However, this does not mean that they will be able to design a chip that surpasses Xinlan No. 1.

Under the same manufacturing process, the design of Xinlan No. 1 is extremely excellent. In addition to increasing the number of registers, increasing the number of transistors, and naturally increasing performance, Yang Qing really never thought that there would be other chip designs that can surpass Xinlan No. 1. .

After all, Yang Qing and Xiao Ai can be regarded as the two most powerful brains on this planet, but one of them is based on biology and the other is based on matter, and they are extremely complementary.

Yang Qing looked at them as beginners, and even if he had any questions, he knew to click the answer button of the software to ask questions, and then he knew it was time to leave.

"Mr. Xu, I have something to do this afternoon, so I won't stay here."

"Mr. Yang might as well stay here. Let's find a restaurant to have a good meal at night."

Xu Hai hurriedly asked to stay.

As a foodie, Yang Qing couldn't help secretly swallowing a mouthful of saliva when he heard the words, but his control over his body had reached the extreme, even if the secretion of saliva accelerated, it would not be obvious from the surface.

"Forget it, I really have something to do in the afternoon. If Mr. Xu has time tomorrow, I'll be the host. Let's have a good meal."

Xu Hai was really moved when he heard the words. In just half a year, the whole Weihua had been turned upside down by Yang Qing. Fortunately, these changes were beneficial to Weihua after all, which also made him full of feelings for the connection with Yang Qing. interest.

With such a strong scientific research ability, and he is also an all-rounder, if he hadn't established his own company, he would have pulled Yang Qing to Weihua anyway.

It's just that he thinks about his itinerary. He will go abroad tomorrow to attend an important international conference. In fact, even today's visit has delayed many things that need to be decided by himself.

"Mr. Yang, I'm really sorry, I have an important meeting tomorrow, so I can only say sorry!"

Yang Qing nodded understandingly. The CEO of a large company is not as free as he is. This is why Yang Qing immediately found a CEO to hang up.

"Then we'll talk about it later, forget about it during this period."

"I'll take you out!"

Xu Hai sent Yang Qing to the side of the parking lot downstairs, watched him drive, disappeared from the gate, and then turned back.

As early as in the morning, the contract on the authorization of the chip structure and the purchase of 100,000 chips had already been signed, so Zhao Yuxi did not stay here at this time.

Xu Hai turned back, looked at the technicians busy in front of the laptop, and clapped his hands.

"Okay, everyone tidy up everything, let's go back to the headquarters!"

This is also what it should be. After all, the materials and the like have been obtained, and the crucial design software is also given away directly. It is time to return to the chip laboratory at home.

Not only can you use supercomputers at home to conduct simulation tests, but you can also verify the design results through circuit simulation. In short, there are many benefits.

Not to mention that Xu Hai and Weihua's group packed up and went home, Yang Qing did not drive back to the laboratory, but went straight to his home.

Apparently, Yang Qing didn't intend to go back to the office and conduct various researches, but wanted to go home directly.

However, Yang Qing's return home does not mean that he is lazy and has nothing to do. In fact, there are too many rune technologies that need to be remodeled to adapt to the situation where the aura is almost extinct on the Blue Star.

During this period of time, Yang Qing, in addition to training and refining, is more about looking for the combination of rune technology and Blue Star.

Today, one thing can be regarded as a clue, that is, the storage bag.

There are indeed all kinds of storage equipment in the prehistoric world, but just as Yang Qing expected, in the prehistoric world where the aura of heaven and earth is so dense, there will always be some special minerals that are not available on the blue star.

For example, the Sumeru stone used to refine storage equipment, Yang Qing repeatedly verified, but could not determine its elemental composition, making people wonder whether it is composed entirely of quarks.

Although Yang Qing had never seen a quark on the blue star, it is also true that the composition of the Sumeru stone is smaller than atoms and has a heavier mass. Its smallest composition is basically comparable to electrons.

Obviously, on Blue Star, it is impossible to have this kind of strong interaction material, nor can it be manufactured by that kind of technology.

Storage equipment, such as storage bracelets and storage rings, cannot be produced without Sumeru stones.

However, even in the wilderness, the space equipment refined with Sumeru Stone is not accessible to ordinary monks, and the bottom monks generally use storage bags.

Storage bags are generally woven with silk vomited by various spirit insects. During the weaving process, various space runes will be formed in the cloth pattern. After forming the space rune array, it can be made into a storage bag.

The size of the storage bag is closely related to the quality of the spirit worm silk, and it is also related to the space rune array. Just judging from the size, it is not necessarily inferior to the storage equipment.

However, its biggest disadvantage is that it cannot recognize the master, and any monk can open it directly, and it is not strong enough, and it is easy to be damaged in a fight.

On the contrary, the storage equipment refined by Sumeru Stone can not only recognize the owner, but also is extremely strong. Basically, it is difficult to destroy it by conventional means. Even if it is thrown into the turbulent space, it may survive.

Obviously, there would be no spirit insects on the blue star, so Yang Qing took the next best thing and found some high-quality silk from that year.

The silk has been nourished by the spiritual energy, although it is still not comparable to the spirit insect silk, it finally contains a part of the spiritual energy.

However, the aura obtained in this way is obviously not strong enough, and it is easy to separate from the silk. Yang Qing needs further refining before it can be used as a raw material for the storage bag.

And today was when the high-grade raw silk ordered by Yang Qing was delivered.

The car stopped at the gate of the villa area, UU Reading took the raw silk from the guard, and drove directly to his home.

Without talking to Bai Ling who came up, Yang Qing went straight into the basement, the quiet room he installed for himself.

The original source crystals have been exhausted, leaving only the hexagon that is difficult to use again, there.

However, during this period of time, Yang Qing deliberately brought back more than a dozen source crystals and spirit stones for cultivation purposes, so there is no shortage of source crystals here.

Yang Qing sat cross-legged on his cushion, and took out a strand of white raw silk from the bag.

The color is snow white, the silk is fine and smooth, it really is the best raw silk, Yang Qing nodded, and a spirit energy was drawn out from a source crystal.

The aura didn't run wild, but was firmly bound around the raw silk, creating a local pressure.

This kind of pressure pushed the aura that was already well combined with the raw silk into the inside of the raw silk at an accelerated speed. In less than twenty minutes, the aura that could be absorbed in the raw silk reached saturation.

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