Walk out from the front door of the laboratory, and come to BYD which automatically unlocks the door.

As soon as the car door was opened, warm wind blew out from inside. Although Yang Qing's body was not sensitive to temperature changes, it was still good to be more comfortable.

After driving in the car, Yang Qing first went to a breakfast shop that he often went to, and had a big meal. There were pot stickers, raw fried dumplings, and steamed buns. After five days, he finally had another hearty meal.

In fact, with his physical condition and the daily supplement of spiritual energy, his need for food has been greatly reduced. Even if he has not eaten for ten days and a half months, he will not suffer from malnutrition.

This is because Lan Xing doesn't have any free aura, otherwise he wouldn't need to eat at all if his cultivation reached his level.

However, his long-standing habit still made him want to have a big meal after retreating for a period of time.

After eating, it was past eight o'clock, and Yang Qing still had to go to the company to take the two defense robots away from the company's computer room.

In fact, after renting Weihua's data center and servers, the usefulness of the company's computer room has been reduced to the extreme. Now that even Xiao Ai has left there, the company's computer room has actually lost its meaning.

However, the server inside, under Xiao Ai's control, is still qualified as a LAN server, but it has lost the qualification to own a defense robot.

In the traffic flow of the morning rush hour, Yang Qing moved forward little by little under the command of Xiao Ai. It took a full hour and a half to drive the car downstairs to the company, and then it took another half an hour , only to find a free parking space and park the car.

By the time Yang Qing came to his company in the elevator, it was already half past ten.

"Mr. Yang, you are here at the company!"

A somewhat surprised voice came from beside him.

Zhao Manqing, the front desk recruited by Zhao Yuxi, Yang Qing quickly sketched her appearance in his mind.

"Yeah, come back and have a look!"

Yang Qing turned her head and saw Zhao Manqing holding a pile of documents in her arms. She hadn't seen him for several months. Zhao Manqing had been promoted to the company's logistics assistant, and she was assisting Zhao Yuxi's work. Compared with the original front desk job, she naturally had a bright future. too much.

"Is Mr. Zhao here?"

"Here! I am sending these documents to Mr. Zhao."

The two walked towards the inside of the company one after the other.

Originally, Yang Qing planned to go directly to the computer room, take the two protective robots and leave. Although they are two spider-shaped robots, they are actually extremely small, only as big as a mobile phone. With eight claws retracted, they can be placed on the inside the pocket.

But who made him delay on the road for so long, since he arrived at the company, it would be shameful not to meet Zhao Yuxi.

Following Zhao Manqing, the two walked towards Zhao Yuxi's office.

After putting aside the initial surprise, the two of them became silent instead. After all, even during the time when Yang Qing lived in the company, he didn't talk much to a few female employees, and it was Zhao Yuxi who had the most contact.

Arriving at the door of Zhao Yuxi's office, Zhao Manqing glanced at Yang Qing with some hesitation, did Yang Qing nod before she knocked on the door.

"Come in!" Zhao Yuxi's pleasant voice came out.

Pushing open the door, the two walked in together.

"Manqing, you put the documents on the table first, I'll talk about it after reading the plan."

Without raising her head, Zhao Yuxi listened to Zhao Manqing's familiar voice of high-heeled shoes, and said.

"Mr. Zhao, is there any surprise here?" Zhao Manqing glanced at Yang Qing and said with a smile.

"What surprise? If you can drag Mr. Yang out of his retreat room, it would be a surprise, and everything else would be a shock." Zhao Yuxi raised his head curiously while complaining. Come.

When she raised her head, she saw Yang Qing standing behind Zhao Manqing, who was a head taller than her.

Zhao Yuxi's eyes were pleasantly surprised at first, and then the two eyebrows stood up, and a burst of anger rose from his heart.

Zhao Manqing saw Zhao Yuxi's face clearly, and then thought of the past few days, Zhao Yuxi kept complaining about Yang Qing, and suddenly felt that something was wrong, quietly put down the folder in his hand, and then sneaked out, after going out , I haven't forgotten to close the door for them.

"Hey, isn't this Mr. Yang? Why did you come to the company to have a look after the retreat?"

Yang Qing thought to herself, actually I didn't intend to come to the company, but I was delayed because of the traffic jam.

But even if it was true, he didn't dare to say it outright, he still had some emotional intelligence.

"I just got out of customs, so I don't want to come to the company to see you."

Zhao Yuxi pouted, not agreeing with Yang Qing's kindness.

"I said Mr. Yang, I have no objection to you sending the chip to Weihua, but you don't want to send the chip out, so just retreat, okay?

In the past few days, Weihua's phone calls have almost blown up my phone, and I don't understand these things. I want to contact you, but Xiao Ai tells you that you are in retreat and can't be disturbed.

Shut up, did you go to the mountains to cultivate immortals? If you don't come out today, I will have to go to my house to find you, and maybe I have to call the police. "

After Zhao Yuxi said so much in one breath, he patted his chest, as if he finally breathed out.

Yang Qing cleverly ran to the water dispenser next to her, took a disposable cup, took a cup of warm water for her, and handed it over.

Zhao Yuxi took the water, took a sip, moistened his throat, and when he was about to speak, the phone rang.

Her identity is already very different. The calls that can be made to her mobile phone are all business partners with close contacts.

Looking at the name on the phone, Zhao Yuxi breathed out, glanced at Yang Qing, and then connected.

"Is it Mr. Xu? I'm Zhao Yuxi."

"Mr. Zhao, it's me. Can I contact Mr. Yang today?"

Although I am using a new mobile phone assembled by Xiaomei herself, the sound is very noise-resistant and directional. If you are a little farther away, you can’t hear the sound of the mobile phone, but with Yang Qing’s cultivation~www.readwn.com ~It is very simple to hear the answer from the microphone.

"Yes, our President Yang is in my office!"

"That's great, can I have a chat with Mr. Yang?"

"Okay, please!" Zhao Yuxi glanced at Yang Qing, he nodded to indicate that it was okay, and then replied.

After answering the phone, a woman's unique fragrance came from above.

"President Xu? I'm Yang Qing!"

"It's Mr. Yang, I'm Xu Hai! I'm sorry to bother you, but I still have a question to ask. Is the chip you sent us really designed and produced by you?"

"Of course it's true. There's no doubt about that, is there?"

"It's not that I doubt it. I have a copy of the chip parameters sent by Mr. Zhao, but we can't figure it out. With only a 28-nanometer process, how can we surpass the performance of Banana's M1 chip."

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