The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 994: More people win, the real key

The blood wolf could only take advantage of it for a while, then Gong Bujue and Lu Jian entered the mountainous terrain. After everyone's attack distance was the same, the blood wolf couldn't be so arrogant. At this time, the blood wolf lost the calmness of the water gun just now, and he had to move quickly as soon as the drum sounded, so as not to be shot a little behind.

But no matter how big the sand table is, it will eventually come to an end...

The blood wolf found his way and supplemented the water gun, and the two gradually narrowed the encirclement with subtle linkage, and finally forced them to the corner.


Everyone understands that the battle of the concubine is about to come to an end after the sound of the drum, and the hearts of the major forces are about to burst out!

But at this critical moment, no one moved.

Everyone's eyes are on Gong Bujue and Lu Jianyi... This blood wolf is like a lamb to be slaughtered, there is no chance of a comeback, everyone just wants to pay attention to who is the final winner!

Gong Bujue and Lu Jian didn't move. Naturally, it was because of the uneven distribution of spoils... The blood wolf has a shield, so someone needs to consume it first!

Just now, Lu Jianyi fired a shot first, Gong Bujue should owe him a favor, and now he should pay it back... But just now Lu Jianyi shot first and finally took advantage of the already eliminated Lu Fujin. At this time, he is equivalent to giving Lu Fujin It's not worth it!

But Lu Jianyi probably won't give up on this point... They have the same score, and the front has already taken the initiative to suffer a loss, and it would be fantastic to want him to start the shot.

If they can't argue, they will eventually respond to the blood wolf's will, and the trouble will fall apart. Not to mention the duck that got in hand, it may have reversed the form.

Fortunately, Gong Bujue doesn't have to worry too much about this issue... As he thought before, he will win this battle!

Gong Bujue pointed to himself, took a step forward calmly, and fired a water gun at the blood wolf.

"General Blood Wolf, the shield is invalid!"

Gong Bujue spread his hands, indicating that he would give Lu Jian a favor...

His calmness comes from seeing through the comparison test!

The core of winning this competition lies in the amount of equipment. The more people they unite, the more equipment they have, which means they will win... Between him and Lu Jianyi, Lu Jianyi has already consumed a shield, which of course means that he will win...

Look at the water gun raised by the blood wolf calmly... As long as Lu Jianyi stepped forward in this step, the blood wolf would definitely attack first. After all, Lu Jianyi was given points for nothing without a shield! After defeating Lu Jianyi, there is only one left to fight against him, and there is still a chance of survival. Even if the blood wolf is a fool, he should understand how to choose... Then he will face the blood wolf without any equipment with an extra shield and win. It's only a matter of time before it gets down!

He has paid back his favor and won't lose the competition, so why not do it!

"Gong Gongzi, the shield is invalid!" The host father-in-law suddenly announced in surprise. After all, in his eyes, the result of this competition was predictable, but this kind of accident happened suddenly!

"..." Gong Bujue looked back at the blood wolf, pointed at him with wide eyes, and almost said something foul!

Didn't you see that he was wearing a shield? If the blood wolf wanted to score points, he shouldn't shoot Lu Jianyi, who was going to take a step forward! What kind of stupidity is he doing at such a time!

At this time, as soon as Lu Jian stepped forward to pick up a point, the form became unfavorable for him... This was an unexpected development!

But the next development is something he really can't imagine!

"Gong, Gong Gongzi, be eliminated!"

Gong Bujue was thinking about how to deal with the sudden change, and when he heard the announcement of the hostess, he thought he heard it wrong, and looked at the hostess blankly.

After a long while, he turned around and looked at Lu Jianyi...

"Are you crazy?!" Gong Bujue looked at Lu Jianyi without knowing what expression to use.

There were only three of them left on the field, the blood wolf had already shot, and only Lu Jianyi could fire the fatal shot!

As soon as Lu Jian looked at Gong Bujue indifferently, he had been waiting for Gong Bujue to take this step, to take this step into the attack range of the blood wolf and himself at the same time.

The scene became chaotic because of this sudden change, and there were voices of controversy all around... After all, who would have thought that King Liuqin would be in an infighting at such a time, let alone that the blood wolf could survive!

"What?! Lu Jianyi is really crazy!" Li Mengyao couldn't help but hold the fence with both hands, and her delicately carved mouth kept mumbling this incredible scene.

"Lu Jianyi is not crazy, but the blood wolf is crazy, giving up the only hope to make Lu Jianyi a wedding dress..." Gongliang Junyi thought about the bottom line and smiled, "Lu Jianyi has already won, now As long as Lu Jianyi... Hey! What kind of medicine is he selling in the gourd?!"

