Xiaoyeliu, xiaoyeguan, longjingjing, liuyilian and other girls can't stand it.

One after another, they use the skill to wrap themselves in a thick energy shield, which makes it easier.

King Kong, Pangge, Wu Shu, Niu Dalai, Longtou, Shang qiaoyue and others were also hard to breathe.

As a last resort, the army of hundreds of thousands of practitioners wrapped themselves up with their own skills.

Only in this way can we avoid its influence.

Ye Fan has already experienced the taste.

The smell of that starship was tens of thousands of times stronger than that.

Fat brother stares at a pair of enlarged small eyes and says in dismay: "Xiaofan, what are these insects doing?"

Smoke snow not from white fat one eye: "you blind ah, they are building their own base."

Yanqing light fat brother's forehead: "such a big head is to ask some retarded questions."

Taught by two wives, fat Gordon turned into a big pig.

See fat elder brother eat shriveled, all of a sudden show a smooth smile.

Liu Yanyun: "husband, what can we do to destroy the base they built?"

Long Yue: "simple, fire!"

Long Aoxue nodded: "yes, the simplest and most violent is the most effective means."

Heard three female's words, everybody thought deeply is nods.

But ye fan shook his head and said, "fire doesn't work."

Long Yue was unconvinced: "even my samadhi fire is not good?"

Long Aoxue is more believe: "My Long Yan also can't this base?"

In addition to Ye Fan, Longyue and longaoxue are the most powerful.

Even fat brother's Huo Qilin has to stand aside.

So when ye Fan said that the fire attack of the three girls was useless, everyone looked at Ye Fan in amazement.

"I know you all use fire very well, but can your fire reach 100 meters under the ground?"

Long Yue shook his head: "no, it can only burn more than 10 meters at most."

Long Aoxue: "I can only burn more than five meters."

Liu Yanyun: "I can only burn more than one meter."

And the Dan fire released by others is even worse.

It can burn only one or two feet of soil at most.

"The Zerg built bases to a depth of one kilometer, and over time they can reach the center of the earth."

"Do you still think fire works?"

Hearing Ye Fan's words, everyone shook their heads one after another.

After a pause, YeFan continued, "there's only one way to stop the Zerg from building bases."


Everyone looked at Ye Fan in unison.

Ye Fan confidently said: "only Lingquan nectar can thoroughly purify the Zerg."

Fat brother: "if you don't tell me, I forget about this big killer."

King Kong: "even so, but the earth is so big, how can our holy spring dew be

After hearing King Kong's words, everyone fell into meditation.

Ye Fan nodded: "it's really not enough."

Zuo Qiu: "if it's not enough, we still can't get rid of the insects completely."

Ye Yunduo: "yes, brother, it's not a good way. Is there any other way?"

Miaokong: "the bases on the land can be cleared completely, but what about the bases in the sea?"

Cheng Manman: "hateful insects, they are really cunning."

Seeing everyone's irritable appearance, Ye Fan said with a smile: "don't worry, I have my own way. Now our main task is to clean up those adult worms."

"Only when these big insects are completely removed, the creatures on the earth will not be devoured by their greed."

Wenhao: "brother, what do you want us to do? Give us the order quickly."

Yu Qing: "look over there, everyone."

By one of the shouts, everyone looked in the direction of their fingers.

I saw a huge red wave rolling up in the southwest ocean.

"Here comes the tsunami."

All the girls suddenly exclaimed.

"No, no, no, no, it's not a tsunami. It's the Zerg army that's in the sea."

Ye Fan see clearly, immediately clarify the response.

"What are you hesitating about? Let's rush up and destroy it in the sea."

Finally, the dragon head came out with high spirits.

Ye Fan nodded and waved: "kill!"

"Never let them come ashore."



After Ye Fan gave an order, hundreds of thousands of practitioners flew to the sea.

Compared with land, the sea is the real battlefield.

There are so many worms in the sea that ye fan and others are stunned.

I didn't expect that there were so many Zerg troops unloaded from the Starship.

So ye fan and others had to disperse.

Hundreds of thousands of cultivators were divided into tens of thousands of small teams by Ye Fan.

Each team has an incarnation of Ye Fan.

With his purple gold thunder light, this small team is invincible.

However, it is not so easy to clean worms in the East China Sea, Bohai Sea, South China Sea, North Sea and four oceans.

However, no matter how difficult it is, Ye Fan must be killed.

