The Return of the Black Technology of Immortal World

Vol 3 Chapter 100: Design software for fools

After letting the group below digest it for a while, Yang Qing came on stage again.

But this time it is not about registers, but about how this true 3D transistor is implemented in engineering, and what else this implementation can do.

Although this is only a matter of engineering, it is equally important for chip design, because only by understanding the technology can we play freely within the technical framework and maximize the value of technology.

It seemed that there was not much to say, but Yang Qing was talking, and then answered some questions, and it was already past one o'clock in the afternoon.

Xu Hai stepped forward and interrupted Yang Qing who was still answering questions:

"Mr. Yang, it's getting late, let's have a meal first, and then continue talking?"

"Okay!" Yang Qing was completely willing to refuse anyone who came to eat, and walked down after hearing this.

The place to eat is Weihua's cafeteria, but the meals are delivered from outside restaurants, because there is really no way to entertain so many people in a mere branch, and they can only rely on external forces.

Sitting at the dinner table, Xu Hai was beside Yang Qing and asked, "Mr. Yang, can our Weihua designers really master this chaotic structure?"

Xu Hai is not an outsider. Although the special registers are indeed precisely designed, can this alone surpass other architectures? If it weren't for the pearl from Xinlan No. 1 in front of him, he wouldn't believe it.

"Of course!" Yang Qing was very confident.

Because of the prehistoric architecture, although it borrowed some structures of the computing symbol array, on the whole, it has not deviated from the foundation of the Bluestar chip, so it is far less obscure than the dimensional space equation.

"That's good. I hope Mr. Yang will give you a good explanation in the afternoon!"

Yang Qing is already very tired of this way of answering questions. You have to know that to me, something that is like common sense has to be repeatedly explained on stage with those guys who are not even as good as idiots. Headache.

"No, I have something to do in the afternoon, how about this, I will give you a design software, dedicated to the design of chaotic architecture chips, where you can ask questions at any time, as well as the specific design direction of chaotic architecture, how to improve, can be found. "

Xu Hai was a little disappointed, but he also knew that the person in front of him could actually be regarded as a national treasure, and he couldn't be forced to do things he didn't want to do.

But fortunately, he is worried about where to find a design software. You must know that this kind of chip with a new true 3D architecture has never been involved in EDA software in the world, which means that there is no design software in their class library. storage.

Since the number of transistors in the chip exceeded 10 million in the 1990s, the way of designing chips by drawing drawings manually has been completely eliminated, because manpower is sometimes exhausted, and errors in hand-drawn drawings are difficult to find and are also eliminated. one of the reasons.

Since then, automated design software EDA has become popular, and every change in engineering application will first be reflected on EDA.

But this time, it was in a little-known small factory that took the lead in designing a brand-new chip architecture, and adopted a brand-new processing method in engineering.

This brings about a problem, that is, this method that has been applied in engineering has not been reflected in the mainstream EDA, and there is no way to design a true 3D transistor.

But this design is still the core of the chaotic architecture, which is the reason why Xu Hai has a headache.

But now, with the new design software, the design of the chip can naturally go on.

Regarding software, Xu Hai is more confident than Yang Qing. You must know that the person in front of you started out as a super translation software, which is now popular overseas, and the super compression software later on shows his programming skills more and more. The things he made , certainly no problem.

"Where is the software? Can I download one first?" Xu Hai asked.

"This software is not suitable for mobile phones, it needs to run on a computer, you just need to remember this URL!"

Yang Qing gave out a URL at random. Actually, when he spoke, this URL didn't exist yet. After he finished speaking, a brand new webpage had been created with a software download button on it.

There is no shortage of laptops for Weihua people, and soon someone took a laptop and entered the URL in the browser.

The webpage is shoddy at first glance, unabashedly imitating the page of a certain domestic platform, and there is only a button for software download.

If someone accidentally enters this website and sees the download of this software that does not even have an introduction, the anti-virus software will probably be called up immediately to perform a search and kill.

But Yang Qing's reputation was obviously very good, and the man pressed the button without hesitation.

On the desktop, a download progress bar shortened rapidly, and soon, a crisp bell sounded, announcing the end of the download.

After the download is over, there is no installation process. An option to open the software stays at the forefront. Xiao Ai imitates the green software thoroughly.

Click to open the software, and an equally simple interface is displayed, but this time it has a name, chaotic architecture chip design software.

Although compared with the commonly used EDA software, the chaotic architecture design software seems to have a single function, but it has all the necessary functions, especially the interface is all in Chinese, without any language barriers, it is easier to get started.

Xu Hai stood behind that person, and quickly called out Xinlan No. 1. Here, Xinlan No. 1 was divided more carefully. In addition to the register as the main core, the integrated memory of the two gigabytes was more and more detailed. attention-grabbing.

Although compared with the 4 to 6GB memory of mainstream devices, this 2GB memory is really small, but don't forget that this memory is at the same frequency as the CPU. Such a large bandwidth and read and write speed bring great performance. The improvement is obvious.

As early as the end of the last century, the P3 processor launched by Intel only castrated the second-level, which reduced the performance of the CPU by a large amount and made it a low-end-oriented CPU. This is the famous The source of the celeron.

At that time, the second-level cache was only a few tens of KB, which had such a huge impact on the CPU, let alone the 2GB memory that could also serve as the second-level cache.

The introduction in the software was even more detailed than Yang Qing's. He just looked at it bit by bit, and in his heart, he already had an overall impression of Xinlan No. 1.

"How? Is it useful?"

Xu Hai asked from the side.

"Very useful, I'm ready to design a simple chip." The man nodded.

In fact, this design software, in order to accommodate the level of the designer, has already been designed for a fool, not to mention in the dark, there is the help of artificial intelligence called Xiao Ai.

It can be said that anyone who wants to make any request can be reflected in the design. It can almost be said that he will teach you how to design software.

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