Gongliang Junyi saw the drumbeat of the next round, Lu Jianyi and the blood wolf actually competed again, and rushed to the nearest tent, but this route is dominated by the blood wolf!

"What do you mean? The two of them have no equipment left, and they have to decide the outcome! How can they win!" Li Mengyao asked in confusion.

"Are you really pretending to be stupid or are you pretending to be stupid?" Gongliang Junyi gave Li Mengyao a puzzled look, "You didn't count their points?"

Li Mengyao was stunned when she heard the words, she really didn't make the calculations... Now that she thinks about it carefully, she will also be able to count the elimination points in this competition, and she will not be able to calculate it in her mind for a while. In the past, when I encountered a similar situation, Mei Qianxiao quickly reminded her in a low voice. It was all the fault of the bastard. It took too long to cause her arithmetic ability to deteriorate!

"According to the current situation, as long as Lu Jian speaks, it will be over." Gongliang Junyi's expression is intriguing, "Speaking is considered elimination, but it is not considered elimination of General Blood Wolf, Blood Wolf has no chance to get Lu Jianyi's elimination points. .In this way, although Lu Jian got a second-level score, the total score is still one point for the **** general, which is obviously a win-win situation..."

Li Mengyao's mental calculation was halfway through after listening to Gongliang Junyi's words, so she was too lazy to forget it...but she was even more confused!

What the **** is Lu Jianyi doing? Why attack Gong Bujue if he didn't count the points!

"So that's the case, no wonder the blood wolf can guarantee me... After all, it is a sand table competition that can only be won by many people. How did the blood wolf do it?!" The emperor also listened to Gongliang Junyi's analysis to know that Lu Jianyi already had one foot. Stepping into victory without making a sound, he suddenly wanted to understand something.

"Yeah... The one who really occupies a lot of people is General Blood Wolf... It's not fair to show it up, so that's what happened!" Gongliang Junyi had already expected the ending at this time, and he was surprised and felt that he met the knowledgeable emperor. Suddenly there is a feeling of release, and I can't wait to have a good exchange.

"That's right, if the blood wolf shows this card ahead of time, others will find that the real key person in this competition is Prince Enke. Although secretly buying Lujiazhuang is a good move, but pretending to be outnumbered to lure Enke to help. , this is the real key!" The emperor laughed, already thinking about the blood wolf's strategy.

"It is Enke, the neutral card, that controls the balance of numbers. Unfortunately, Lu Fujin and the others were kept in the dark, and they didn't find out until they failed."

Gongliang Junyi glanced back at Mei Qianxiao, in his opinion, it should be Mei Qianxiao's idea, so it is so sinister and cunning!

Sure enough, Meiqianxiao is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

"Shu Chen is stupid, I didn't understand what the emperor and Gongliangchang Gong said." Li Mengyao sighed, and she couldn't smile to translate the riddles of these two people. She really couldn't keep up.

"It doesn't matter, just look at the results." The emperor smiled lovingly, how could he blame Li Mengyao.

The tricks and calculations in this are really subtle and complicated... Looking back, he must figure out with the blood wolf what he used to buy Lujiazhuang...

After a period of chasing, the father-in-law did not know how to face the surprise, and announced in a stunned manner: "Young Master Lu has been eliminated, and General Blood Wolf has received a Grade A rating!"

The two clasped their fists in salute to the four directions, and then left the sand table one by one.

As soon as Lu Jian walked out of the sand table, the people in Lujiabao and Fengling Palace couldn't hide their eyes like a knife, they looked at Lu Jianyi like an enemy. His behavior was clearly to betray King Liu Qin! Even if you attacked your own But the final victory is still handed over to others? !

Anyone who has something to do with the Liuqin King forces hastily calculated the final points.

Lu Jianyi's second uncle, Lu Geer, had already done the math, and facing Lu Jian who came back, he scolded his face: "What's the matter with you! The blood wolf is messed up and you are messed up?! You do this step to eliminate Gong Bujue. That's right, after all, the blood wolf gave you a chance, even if it offends Feng Linggong... But after you eliminated Gong Bujue, you should abstain from the elimination, and you can't give the blood wolf a chance to eliminate you! Are you? No points? You won a point at that time! Now that the blood wolf has won so many elimination points and won the first place, the points will catch up immediately..."

"Of course eldest brother has a calculation... It's because of the calculation that I did this." It was Lu Jian'er who was standing behind the answer.

The two brothers glanced at each other, and suddenly revealed a relieved smile, smiling so brightly and pure, as if letting go of the boulder that had been pressing on them for a long time.

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