If that's all, it can be explained by the fact that Yang Qing is a genius with both soft and hard skills. After all, there were such talents in the last century.

But such a person can transform the lithography machine, can you believe it?

The lithography machine is probably the most sophisticated machine in the world, otherwise ASML would not say confidently that even if the drawings are sent to you, you will not be able to produce qualified EUV.

Although the comparability between DUV and EUV is not great, they are also one of the most precise machines in the world. Compared with nano-scale machining centers, the precision is not far behind.

You must know that the 28nm lithography machine developed by the whole country will not be officially launched until the end of the year. Here, there are already mature 28nm lithography lines, which is really unbelievable.

Xu Hai knew in his heart that even if Yang Qing had any problems, he should not take care of them. Obviously, once this chip came out, the higher level of attention paid to Yang Qing was instantly raised, and with the addition of the lithography machine, he had already changed. He has become the country's most important weapon, but he doesn't know how the country will contact Yang Qing, or keep a distance as it is now, and let him play freely.

"Mr. Yang, we have also seen the chip. I don't know when. Can you tell us about the architecture of the chip?"

Xu Hai looked at the people over there, they had already tested the chip, and it was pointless to stay here any longer, so he hurriedly asked.

"Shouldn't we talk about the licensing price first?" Yang Qing asked with interest.

Xu Hai slapped his head: "Blame me, I'm too anxious! Does Mr. Yang have any requests?"

"In this way, I don't want too much, just follow the authorization fee you give to ARM, plus 20%. In addition, when the chip is sold, it is the same as ARM, charging a similar fee."

Xu Hai smiled and said, "That's natural. I'll ask someone to draw up the contract later, and we'll talk about it after signing it!"

Yang Qing didn't care either: "That's unnecessary. Anyway, with such a structure, an unmodified lithography machine can't produce it. I'll tell you about it later!"

"That's good! Without further ado, let's go directly to Weihua's branch office. There is a conference room there, so we can teach directly!" Xu Hai said in surprise.

Yang Qing nodded, already tired of these boring receptions, it's better to send them away as soon as possible.

Under Xu Hai's greeting, the visitors in the clean room walked out one after another, took off their dustproof clothes, and returned to the bus.

"Mr. Yang, what is the production capacity of your photolithography line?"

Walking out side by side with Yang Qing, Xu Hai suddenly asked.

"If you run it 24 hours a day, there are about 40,000 chips!"

Yang Qing thought about it. After this period of running-in, although the one-hour processing time for one chip cannot be reduced, if continuous production is used, four eight-inch silicon wafers can be processed in one hour. Excluding defective products, only These.

Xu Hai pondered for a while, 1.2 million chips per month, although this amount is not much, but if you accumulate it for a few months, you can still catch up.

After all, in this era of fierce competition, if a mobile phone sells 10 million units within a few months, it is considered a success.

Weihua has regressed significantly in the country. Although products using other chips can still occupy the top few shares, compared with the sales of top brands, it has dropped too much. He does not know that Weihua mobile phones will return to the top. , Can it set off another legend.

However, after repeated tests, he still believed in the strength of Xinlan No. 1. Before coming, he had ordered the people in the technical department to rely on Xinlan No. 1 to produce several prototypes and conduct tests in various extreme environments. Before the test results came out, he didn't dare to place too many orders.

After all, sometimes, it is only a small mistake that destroys a brand, like a four-star brand, from a top brand to almost disappearing from the country, the difference is not entirely the few explosions.

"Mr. Xu, do you want to order a batch of chips?"

"I want to order a batch, but I don't know how compatible it is with our Hongmeng. In this way, I will order 100,000 pieces first for the upgrade of the internal mobile phone. Mr. Yang will give me a preferential price. "

Xu Hai still didn't make up his mind, and directly gave Yang Qing's output to Bao Yuan.

Yang Qing said indifferently: "It doesn't matter, just follow the price you purchase Huolong's top-level chips."

Xu Hai also understands that this is Yang Qing's biggest discount. Although it doesn't look cheap, the performance of Xinlan No. 1 is not on the same level as Huolong.

And without enough profit, how can we support further research and development work?

Although not as clear as those who have been protecting Yang Qing all the year round, Xu Hai has also vaguely heard that Yang Qing has spent more than one billion yuan in the past few months.

And these expenditures have not yet paid off. If it weren't for the 100,000 chips he ordered, his income in the past few months would have been zero.

But the return is also great. The 100,000 chips, according to the quotation of about 170 meters of Huolong 888, is an income of 100 million yuan, but it is only the output of the photolithography line for more than two days.

Obviously, this price is a bit high. Xinlan No. 1 is destined not to be used in the low-end market, but with the brand effect of Weihua, the sales volume of several million in the high-end market is still expected, but when you think of the revenue of more than one billion, it is hard to believe. To hand it over to Yang Qing, Xu Hai couldn't help but feel a little bit reluctant.

It would be great if my own unicorn is still there. The price of unicorn is only half of that of Huolong. It is obviously cheaper to use it at home.

However, the matter is right in front of us. There is no one outside to manufacture Weihua. The domestic manufacturing process is not good. If you want to get top-notch chips, this is the only one. Fortunately, in the domestic high-end market, Weihua has no rivals for the time being except for bananas, and the profit is large enough. , able to support such expenditures.

The two people were talking, and they came to the front of the bus. Xu Hai invited:

"Mr. Yang, why don't we take the bus together?"

Yang Qing shook his head and pointed to BYD parked in the parking space over there.

"President Xu, don't bother me, I'll drive there."

"It turns out that Mr. Yang still has a patriotic heart!"

Xu Hai glanced at the domestic car over there, and couldn't help but praise it.

Indeed, as a billionaire, he does not drive a luxury car, but only drives a domestic car worth hundreds of thousands of dollars, which can indeed explain his position.

Yang Qing didn't bother to explain that he chose this tram in order to get on the train as soon as possible. There are not many choices of trams, so he can't buy that foreign car that can't stop, right?

As the bus drove away, Yang Qing and Zhao Yuxi who stood beside him watched them go away~www.readwn.com~ Do I still need to go? " Zhao Yuxi asked.

"Go, bring our company's legal counsel, there is a licensing contract to be signed, and there is an order for 100,000 chips to be signed!"

After all, the two turned around and each drove into their own cars.

"I said Mr. Yang, why don't you change your car? As a billionaire, driving such a car is a little too low-key!"

The more you look at Yang Qing's BYD, the more unpleasant it is, Zhao Yuxi couldn't help pressing down on his car window and shouting at him.

Also pressing the window, Yang Qing said with a smile: "I'm used to driving this car, and I don't associate with other people, so there's absolutely no need to change the car."

Just kidding, can he say that the cruising range of this car has reached 5,000 kilometers? And even if there are many common problems of domestic cars, the safety is not as high as that of international brands, but there is a large protective array hidden on its body, and any accident, don't even think about destroying it all at once.

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