The Retirement of the Demon Lord

Chapter 995: Accidental score, Lu family infighting

"The points of the prospective concubines before are: General Blood Wolf 9 points, Lu Jianyi 11 points, Prince Enke 10 points, Gong Bujue 11 points, Lv Fujin 11 points... This round of competition is over, according to the elimination order: Blood Wolf The general was awarded the first class, Lu Jianyi was awarded the second class, Gong Bujue was awarded the third class, Lu Fujin was awarded the D class, and Prince Enke was awarded the E class..." After the father-in-law quickly checked and calculated the final result, he quickly On stage, wiped the sweat from his head and announced loudly.

His sweat is not in a hurry, but in a bad mood. I thought that in the end, I would simply choose one of the three winners with a big advantage. The result was such a stimulating process, and the result was so unexpected!

The blood wolf general made a big comeback!

Look at the lightbulb-like eyes of the Liuqin King's forces, as if he killed his father's enemy... He is just the host! This result is unbelievable that they are not the ones who gave it to them, what are they doing to stare at him!

"After adding the scores of this round of competition: General Blood Wolf 14 points, Lu Jianyi 15 points, Prince Enke 11 points, Gong Bujue 14 points, Lv Fujin 13 points... But the points for the number of eliminations must be added." The Liu Qin Wang force pricked up his ears, and was about to breathe a sigh of relief when he heard it, when he was suddenly reminded that this score was not added to the elimination distraction and it was mentioned in the throat.

The host father-in-law didn't dare to make people's appetites, and quickly said: "Lu Fujin gets 1 elimination point for eliminating Prince Enke, Lu Jianyi gets 1 elimination point for eliminating Gong Bujue, and General Blood Wolf gets 2 elimination points for eliminating Lv Fujin and Lu Jianyi. So, your final total score: General Blood Wolf 16 points, Lu Jianyi 16 points, Prince Enke 11 points, Gong Bujue 14 points, Lv Fujin 14 points!"

"The same score?!" There were bursts of discussion all around, and even the emperor and others on the high platform were different.

After several rounds of competition, the content is complicated, and the scores are different. Even if the scores are the same, no one will believe it.

"You said it's the score? It's a tie?" Off the court, the second uncle Lu Geer's blood pressure soared a little. "This is Lujiazhuang's chance to reach the sky in one step. Look at what you've done!"

Lu Jianyi took the towel handed over to wipe his sweat, stared at Lu Geer and said with a smile, "Is what I'm wasting Lujiazhuang's chance to reach the sky in one step, or your chance to reach the sky in one step?"

"What do you mean?" Lu Ge's eyes flashed a sullen look, looking left and right, they had a lofty status as Kings of Six Diligence, and they enjoyed a private stand alone off the field, keeping a low profile and inaudible to others, and quickly lowered their voices, "You are not afraid of Lujiazhuang's future. Buried in your hands!"

"I have already made a choice for Lujiazhuang's future." Lu Jianyi handed the towel back to the servant with calm eyes.

Lu Jianyi is a humble and low-key person, and he is always trembling in the face of him. Lu Geer has never seen Lu Jianyi so confident, and his heart is even shaken.

But this sway was still concealed by his strong confidence, Lu Ge Er sneered: "It is your choice to win the blood wolf? Hahaha... I think you have been the eldest young master for a long time, and you are pampered, and I have been less recently. I beat you, my eyes are blinded by the traitors, and I can't see the danger of tomorrow. Anyway, we Lujiazhuang do not need short-sighted people, Lujiazhuang's younger generation is full of talents, and it is not difficult to train a successor. I think Jian Er has done it recently. Not bad, I'm more suitable to be a successor than you!"

"It is precisely because of my uncle's instructions that I let us clear the fog and find the real future." Lu Jianer came behind Lu Geer and answered slowly.

Lu Ge Er heard something in the words, and some couldn't believe it: "You really don't want to die?"

"How dare, we cherish our lives very much." If Lu Jianyi is like a restrained and low-key noble son, Lu Jianer is more like a gentle and gentle literati, I saw Lu Jianer slowly hand over his hands, "I sincerely compliment the second uncle for giving me An opportunity, an opportunity to change the pattern of Lujiazhuang..."

"I just said that Lu Jian has always been more obedient than anyone else, and never dared to do anything disobedient. It turned out that you were behind it." Lu Ge'er turned his head and looked at Lu Jian'er grimly, "I don't know where your confidence comes from. Where did you come, what chance did I give you?"

Gu Jian, "Big brother is obedient, because he is responsible for the senior and junior of the Lu family village... It's definitely not because he has no righteousness and no righteousness." Lu Jian'er raised his chest and looked directly at Lu Ge'er. He has never faced him so confidently in his life. Uncle Guo, "You forgot to instruct me to marry Liujiazhuang, and after the failure, you slaughtered Liujiazhuang?"

Lu Jian'er said these things in public, and Lu Ge'er could hardly hold back his face.

Fortunately, everyone's attention was on the tie between the concubine and the concubine, and they didn't pay attention to their side talking about such a terrible thing with a low voice and a smile.

"You have seen the death of the people in Jiuquanfang with your own eyes, and you should know the fate of disobeying me." Lu Geer suppressed his mixed feelings of anger and irritability, and said calmly.

"That time at Liujiazhuang was the first time I met the leader of the Demon Sect..." Lu Jianer said.

"You contacted him behind my back? Hmph, the Demon Sect leader is cunning and cunning, so you were deceived by his slanderous words?" Lu Geer shook his head.

"He dared to rob relatives as the leader of the demon sect, which shows that he is not afraid of things." Lu Jian'er still remembered the moment when Yue and Yue fought in the lobby of Liujiazhuang, and the firmness in Yue's eyes.

That kind of firmness, someone who is not up to the sky can't be obtained, does not match the treacherous villain Lu Geer usually describes.

But the point is...

"Afterwards, Mei Qianxiao went to Jiuquanfang to investigate the case, and almost instantly found out that Jiuquanfang used the secret medicine... It shows that there is indeed a magic doctor behind the leader of the demon sect." Lu Jian answered.

The genius doctor... Lu Ge'er's heart sank for a while, and he probably guessed something.

"Of course, it is related to the future of Lujiazhuang, we can't rashly believe in the leader of the demon sect. But then we ushered in another opportunity... You asked us to help Master Huifang under Ming Chen to kill the ghost-headed knife king Shijiao, and we got very sufficient time to investigate. Demon sect leader, is it worth our pressure on our future?" Lu Jianyi said calmly.

"Just because he successfully solved the ruined Mingchen's plan? That stone prisoner is only half a waste, so what if he is saved! This is his strength?" Lu Ge Er asked back.

"Noye... What we are examining is not his ability to solve cases, but the medical skills of the genius doctor behind him." Lu Jianyi smiled mysteriously, "The first time the blood wolf asked for the blood test of the prisoner, I was worried about what they would find out, so Master Huifang attracted their attention and let us sneak into the room to exchange blood... However, it was Hou Jingtian's blood that time. The demon sect leader was the one who resolved the conflict between Shangqingguan and the Beggar Gang, and the magician behind him detected blood It's a no-brainer to have amputations."

Hearing this, Lu Geer frowned and said nothing. He's the one who understands best why amputation leaves in the blood.

"This is our first test on him. The blood wolf found out the amputation grass but did not announce it, and he had to take a blood test from the ghost-head knife king every day. I knew that this person had other ideas." Lu Jian Yi continued, "So after that, Hou Jingtian secretly replaced Shi Prison's blood tube every day... Master Hui Fang gave us several cover for this, I really don't know who is making wedding dresses for whom. "

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