Hearing this, Yang Qing laughed.

"Actually, there is nothing special about it. You only need to think about how toothpaste factories defeated agricultural enterprises in 2000, and you will understand!"

The toothpaste factory defeated the agricultural enterprise. The landmark event was naturally the birth of the Core Micro-architecture. Needless to say, the advanced Core Micro-architecture has suppressed the agricultural enterprise for ten years with a structure that has not changed significantly in ten years. The worst At that time, the toothpaste factory directly occupied more than 80% of the market share.

If it were not for anti-monopoly needs, agricultural enterprises may be directly driven out of the civilian market by toothpaste factories.

Even in the past few years, agricultural enterprises have once again suppressed the toothpaste factory slightly by virtue of advanced manufacturing processes, but the personal computer market is already a thing of the past, and there is not much future.

Xu Hai naturally understands, but the Core is leading, which is also based on the same manufacturing process. Comparing the first-generation Core with the latest A10 processor of the agricultural enterprise, it is also incomparable.

In fact, the performance of the latest A10 can already be equivalent to the fourth-generation Core, and the process of the fourth-generation Core is 22 nanometers, while the latest A10’s process is 14 nanometers.

Xu Hai over there was silent for a while. In fact, they probably guessed that Yang Qing adopted a new architecture on this chip. performance.

This is not like their own Kirin, which also includes the four-star Orion and Qualcomm's Fire Dragon, and of course Banana's A-series and M-series processors, all of which adopt the ARM architecture and modify it by themselves.

The difference in chip performance, in addition to the manufacturing process, is the size of the magic modification capabilities of each manufacturer, but they are all based on the same foundation and there is no absolute advantage.

Obviously, Banana’s technical capabilities are the strongest. Not only the A-series processor chips are far ahead of the others, but even the self-designed M1 chip has entered the field of desktops and notebooks, competing with the X86 series. .

Among them, Weihua's design ability is the weakest, but it has been catching up in recent years, and it has reached the mainstream level. When it was about to show its strength, but a ban made them lose the foundry and left them empty-handed. There are completely new designs, but no place to manufacture them.

The latest domestic manufacturing process is 14nm, but there is still a huge gap compared with overseas foundries with 7nm and 5nm. With such a big gap, not only the cost, but also the performance and power consumption have no competition. Power to speak of.

However, Yang Qing's chip brought new hope to Weihua.

You must know that not only are outside foundries prohibited from manufacturing for Weihua, but even ARM will not authorize the next-generation ARM9 architecture to Weihua.

Although what ARM designs is only a public version, each chip design company has to carry out their own transformations on the basis of the public version before they can become their own chips.

But this does not mean that the architecture of the public version is not important. In fact, domestic talents for CPU architecture design are even scarcer than chip designers.

"Mr. Yang, I don't know if the chip architecture you designed can be authorized to Weihua?"

Although new contact with a processor architecture requires re-learning, Weihua spent several years after obtaining the authorization of ARM, from a chip that is almost difficult to apply to the Kirin 9000, which has reached the leading level, and spent a lot of effort. I am really unwilling.

But the advantage of this architecture is that it will not be stuck and can be mass-produced in China, which is the most important thing.

As the castrated version of Honghuang No. 1, it is impossible to say how much Yang Qing attaches importance to Xinlan No. 1. He even sold the super compression technology, and the mere structure is naturally no problem.

"Mr. Xu, there is no problem with the architecture being authorized to you, but the chip with this architecture uses true 3D transistor technology, not the 3D technology of designing transistors on fins like Intel and TSMC. True 3D can almost be seen as two layers of transistors stacked together."

"So that's the case, no wonder we can't understand it no matter how we look at it!" Xu Hai muttered to himself over there, obviously the chip that was sent over had already been peeled off.

"The principle of this architecture is the same. The key is production. Ordinary lithography machines cannot perform lithography without modification. Up to now, only the lithography line here can produce chips."

Xu Hai had obviously thought about this problem a long time ago. After all, the superimposition of two layers of transistors was not without this idea in the past. Flash memory chips are produced by superimposing multiple layers.

However, this kind of superimposition is to package the two-layer chips that have been photolithographically together, instead of producing them at one time as it is now.

"Mr. Yang was joking. Up to now, there is no chip from that company, which integrates memory with the same frequency as the CPU, especially the leap-forward silver interconnection technology. How about a visit?"

Yang Qing didn't think too much about it. In fact, Weihua's people are good, at least they didn't add some small things that affect the relationship between the two parties during the construction of the clean room, not even on the production line.

"Of course, Mr. Xu is welcome anytime."

"Then it will be tomorrow, and tomorrow we will meet directly at Mr. Yang's comprehensive laboratory!"

Yang Qing didn't expect Xu Hai to be so anxious, and replied with some astonishment: "Yes, then we will see you in the laboratory tomorrow."

After all, the two said goodbye, hung up the phone, and Yang Qing returned the phone to Zhao Yuxi.

Zhao Yuxi, who was standing beside him all the time, listened to Yang Qing's speech with his ears pricked up. Even though he couldn't hear Xu Hai's voice inside, he could still hear Yang Qing's words clearly.

"Is this another money for the company?" she asked.

"That's right! Architecture authorization, at least a few hundred million, not much, but after the chip is sold, it can also bring a little profit."

"It's only a few hundred million, that's okay!"

Zhao Yuxi also breathed a sigh of relief when he heard that it wasn't a big order of hundreds of billions like super compression technology~www.readwn.com~.

However, she did not expect that in its heyday, Weihua's mobile phone share was the first in the country, and the world was only below the four-star and bananas, with almost 100 million mobile phone sales. If all of this chip was used, only the patent fee , there are tens of billions.

"Then I'll go back and prepare, and you can come over tomorrow morning!"

Seeing that Zhao Yuxi had been attracted by this matter, Yang Qing quickly took the opportunity to leave.

Although Zhao Yuxi was unwilling, receiving Xu Hai and Weihua's technicians tomorrow was a big event, so she could only let Yang Qing go.

Yang Qing went back to the computer room first, pulled out the two spider robots hidden under the cabinet respectively, then manipulated them, put away the eight legs, and formed a five-centimeter-thick brick. Then he found a bag and put them in the in.

With their size, they will protrude and attract attention when placed in a pocket.

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