"Qingzi has been recruiting cats since he was a child. Look at Lingling, she really knows her relatives. She has never met her before, so she followed her."

Mom said to Dad with a smile.

"Really! I just said hello to this little guy, you still want a raccoon cat!"

"There's nothing wrong with a cihuamao! A cihuamao is easy to raise and won't get sick!"

"Ha ha!"

The sound of quarreling between parents and mothers came from my ears, and Yang Qing showed a smile on his face. This is the so-called fireworks in the world, right?

In the prehistoric era, everything revolved around the activities of the monks. Family ties, including the relationship between parents and children who are monks, because of the long survival time, there are not many, let alone mortal parents and monks who gather less and leave more.

In addition, after a monk has successfully cultivated, the radiation that comes with the soul is also one of the reasons why mortal parents are difficult to approach.

However, in the prehistoric world, the importance of sacrificial inheritance is extremely important, which seems to be related to the existence of a dark side in the prehistoric world, where the dead can become yin and live, and the wish power from the yang side is their practice. one of the foundations.

Those cultivating families can still worship their own ancestors, but for children like Yang Qing, who come from the mortal world, only the ancestors of the sect are worshiped.

The soul radiation of high-level monks is actually not impossible to hide. Just like Yang Qing, when he returned to Blue Star, although he lost most of his consciousness, he managed to seal his soul.

Although this kind of situation is definitely related to Blue Star's environment without aura, there is no reason why things that can be done on Blue Star can't be done in the prehistoric.

Yang Qing didn't bother to think about the conspiracy here, but on the Blue Star, especially in the Hua Kingdom, there were also ancestor sacrifices, which made him more suspicious that in the ancient times, the Blue Star, at least the Chinese, must have a connection with the prehistoric.

Perhaps it was the great power of the ancient times who directly established a communication channel with Honghuang, but it may also be similar to the tiny black hole through which his soul traveled.

But Yang Qing is more inclined to the former, thinking that in the ancient myths of Blue Star, whether it is Buzhou Mountain, Jianmu, or Tongtian Pagoda, they all refer to the passage to the heavens. When it collapsed, human beings gradually lost the way to enter the heaven.

The cultivator's spiritual consciousness was running extremely fast, and in less than a second, he had already connected many things of Lanxing Honghuang together and thought about it.

At this time, he had already walked in front of the dining table, and a large bowl of noodles had been placed on it. The marinade of sauerkraut shredded pork, some yellowed sauerkraut, paired with snow-white noodles, looked very appetizing.

Yang Qing smiled slightly, sat down, picked up the chopsticks, stirred them together, then picked up a chopsticks of noodles and sent them to his mouth.

Apparently, the noodles are not as colorful and flavorful as those made by chefs in five-star hotels, but they have a homey taste, especially when a fried, browned poached egg is turned out underneath.

Yang Qing carefully ate up the noodles first, and then bit into the poached egg with a look of enjoyment. After all the egg whites on the side of the poached egg were eaten up, there was only a runny egg yolk left.

Just when Yang Qing was about to put the egg yolk in his mouth, a meow suddenly came from his ear.

Looking down, it turned out that it was the little guy Lingling staring at her with big blue eyes.

"Little guy, are you hungry too? Okay, I'll make it for you!"

So in front of Lingling's eyes, a miracle happened. The yolk of the poached egg left the chopsticks and floated in the air.

"Meow!" A shrill scream came.

Lingling's hair was all tied up, her small body was arched, and her four claws stretched out sharp claws, firmly grasping the clothes on Yang Qing's shoulders.

The claws had already penetrated the thin clothes and touched the skin of the shoulders, and they were digging down hard, trying to get inside.

Fortunately, it was Yang Qing. After the transformation of spiritual energy, his skin looked tender and soft to the touch, but it was extremely tough. If you scratched it with a knife, there would be no traces left, let alone a small milk. The cat's claws were broken, and its strength only pushed the skin into small pits, but there was no sign of penetration.

If one wanted to pierce through such a skin, unless it was a rifle with a muzzle kinetic energy exceeding one thousand joules, even a pistol would not be a big threat to him now.

Ignoring Lingling's fear, Yang Qing quickly controlled the egg yolk, allowing it to be continuously compressed in his consciousness, and extracted a little spiritual energy from the spirit stone in his pocket, and put it inside. Finally, the whole egg yolk turned into a It became a pill the size of a soybean.

"What did you do to Lingling? Don't bully Lingling."

Lingling's pitiful cry still caught her mother's attention, and she hurried over from the living room, but before she arrived, the words had already been conveyed.

Lingling, who was a little overwhelmed by the scene in front of her, couldn't help opening her mouth wide, like a child seeing an unexpected situation for the first time.

Yang Qing hurriedly drew the pill, and it went straight into Lingling's mouth. Before it could react, the pill had already entered her stomach.


Lingling yelled with some doubts, as if she didn't know the whereabouts of the pill, but her guard had been relaxed, her erect hair immediately drooped down softly, her tail, which had grown to twice its original size, was also loose It got down and rested on Yang Qing's body softly, shaking uneasy.

But even so, the kitten didn't get off his shoulders, but leaned against Yang Qing's neck tremblingly.

"What did you do to Lingling?"

My mother had already rushed over at this time, looked at the kitten lying on Yang Qing's shoulder suspiciously, and asked.

"What can I do? It seems to be scared when it sees something?"

Yang Qing replied innocently.

"Give it to me! Scared our furkids!"

Mom took Lingling from Yang Qing's shoulder, who was still trembling, and carried her back to the living room, comforting her as she walked.

"Put the bowl there, and wait for me to come back and clean it up."

Halfway through the walk~www.readwn.com~ Mom turned around and asked.

Yang Qing agreed, and her heart was filled with warmth.

At this moment, he suddenly discovered that the impact of the huge soul in his brain on the seal had been reduced a lot.

The reason why Lingling made a spiritual energy pill was that he wanted to try what kind of changes would happen to the creatures on the blue star after receiving the supplement of spiritual energy.

Will it return to its ancestors, or will it become a demon like a prehistoric creature?

Anyway, with him staring at her, Lingling's life would not be in danger. Wouldn't it be a good thing if her spiritual intelligence could be raised a little higher under the influence of spiritual energy?

Yang Qing put down the bowl and chopsticks, walked towards the living room, poured himself a cup of tea, and then sat on the sofa.

He just sat down, and Lingling, who was startled just now, was already struggling, escaped from her mother's arms, and ran onto his body, rubbing her small head against his body.

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