There are several types of this large flying boat.

One is to only care about loading and not speed, so there is no aerodynamics at all. It feels like moving a sea ship to the sky, and the speed is extremely slow, just like those slow airships before World War II.

There is also a type that pays attention to speed. The whole shape is like a shuttle, which is more extreme than a rocket. The top speed reaches dozens of times the speed of sound, which is not a problem at all.

But people don't have wings, but they can still control the posture of marching, which is the most powerful.

Thinking of these, Yang Qing yearns for them. As a great monk who has lived in the prehistoric for nearly a hundred years, he has two kinds of flying equipment, one is pure transportation, and the other is the real magic weapon.

However, this does not mean that a large flying boat has poor defense. On the contrary, because the flying boat has a large space and a strong loading capacity, the protective runes carved on it are stronger, and there are more rune cannons inside. The power is also greater.

Not to mention anything else, it's just the protective cover technology brought by the protective rune array, which is hundreds of years ahead of Blue Star. The small defensive rune array that Yang Qing once made is the result of simplification from here.

Even now on the blue star, the concept of electromagnetic shield has appeared, but this kind of electromagnetic shield not only consumes a lot of energy, but also has almost no defense against laser weapons.

However, the protective cover technology brought by the protective rune array is all-round. It can be said that as long as there is no shortage of spirit stones, it is not a problem for the entire spaceship to take a bath in the sun, let alone go to Neptune to check the diamonds. Or take a tour inside Jupiter's Great Red Spot.

Compared with this, on Venus, the average temperature of more than 400 degrees and the atmospheric pressure of thousands of meters under the sea are just like playing.

This is also the reason why Yang Qing wants to go to space. Compared with the small blue star, the universe is too vast, and there are countless surprises waiting for him to conquer.

Imagine in your mind that there will be enough spirit stones in the future, and Yang Qing will soon come to his senses where he will go in the future.

Looking at the inside of the consciousness, there are two reactors, and it takes a little more than an hour to produce two source crystals. He still has a long way to go to achieve his goal.

In the next step, Yang Qing plans to build a supercomputing center, and the time will definitely have to wait until next year. Now there are not many companies willing to undertake this kind of project.

The supercomputing center must be connected to the backbone network. At that time, Xiao Ai can directly control the backbone network. At that time, there is no limit to the bandwidth, and her ability can definitely be doubled.

Under the supercomputing center, there will be enough space for Xiao Ai. In it, she can freely refine the calculation array and prepare for her continuous expansion. The most important thing is that she can control a supercomputing The superfactory produced by Yuanjing was established next door to the center.

There, Yang Qing plans to install one hundred high-pressure reactors at a time, which can produce one hundred source crystals at a time, so that after a period of time, the cosmic plan can be officially launched.

With such thoughts in mind, Yang Qing carefully locked the door of the cabinet, scanned around, and found no feeling of being observed, then turned around, opened the door, and walked out from the computer room.

It was already late at night, and Yang Qing was not going to go home. When he came to the office, he had no interest in continuing to practice, so he found a blanket, lay down on the sofa in the office, and fell asleep directly.

He had just fallen asleep, and within a minute, his consciousness moved slightly, and a half-grown girl in front of him, wearing a simple Hanfu, suddenly appeared in front of the sofa.

Although the way she appeared was horrifying, like a ghost, Yang Qing's consciousness didn't give him any warning, and he didn't even open his eyes.

The girl made a grimace, then covered her mouth, and laughed silently. Then, she got into the blanket very familiarly, put a small head on Yang Qing's arm, and one ear But it stopped on his chest and heard the heartbeat.

"Xiao Ai, don't make trouble!"

Yang Qing retracted her arms, locked Xiao Ai firmly on her chest, and then continued to sleep.

Yang Qing has already entered the deepest sleep, not even a dream, all of this is actually his subconscious reaction, of course, this is also because the outside world has not given him any danger or hostility, otherwise he would have been in the first place. He activated his defensive rune array.

When Yang Qing woke up again, it was already seven o'clock in the morning, and he was full of energy. Even though he had only slept for less than six hours, it seemed that all the energy he had spent without sleep these days seemed to be exhausted. recovered.

Yang Qing opened his eyes, just in time to see Xiao Ai's **** eyes, staring at him without blinking.

"Okay, get up!"

Yang Qing patted her somewhat illusory head and sat up.

Xiao Ai had already gone one step ahead and disappeared from his arms. When she reappeared, the pajamas on her body had turned into a red deep skirt.

"Xiao Ai, don't go out like this, or you will easily scare people to death."

Yang Qing said helplessly.

is not that right? Now Xiao Ai, her body is in a translucent state, coupled with this ancient costume, playing the role of an ancient **** ghost, she can basically act in her true colors.

What's more, she is not only elusive, but also proficient in various spells. She is no longer acting, but a beautiful ghost.

In fact, it's not that Xiao Ai doesn't want to make her body solidify, but even if all the spiritual energy in the calculation array is used to condense her body, there is no way to do it completely. However, at that time, all the functions of the calculation array It's about to stop.

But Xiao Ai knew that her greatest role was not to warm the bed, let alone to act coquettishly, but to be of real use. She knew enough about this when she was in the prehistoric age.

So this night, it not only firmly controlled the Internet world, but also produced source crystals without stopping. Being able to transform into a body and sleep with Yang is already a great enjoyment.

However, with Master's knowledge, he wouldn't be frightened by her, right?

On the Internet, Xiao Ai once found a wonderful video of her master being frightened by watching a horror movie when she was in college, so she decided to emulate it once.

But what made her depressed was that this night, Yang Qing didn't even wake up once, even now, looking at her was like looking at a naughty child.

Yang Qing stood up, stretched, and the bones all over his body made a series of crackling sounds, like a burst of thunder.

"I'll bring the defense robot from the company's computer room later. Be careful, don't reveal yourself casually. Even if you reveal the appearance, you must first get the monitoring done!"

Yang Qing instructed while walking outside, and as the door opened, Xiao Ai's figure also disappeared from the air.

The sun outside had just risen, and the air was still damp and cold, but Yang Qing took a deep breath, feeling more and more at ease in his heart. From today on, there was nothing that could restrict him anymore.

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