One by one, although they didn't speak, their eyes had already told ye fan the answer.

Ino looked back at the dozens of loyal magicians.

A pair of beautiful eyes for the first time rolling down a crystal clear tears.

"Thank you, thank you!"

Ino faced them with a deep bow, sad and devout.

"Lord, you can't do that."

"You are the messenger sent by God. You must not bow down in front of the Oriental people."

"Even if we die, we can never surrender."

"Lord, let me fight against it."

"I believe God will not watch his people being bullied and killed by the Oriental people."

"Lord, let's go, let's stop him."

"Yes, Lord, let's go."

INO was deeply moved by their loyalty.

But the more she did, the more desolate she looked.

Because, she doesn't want to be brave any more.

These years, in order to conquer Ye Fan, she spent all her life.

Even if she reaches the highest level of the western world.

Still can't stand on the same level with Ye Fan.

Especially see Ye Fan destroy the Zerg warship.

He also led the Oriental cultivation army to sweep the Zerg warriors on the earth.

Only a little pride was crushed by Ye Fan.

She fully understood that no matter how hard she tried, she could not surpass this Oriental man.

Even if you bring God back, you can never defeat him.

Besides, there is something in her heart that she can't give up to Ye Fan.

Even if her body is taken away by Ye Feng, the heart is still reserved for ye fan.

"You all go. The magic house depends on you."

"No, Lord."

Dozens of magicians are still unwilling.

Yinuo suddenly wipe away tears, a pair of blue eyes instantly become fierce incomparable.

"Bold, do you dare to disobey the words of our Lord?"


"Lord, we..."

Ino's face became more cold and fierce.

"Let's go, or I'll see you off myself."

Seeing that the LORD was really angry, a group of magicians left the hall with great reluctance.

"Ye Fan, they are all gone. Come on, kill me."

Ye Fan slowly approaches ino.

Above his head hovered a black steel whip.

Its splendor, the release of unparalleled pressure.

Yinuo can clearly feel the powerful killing spirit.

She knew she was going to die, but she was not afraid.

Because she finally died in front of her sweetheart.

Although did not get this man, but can die in front of her is also a great comfort.

Moreover, she knew that she was guilty and that ye fan could not forgive her.

Therefore, when ye fan was still three meters away from her, she chose to close her eyes.

Seeing that ino didn't resist at all, he was waiting to kill himself.

Ye Fan felt unable to start.

He is never a soft hearted person, but he is really soft hearted in the face of a woman who is willing to be punished.

"Why don't you fight me to death?"

Yinuo suddenly opened his eyes, but a spring breeze like smile appeared in the corner of his mouth.

"You want to know why?"

Ye Fan's eyes were bright and he nodded.

"Come here and I'll tell you why."

Ye Fan sneered: "ha ha, wait for me to get close, and then attack me secretly?"

Ino smiles and shakes his head: "do you think I have that ability?"

Ye Fan still did not believe it, shaking his head: "you have."

"No, you can easily tear the void, you can blow up star wars, you can kill Zerg fighters all over the world, and I can't do anything about that."

"In the face of a strong man like you, do you think I have the ability to sneak attack?"

Ye Fan light return way: "don't say, want to say what say, don't want to say I send you on the road."

Although the woman's analysis of the land is Tao, he will not get close to it.

"It's obvious that ancient people had expected such a day."

"So, let's be bold."

The dragon head stood up, waved his hand and said, "since we have no choice, let's have a bold try."

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