although General Blood Wolf is across the river, he is standing on the mountain terrain, and his attack distance is increased by 1. He has not committed a foul." The presiding judge understood Lu Fujin's mood and comforted him with a kind voice.

"That's still worse..." Lu Fujin suddenly came to his senses and looked at his feet...

It turned out that he just stepped into the terrain of the basin!

The attack distance of the basin terrain is increased by 1, and the attack distance of the alpine terrain is increased by 1. When superimposed, the attack distance of the blood wolf to him becomes 5. It seems that the distance is far enough to hit him!

Just when did he step into the basin terrain? Mingming was silently paying attention at first...

Lu Fujin thought about it, and he must have been distracted by Enke just now. The three of them were all calculating with each other who would get the elimination points. The agency was exhausting, and they were forced to leave in front of Enke's face, so they didn't care about observing their feet and blindly chasing a step out of the disadvantaged terrain!

Lu Fujin took a deep breath, suppressed his anger and unwillingness, and left the sand table with a dark face.

When they landed on the field, several advisors hurriedly responded to Lu Fujin. The authorities were fascinated by the onlookers. They saw the real thing below and said one by one: "Master, although the route you took was perfect at the beginning, it seems that you fell into a trap later!"

"That's right, the blood wolf predicted that you would have a disagreement when capturing Enke's score, and after crossing the river, he kept wandering to find opportunities..."

"Even every step he takes is affecting your judgment, leading you to finally surround Enke in the corner close to the basin... It's just that you are unlucky, Enke actually chose you, causing your shield to be destroyed, and the blood wolf is like a Carrion-seeking vultures are waiting for this opportunity!"

"General Blood Wolf is really a god-like general, and his walking is exquisite. Young master, you are not wronged, so don't be discouraged!"

Lu Fujin pushed the group of advisers away and left angrily. He is not in the mood to listen to their review... No matter how subtle the blood wolf used to control the place where the three of them finally formed the encirclement, or why Enke would shoot him in the first place The blood wolf chance... In short, he lost this game, and he was the first to be eliminated, and it was impossible for him to win the position of consort!

He was obviously the most popular in this test. Thinking that in the future, because of his defeat, Lu Jiabao could not continue to be the leader of the Six Qin Kings, and he missed out on the power and status within his reach. His mood was indescribably uncomfortable!

The blood wolf gave Lu Fujin a brief glance. He was no longer the protagonist of this competition, or in other words, he just thought he was the protagonist of this competition from beginning to end, so there was no need to care about his existence. As for the process... Lu Fujin will probably have a hard time understanding that his elimination is not a matter of luck.

From the very beginning, his voice transmission to Enke laid the foreshadowing of this game.

Regardless of whether Enke accepts his request to join forces or not, as long as he falls into this sand table, he will understand that the three kings of six diligence are joining forces in this battle. And no matter how much the King of Liu Qin is afraid of himself, from a rational point of view, it is the best policy to get rid of Enke with a higher score first.

Taking a strategy on the sand table, with his alliance with Enke, he would not be the opponent of the three kings of Liu Qin, and Enke could not save him even if he wanted to. But since it can't be saved, it's better to let Enke be eliminated more valuable...

With the sound transmission of his goodwill, people of course instinctively trust him when they are in trouble on the sand table. So when they were besieged, Enke subconsciously wanted to move closer to him; and his position was carefully calculated to guide them to the basin area that they stepped into absentmindedly.

As for Enke's choice to shoot at Lu Fujin in the end, it was also intentional guidance. At that time, when Lu Jianyi chose to sacrifice himself to shoot the first shot, Enke was forced to panic, and now he looked at himself subconsciously... As long as he gestured at this moment, Enke shot Lu Fujin as if he had caught the last straw...

In the siege of the three people, they exchanged one for one, and they only made a profit and no loss. Sacrifice is ultimately a numbers game, and that's how brutal it is on the battlefield.

Because the words were about to be eliminated, the remaining Gong Bujue and Lu Jianyi did not dare to communicate, they simply glanced at each other, and they both understood what to do next. Apart from that, the two chose the nearest route together, bypassing the river and chasing the blood wolf.

Although the blood wolf of the valley sundial occupies the high mountain terrain, it can only use one shot of the water gun.

The competition had a long layout from the beginning, and suddenly two people were eliminated and entered a climax. Coupled with the immediate pursuit of the blood wolf in front of him, the battle immediately became fierce. The audience watched with bated breath, and even the sound of the drums seemed to be fast and exciting in response to the anxious battle!

Although the people on the high platform were still thinking about the movement of the inner palace, they couldn't help but care about the form on the field at this time.

"Your Majesty, does General Blood Wolf still have a chance to win?" Li Mengyao asked worriedly, seeing that the emperor's face did not change in the face of the battle on the sand table.

As far as she knows, what Li Changrong and the emperor want is for the blood wolf to be the concubine... If the blood wolf wants to win in this situation, even if the emperor leaks the question to the blood wolf in advance, it will be difficult to reverse, not to mention that Shen Ganba is behind monitoring Control fairness. According to her judgment, the blood wolf was just struggling to death at this time.

"The blood wolf did guarantee me... As for the result, I don't know what they will do." The emperor glanced at the slumped Mei Qianxiao and shook his head.

If the emperor didn't say anything, Li Mengyao naturally didn't dare to ask more... But what the emperor said was "they". If this weird and drunk Mei Qianxiao was also involved, the result would be unpredictable.

No wonder Mei Qianxiao is always drunk and hiding in the room these days, it really has no meaning!

"But after all, it's a game in which one person has the upper hand. The advantage of strategy must be the combination of verticals and horizontals, and the gainers help the losers with less. We must lose." Gongliang Junyi touched his chin and concluded.

This kind of game can't be broken by anyone else, unless Gong Bujue and Lu Jianyi's strategic level is too poor to be played by the blood wolf.

It's a pity that an expert can understand with just a few glances that these two have extremely high tactical literacy, and they will never give Blood Wolf this chance.

I saw that Gong Bujue and Lu Jianyi had bypassed the river, and the blood wolf had also come to a tent to replenish the water gun.

After the blood wolf got the weapon, he didn't hesitate at all, and took another step back, occupying the location and giving Lu Jian a shot. Lu Jianyi had consumed some water just now, so he had to replenish the water gun. The route has been clearly predicted by the blood wolf!

"Master Lu, the shield is invalid!" The father-in-law announced loudly.

Lu Jian's teeth were itching with anger, but he was still one step away from stepping into the mountainous terrain, and he was only one step away from being attacked by the blood wolf. The blood wolf still waited for him to take a step before shooting, and after shooting, he took another step and opened a relatively safe distance.

This is also thanks to being unable to speak in this competition, otherwise I still don't know how the blood wolves can make their blood pressure jump to a new height!


Another drum Gong Bujue and Lu Jian glanced at each other...

Lu Jian nodded seriously, he understood Gong Bujue's meaning, he gritted his teeth, stepped forward and stepped into the mountains to approach, not giving the blood wolf a chance to breathe!

Even if the blood wolves are in danger, they have to shoot this shot, which will only consume one of their shields... But what he wants is to let the people who lost their shields retreat and find the shields, so that the blood wolves have a chance to defeat them one by one.

Seeing that Lu Jianyi didn't have a plan, Gong Bujue also nodded heavily... but his heart was already happy!

Waiting for the two sides to fight, the only shot in the blood wolf's hand is that he can use it to consume his shield or to eliminate Lu Jianyi who has no shield?

Victory and defeat, divided!

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