The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 99: Chaotic architecture

In terms of safety alone, there is basically no BYD on Blue Star that can surpass him.

It can be said that even if an atomic bomb explodes, as long as it is not in the center of the explosion, within 30 seconds, there is no way to break through the car's defense.

In fact, the power of the atomic bomb is concentrated within a few seconds of the moment of explosion. After tens of seconds after the explosion, it basically loses its direct damage and can only rely on radiation or scorching heat to pose a threat to the human body.

With such a protective ability, how could Yang Qing be willing to replace it?

Although the function of the car is not only to carry people, the biggest use is to pretend.

Obviously, BYD's cards are not that big, but as its owner, Yang Qing is also not a social expert. If possible, he can even stay at home without going out for a hundred years, so naturally he doesn't care about its social attributes up.

Close the window again, and the warm wind once again occupied the car. After all, it is winter, even Yang Qing is unwilling to drive with the wind blowing.

Zhao Yuxi over there had already followed the bus and left towards the city. Yang Qing was also driving and followed closely.

But Zhao Yuxi left first on the way, because she still had to pick up her own legal adviser, Li Hongjin.

In fact, with the continuous expansion of the company's business, Zhao Yuxi is considering establishing a long-term cooperative relationship with a large international well-known law firm.

Yang Qing continued to follow the bus and didn't stop until they reached Weihua's Jinshi branch.

Weihua's Jinshi branch is not in the city center either, but they came here earlier and occupy a large area. In addition to the office building, there is also a large yard.

As soon as Xu Hai's bus stopped, Yang Qing's car followed, so a group of people walked directly to the big meeting room of the Jinshi branch.

The large conference room can accommodate more than a hundred people, and dozens of them walked in without appearing crowded.

"Mr. Yang, you can tell me what tools you need, and I will let them prepare."

Xu Hai led Yang Qing, sat in front of the conference room, and said.

Sure enough, big companies are different. In the comprehensive laboratory, this group of people can only get a bottle of cold water. Here, someone soon made a cup of hot tea for these thirty people.

Although hot tea is nothing, it is a very happy thing to drink a cup of hot tea in the wet and cold winter weather of Jinshi.

"No need to prepare anything, is this projector good?"

Xu Hai looked back at the manager of the Jinshi branch, and he nodded quickly.

"Okay, the equipment in the conference room is all good, and Mr. Yang can use it as he pleases."

"That's fine, let's clean up here and teach here!"

Yang Qing has no requirements for the environment. Anyway, everything is in his mobile phone, connected to the projector, and just talk.

A few people started working together, and quickly turned the meeting room into a classroom.

Yang Qing took the mobile phone and connected it to the projector. As the projector lit up on the curtain, someone soon closed the curtains of the conference room.

Up to now, those who can still stay here are all people that Weihua can trust. In fact, Weihua is not afraid. After all, a structure cannot be understood casually. It can be said that its drawings can be printed out. At least one hundred and eighty catties weighed, and a complete system could not be formed just by overheard fragments of words.

As for Yang Qing, he didn't come here to explain the whole structure at once, but to let everyone understand the principle and implementation method of the chaotic structure he established.

Yang Qing adjusted it a few times, and displayed an enlarged photo of Xinlan No. 1 before packaging on the projector.

What suddenly appeared in front of everyone was Xinlan No. 1. After zooming in, it became something like a high-rise building, which was far more shocking than the 12th generation I9 of x86 under the electron microscope.

Compared with Xinlan No. 1, the silicon fins of the 12th generation I9 are like a one-story hut in the countryside.

Among the high-rise buildings, there are lines shining with silver light, which are naturally Xinlan No. 1, the proud silver interconnection technology.

Using silver as a wire, although the cost is much higher than that of copper wires, the corresponding resistance and heat dissipation capacity are much stronger.

"This is our New Blue One, which adopts the brand-new silver interconnection technology, but this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is its true 3D transistor technology, which can directly integrate the thickness of Intel's 3D 3D transistor technology Tri-Gat. It can be said that several times of improvement, it can be said that several floors of high-rise buildings have been built."

"Of course, our 3D transistor technology is implemented in a completely different way from Tri-Gat, and you don't have to worry about it infringing on Intel's patents."

"Although true 3D transistor technology can greatly increase the density of transistors, this is why I use a relatively large process to achieve a 5-nanometer process with a similar chip area."

"This is a problem in the manufacturing process, so I won't talk about it for the time being. Now I will mainly talk about the architecture used by Xinlan No. 1. I call it the chaotic architecture."

"The chaotic architecture is the reason why Xinlan No. 1 achieves performance far beyond most chips on the market with a larger process and fewer transistors."

"The basis of the chaotic architecture is this special register."

Yang Qing enlarged part of the chip, revealing a special structure inside, and told everyone.

"This special register has a variety of different working methods. It can be switched between CPU or GPU at any time, and with the support of software, it can work together, which is similar to FPGA."

"A chip with such an architecture does not have a distinction between cores. Seriously speaking, each is a relatively small core, and even has a cache."

"So, it's not that our New Blue One doesn't have multiple cores. In fact, it has countless cores. Of course, due to the relatively small registers, the multi-core performance of New Blue One is better than single-core The performance lead is smaller.”

"In fact, as long as everyone understands the structure of this special register, it is not difficult to design a chip similar to Xinlan No. 1."

Of course, this kind of simplicity only refers to Yang Qing. Although there are not many special hardware instruction sets in Chaos One, and more rely on Xiaomei's driver software, which instruction set occupies which position requires extremely detailed design. Even a slight difference in the flow of current can cause a world of difference in how efficiently a chip operates.

But Yang Qing can only talk about it here, and the rest is to give them the public design drawings of the chaotic architecture, and let them go back and study it by themselves. If it is not possible, they can just copy it.

Of course, the more important thing is the driver of the chaotic architecture. Yang Qing estimated that with their capabilities, there would be no chance to reprogram one, so he simply provided the source code for them to study.

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