As for the worms that sank to the bottom of the sea and laid their eggs, YeFan has no time to deal with them.

Although Ye Fan's efficiency is very high, he killed all the adult worm fighters in the ocean in five days.

After killing the worms in the sea, Ye Fan moved to the land.

Half a month has passed since he cleaned up all the fighting worms on the land.

At this time, although the worm on the whole earth has not been completely eliminated, it will no longer harm human beings everywhere.

In this disaster, most of the countries in the world died out.

There are only a few superpowers and some people left.

And these people are just the richest and most powerful people in the world.

They survived only with high-tech defense weapons.

When they saw that a group of Eastern friars appeared to wipe out the thick worms.

One by one, the three senses were impacted.

But that's the truth. They don't believe it and they have to believe it.

From then on, the powerful Western alliance and M country were worshipped by the eastern monks.

If the world, and many years later, China will be the heaven of the world.

Ino is still hiding in her castle.

She did not come out, but will ye fan and others do a panoramic view.

She also had to accept the fact that Ye Fan saved the world.

She wanted to negotiate with Ye Fan, but she didn't dare.

So she's ambivalent.

In hesitation, iNO saw a young man tearing the void and slowly entering her command hall.


When ye fan came in, the whole hall was alarmed.

The rapid drip sound makes everyone nervous.

A pair of big eyes stare at the indifferent and thin figure.

"Ye Fan, you are here at last."

When ino saw this figure, his delicate body was shocked violently.

Strong from suppress the fear in the heart, looking at Ye Fan delicately.

"Hehe, is it late?"

The reason why Ye Fan is here now is that he thinks that ino can't escape from the earth.

Compared to iNO, Zerg are more dangerous and more difficult.

"Are you here to kill me?"

I don't know why, when Yinuo saw Ye Fan, the hatred in his heart actually disappeared more than half.

Of course, her mood at the moment is extremely complicated.

She loves and hates Ye Fan, and her hatred for ye fan is reduced by more than half because ye fan has saved the world.

So if ye fan doesn't kill her, iNO is willing to shake hands and make peace.

Ye Fan waited around coldly.

"Let's get out of here, people who don't care."

A group of scientists were surprised.

But also surprised Leng for three seconds, they have come back from Lengshen.

Then they all looked at ino.

Although they know that Ivan is many times stronger than ino.

But over the years, iNO's pressure on them is still there.

Therefore, the LORD did not nod, they did not dare to leave here.

See these people dare not go, Ye Fan can't help but look to Yinuo.

"Let them go. We don't need innocent people to be buried with us."

Yinuo body shock: "is it?"

Ye Fan nodded heavily, without the slightest look in his eyes.

In front of this beautiful white girl, Ye Fan did not have the slightest favor and pity.

This time I came here to take her life away.

He has regretted for ino once, never twice.

See ye fan that pair of eyes that make her dream, Yinuo's eyes appear a touch of disappointment.

"You are the same as before."

Ye Fan said contemptuously: "I've always been like this."

Ino stepped forward: "I can let them go, but you have to promise me one thing."

Ye Fan brow gently frowned: "say it, I try to meet."

Ino said with a sad smile: "I know that I have done a lot of wrong things, brought disaster to the whole world, killed countless innocent lives, but do you know who caused all this?"

Ye Fan did not answer, quietly looking at ino.

"Ye Fan, I like you from the moment I see you."

"But why do you hate me so much that I have to bow down to make friends?"

Ye Fan is noncommittal, does not want to answer, is also lazy to answer.

He never liked this western white girl.

It's not racial hatred, it's not liking the girl's superiority.

And now eno says that, he feels ridiculous and naive.

He believes that even without these, they are definitely not the same people.

"Let them go first. We'll talk about our business later."

Ino nodded and waved to the hundreds of scientists and staff obediently.

Seeing that the Lord is really willing to let them go.

These scientists and researchers who work day and night for the Lord are pardoned.


But in a few seconds, they rushed out of the huge wisdom hall like the wind.

Ye Fan saw dozens of magicians in the hall and frowned.

"You're not going yet?"

For these magicians, Ye Fan has no mind to reap his life.

Because they are insignificant power to themselves and the whole Chinese heaven.

Since there was no threat, he lost his mind to kill.

An old man with white hair, strong body and Scepter stood behind ino.

"Lord, fatisco vows to be with God to the death."

Just after his words, dozens of other magicians stood fearlessly behind the Lord.

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